Tag "Németország"

Hospitality and cultural life in Germany can be shut down throughout November

Hospitality and tourism and artistic and cultural life in Germany could be shut down for the whole of November due to the intensification of the coronavirus pandemic – the federal...

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GfK: consumer sentiment noticeably deteriorated in Germany

As a result of the intensifying coronavirus pandemic, consumer sentiment deteriorated markedly in Germany in October, according to a survey by the GfK Nuremberg Economic Research Institute on Thursday. After...

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Panic shopping is spreading again in Germany

With the intensification of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the phenomenon of panic shopping has reappeared in Germany – the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) wrote on Monday. According...

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Consumer prices fell in Germany in September

For more than five years, consumer prices fell the most in September in Germany, according to a Tuesday report by the German federal statistical office Destatis. According to the final...

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Pandemic rules are being tightened in the German capital

The rules for slowing down the coronavirus pandemic in Berlin will be tightened from the end of the week, because the spread of the virus has accelerated above the limit...

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The IWH research institute does not expect a wave of bankruptcies in Germany

Despite the coronavirus crisis, the number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany has stabilized at a low level, but the number of jobs lost has risen, according to a report by...

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GfK: minimally improved consumer sentiment in Germany in October

German consumer sentiment is barely improving in October compared to the previous month, with minimal pessimism remaining, according to a forecast released by GfK’s Nuremberg-based Economic Research Institute published on...

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AM: CAP reform talks in Brussels have turned to the finish line

The aim of the German Presidency of the Council is for the Member States to adopt the Council’s position on the new rules of the common agricultural policy in October....

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BDI has moderated its forecast for this year’s German GDP decline

The German economy has reached the bottom of the crisis in the second quarter, the correction has already started in the third quarter. This year’s decline in gross domestic product...

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ZEW’s German Economic Sentiment Index is on a twenty-year high

In September, instead of the expected decline, the economic sentiment index in Germany rose to a twenty-year high in a survey by the ZEW economic research institute in Mannheim. The...

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The Hungarian meat industry is calling for solidarity against the expected dumping of pigs from Germany

The Association of Hungarian Meat Industry urges retail chains not to buy and sell pork at unrealistically low prices, even if German pork appears on the European market at dumped...

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Consumer prices fell in August on a monthly basis in Germany

In August, inflation in Germany was in line with expectations, meaning that consumer prices fell on a monthly basis and remained unchanged on an annual basis. According to data posted...

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African swine fever has appeared in Germany

African swine fever has reached Germany, the swine fatal virus (ASP) has been detected in a wild boar carcass, the federal government’s agriculture and food minister announced in Berlin on...

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Wave of bankruptcies may occur in German tourism and hospitality

Since World War II, the biggest loss of revenue could occur and a wave of bankruptcies could begin in the German tourism and hospitality industry, according to data from the...

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They don’t ask for the real price of food in stores

The hidden costs were also taken into account, so the so-called real price of each food was calculated in a research in Germany, wrote startlap.hu after magyarmezogazdasag.hu. In one of...

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Bundesbank: no more government and central bank subsidies!

Jens Weidmann, the president of the Bundesbank, saw the time had come to make it clear that government and central bank subsidies introduced due to the coronavirus crisis should be...

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Monthly retail sales decreased in July in Germany

Contrary to expectations, retail sales in Germany did not increase but decreased in July compared to the previous month, cooling hopes that household consumption could lead to a strong economic...

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GfK: consumer sentiment deteriorated in Germany

Consumer sentiment deteriorated in August, according to a survey by the GfK Nuremberg Economic Research Institute, which casts doubt on whether household consumption is strong enough to revive an economy...

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The lifting of pandemic restrictions in Germany is stopped

With the rise in the number of infections, the lifting of restrictions is stopped to slow down the coronavirus epidemic in Germany – a decision was made on Thursday at...

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The largest European economies show the signs of slowdown

In Germany, France and the euro area as a whole, IHS Markit published its preliminary purchasing method indices in August, and other indicators besides the German manufacturing industry fell short...

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(HU) A nagy kólák vetélytársa Németországban

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The German antitrust authority is investigating Amazon

Following a recent settlement, the German antitrust authority has launched another investigation in connection with Amazon – Világgazdaság Online wrote after Reuters and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “We are currently...

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Consumer prices in Germany fell in July

Consumer prices in Germany fell 0.1 percent on an annual basis in July. The annual consumer price index fell for the first time since April 2016, according to a Thursday...

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Economic sentiment in Germany and the euro area has improved significantly, according to a ZEW survey

Instead of deteriorating, the economic sentiment index improved unexpectedly sharply, reaching a 16-year high in Germany and a 5-year high in the euro area – according to the August survey...

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Germans quit traditional retail units the most

Last year the private consumption of retail goods dropped 1 percent in the EU-27. On average European Union consumers spend 29.9 percent of their money in classic stores. In this...

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German exports jumped

Germany’s exports jumped significantly in June, at double-digit rates, in June compared with the previous month, while imports rose less than expected, leaving both trade and current account surpluses higher...

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Retail sales in Germany were mixed in June

On an annual basis, retail sales in Germany declined in a month-on-month comparision in June. The German federal statistical office Destatis annpunced on Friday that retail sales in Germany fell...

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Ifo’s German business sentiment improved better than expected in July

Ifo’s German business sentiment improved better than expected in July, compared to the previous month. Analysts’ expected less. The companies surveyed rated their current business environment as worse than they...

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Consumer sentiment in Germany has improved significantly

The consumer sentiment index of the GfK Economic Research Institute in Nuremberg, Germany, in August exceeded expectations, partly due to the reduction of VAT as part of the government’s economic...

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Prices in German online retail stores did not include reduced VAT

Online retail stores in Germany hardly pass on reduced VAT to their customers as part of the business package, according to a survey conducted by the Idealo comparison portal for...

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