Tag "munkaerőpiac"

Profession.hu: fluctuation in the labor market is not always bad

The decision-making process of the HR profession has changed significantly in recent years, and changes in the economic environment typically affect the industry quickly and significantly. The epidemic situation, record...

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Multinational companies shared their experiences with guest workers

There is still a shortage of labor and professionals in Hungary. Unemployment is at an unprecedented low level, and the domestic labor force is almost completely exhausted. Thanks to the...

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Jobtain: This is worth knowing about the foreign workforce working for us

The labor shortage in our country is breaking records compared to the last five years. According to KSH data, 2022. II. a total of 98,648 vacancies were available in the...

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Employing people with disabilities is a help for many companies

Four out of ten Hungarian companies have employees with disabilities, and the majority of employers reported positive experiences with joint work. In the vast majority of cases, the integration of...

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There is such a shortage of bakers that they are looking for a baker in Diósd for a net price of 650,000

Another peak salary in the hospitality industry has appeared on the labor market. The labor shortage is at such a level that they would hire workers at previously unimaginable wages....

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The Ministry of Agriculture eases labor retention obligations related to some subsidies

The economic environment of the war and the extreme drought situation have an extremely serious impact on agriculture. Considering this, a decision was made to mitigate the legal consequences related...

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Workers from 15 distant countries can now come to Hungary under simplified conditions

Employment in Hungary remains at a record level: in June 2022, the average number of employed persons exceeded 4.7 million people. At the same time, the labor shortage is a...

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According to a survey, two-thirds of career starters want a salary of over 350,000 HUF

Two-thirds of young people starting their careers would like to receive a gross salary of over 350,000 forints per month, just over thirty percent of those surveyed would be satisfied...

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The number of employees in the second quarter was 4,693 thousand

Employment remains at a peak, 67,000 new jobs were created in the domestic primary labor market in one year, the number of public employees decreased by 6,000, and the number...

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Analysts: the start of summer jobs in June also helped employment

The Hungarian labor market is close to full employment, and there is hardly any further opportunity to increase employment. With the start of summer work, seasonal effects also appear strongly...

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Capgemini Research Institute: 34% of employees plan to leave their current job within a year

According to international research examining employee experience within companies, managers are overly optimistic about their employees’ job satisfaction. 28% of non-managerial employees claim that they feel comfortable at work, while...

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Unemployment in the euro area has fallen to a record low

Unemployment fell to a record high in the euro area in May, while it stagnated in the European Union. The EU’s statistical office, Eurostat, said on Thursday that the unemployment...

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Magazine: László Krisán: “Everyone has their share of responsibility in crisis management”

Our magazine asked László Krisán, the CEO of KAVOSZ Zrt. about the past year, the present situation and their plans for the future. – How did the different types of...

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Analysts: employment is almost complete in Hungary

In a situation close to full employment, more and more vacancies are forcing companies to compete for wages, which will further fuel inflation, analysts who told MTI commented the latest...

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ManpowerGroup: 30 percent of employers are looking for new labor

In the next quarter, 30 percent of Hungarian employers indicated that they were looking to increase their workforce, while 17 percent planned to cut it, according to ManpowerGroup’s labor market...

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Survey: The wage demand of Hungarian career starters increased by 29 percent

The average net wage demand of Hungarian career starters was 322,000 HUF, wich is an increase of 29 percent compared to last year, the Zyntern.com job portal told MTI on...

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Helix: New employer approaches are needed globally

The power-centric, past practice of employers has suffered many shocks in the last few years, and the usual system has become essentially unsustainable in the current circumstances, said György Dudás,...

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Profession.hu: The challenges of returning to the office and the employer’s answers to them

Two years ago, the forced and rapid introduction of the home office posed a challenge to employers and their employees, and now returning to the office is putting both sides...

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KSH: almost 4.7 million employees in Hungary

In April, the average number of employees aged 15-74 was 4 million 688 thousand, compared to 4 million 684 thousand in the three-month period February-April, 109 thousand more than a...

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Increasing labor migration, 43% of workers would be willing to resign within a year

Four out of ten employees would resign within a year, most of them switching to a higher-paying job, according to an international survey by EY involving more than 1,500 employers...

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Profession.hu: three-quarters of those who leave do not plan to return to their original profession

There are almost two million dropouts in Hungary, three-quarters of them are sure that they will no longer work in their previous profession, only a quarter of dropouts are planning...

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Profession.hu: Since 2020, the average net wage demand of employees has increased by 12 percent annually

Net wage demands of employees in Hungary have increased by an average of 12 percent year-on-year since 2020. Pest County is the first in the regional comparison, jobseekers request the...

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There are only 2,000 places left for state-sponsored free IT training

Today, you can apply for a 100 percent state-funded IT training called the Redesign Program, announced for the third time by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM). The free...

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You can apply for free IT training until midnight on Friday, one-third of the vacancies are already full

You can apply for a 100 percent state-funded IT training called the Redesign Program, announced for the third time by the Department of Innovation and Technology (ITM), until midnight on...

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Analysts: Hungary’s labor market could be close to full employment

Hungary’s labor market could be close to full employment and the already significant labor shortage will cause even more serious headaches for companies as production chains recover and supply constraints...

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KSH: the number of employees was 4,697,000 in March

In the three-month period of January-March, the average number of employees was 4,674,000, 107,000 more than in the same period of the previous year. In March, the average number of...

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The average number of employees in January-March was 4,674,000

The number of employees decreased by 10 thousand and the number of commuters abroad was 14 thousand more than in the same period of the previous year, so the average...

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ITM: the number of jobseekers drop by nearly 10,000 in one month

The number of jobseekers decreased by almost 10,000 in April, and after the first quarter of 2022, the number of registered jobseekers was much better in April than in the...

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Employing people with disabilities: value and opportunity

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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K&H: the third of young people would test themselves working abroad

One third of young people would try themselves working abroad, according to a survey conducted by the K&H Youth Index. On Sunday, K&H sent MTI a report on the results...

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