Europol: tens of thousands of tons of counterfeit food were seized across Europe

About 27,000 tons of fake food, including at least 15 million liters of counterfeit or modified quality alcohol, including mainly burnt spirits and wine, were seized in Europe as part...

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Nébih recalled cheese with listeria

Due to Listeria monocytogenes contamination, the French manufacturer recalled the 3-kilogram package of Brie Maubert 33% cheese with an expiration date of 11/30/2022, which was also marketed in Hungary, the...

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Nébih: Hungarians throw away less food than the EU average

According to the latest Eurostat report, Hungarians throw away less food than the EU average – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on Friday. In one year, almost...

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Bird flu has reared its head again in Bács-Kiskun county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in the animals of two duck farms in Bács-Kiskun county....

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The installation of invasive species was prevented by Nébih’s fish watch service

One of the main tasks of the Nébih State Fisheries Service (ÁHSZ) is to check the regularity of fish stocking and the traceability of fish, so during the period of...

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Nébih: three hundred kilograms of illegally stored fish were released back into the Csepel gravel mine pond

Three hundred kilograms of illegally stored fish were released back into the Csepel gravel pit, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Thursday. They explained: the fishmongers...

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Serious question: do you know how much you waste?

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is waiting for applications from households for its fourth food waste assessment. Since 2016, the office has been monitoring the development of the...

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The bird flu situation in Europe is still not encouraging

There has been no positive change in the bird flu situation in Europe since the beginning of September, and the wild bird migration taking place throughout the continent in the...

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You are what you eat

Most Hungarian consumers think of healthy eating when organic foods are discussed, but many are also beginning to be aware of the sustainability aspects of these foods. Although organic foods...

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Don’t order firewood from Facebook!

Due to the extremely high demand for firewood, fraudsters have also become more active. Thanks to the increased official controls, their space for maneuver on the official advertising platforms has...

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Plant protection drone pilots are trained at the University of Debrecen

The use of increasingly important drones in precision agriculture is supported by the new, practice-oriented course of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management of the University of...

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Growing demand for needles – increased controls

Due to the surge in needle thread demand across the country, deliveries also increased. In the spirit of this, the EUTR authority of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih)...

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The price of poultry meat can skyrocket

Brutal inflation is not enough, the bird flu is also worsening the meat price situation: in the near future, the price of poultry may rise drastically because of this. At...

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Nébih’s new cooperation agreement can speed up the licensing of plant protection products

The fact that the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has concluded a cooperation agreement with NEVEX Institute Kft. can speed up the licensing of plant protection products, Nébih told...

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We are on the right track, our food waste has decreased by a quarter

Between 2016 and 2021, food waste in households decreased by 24%, it was revealed during the third waste assessment of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). According to the...

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The amount of food waste in Hungary is amazing

The majority of Hungarians claim to be environmentally conscious, and we throw approximately 300,000 tons of salvageable food into the trash every year. 80 percent of the Hungarian population considers...

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Nébih handed out certificates of appreciation for arable plant varieties

On Wednesday, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) presented certificates of recognition for arable plant varieties at Székkutas in Csongrád-Csanád county. At the event held at the Székkutasi Plant...

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Although the majority of Hungarians shop consciously, they still waste a lot of food

According to their own admission, the majority of Hungarians buy consciously and pay attention to the expiry date of food, yet they produce 65 kilograms of food waste every year,...

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The supporting control campaign of drone plant protection service providers has begun

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) provides a supporting inspection to ensure that plant protection service providers with spraying drones perform their tasks in accordance with the law. During...

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The good, the bad and the new

“In the summer of 2021 certain single-use plastics were banned in Hungary, but many partners interpreted the new law as it referred to all single-use plastic products.  This resulted in...

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They’e experimenting with growing half a thousand varieties of figs in Becsehely in Zala

About half a thousand varieties of figs are being experimented with in Becsehely, Zala county, where almost half a hundred varieties were judged by professionals and laymen on Tuesday; they...

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Report on the 2022 corn seed situation

The 2022 corn cultivation and seed propagation were basically determined by the lack of rainfall and the heat. In some regions, after July 2021, there was no significant rainfall during...

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The PRRS exemption can only be preserved with the awareness of livestock keepers

Thanks to many years of persistent and consistent work, at the beginning of this year we succeeded in achieving the freedom of Hungary from porcine reproductive disorders and respiratory symptoms...

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The dog of the State Fisheries Service, Bandita, is back in service

Bandita, the dog of the State Fisheries Service, successfully passed the exam requirements again. The four-legged fish guard and his dog handler both performed excellently in this year’s round of...

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Extra caution is justified: bird flu is once again spreading throughout Europe

From Portugal to Finland, the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has been detected in several European countries in recent weeks, which clearly proves that the disease continues to pose an...

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The number of champagne wineries in Hungary has tripled

The number of wineries producing champagne has tripled in 5 years and last year it already exceeded 120 wineries, thanks to the growing consumer demand for special, high-quality champagnes and...

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Nébih opened a street exhibition

A street exhibition of works on the topic of food waste opened on August 30, 2022. II. the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in its district headquarters. The thought-provoking...

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A comprehensive grape harvest inspection has started in Hungary

A comprehensive grape harvest inspection began today – announced Zsolt Feldman, the state secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development. The authorities, with the cooperation of the National Tax and...

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Strawberry seedlings of unauthorized origin were seized by the NÉBIH

About 6,000 strawberry seedlings of unknown origin were seized by the experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) during test purchases at strawberry propagating material distributors in Bács-Kiskun...

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The epidemic is finally over! Hungary can breathe a sigh of relief!

According to the relevant regulations of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), Hungary regained its freedom from bird flu. In view of the favorable development of the epidemiological situation,...

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