Tag "Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestülete"

SIRHA Budapest 2024 was successful in every respect

This year’s SIRHA Budapest was a big success. HUNGEXPO welcomed the most important representatives of the Hungarian and the regional gastronomy sector for the sixth time. On 30,000m² more than...

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MVI General Assembly 2024

The annual general meeting of the Hungarian Association of Caterers for the year 2024 was held on May 15th in the Gundel Solti Hall. The annual general meeting of the...

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MVI conference at SIRHA

On the first day of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair, the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) held a conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5...

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Green gastronomy: what could be the recipe for sustainable success?

At the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair, the HoReCa and Event Chapter and the Green Chapter of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) jointly organised a marketing communication workshop, where the...

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Prices are rising again in domestic restaurants

Recently, more and more restaurants have decided not to reflect the costs to their guests in the price of food and drinks, but rather to raise the service fee. Due...

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Year of the Dragon – expectations of the gastronomy sector for 2024

Chinese astrology predicts the awakening of great energies in the Year of the Dragon, which will most likely be marked by big changes, and the prediction is that these changes...

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The conference is organized by the Industry Council of Hungarian Restaurateurs

The Hungarian Hospitality Industry Association (MVI) is organizing a conference within the framework of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 exhibition at the beginning of March. On Tuesday, March 5, the Hungarian...

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Zoltán Erhardt won the Guest of the Year award in 2023

The membership of the Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestülete (MVI) awarded the Restaurant of the Year award in 2023 to Zoltán Erhardt, the owner of Erhardt Étterem, Panzió és Kézműves Pékség in...

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Évzáró Gála és a Gundel-díj átadása

Rendkívül jó hangulatban, neves séfek közreműködésével zajlott a Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestületének idén már 10. alkalommal megrendezett évzáró Gálája, amelyet ezúttal is az idei Gundel Károly-díjak átadásával kötöttek össze a szervezők. A szakma Kossuth-díjának...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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This year’s Gundel award gala was like this – Video of the day

On October 15, this year’s Gundel awards were presented at the Gundel restaurant as part of the traditional year-end gala dinner of the Hungarian Hospitality Industry Association....

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Gundel Award winners in 2023

A Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestülete Gundel Károly 140. születésnapját is ünnepelve megtartotta hagyományos kitüntetési bizottsági ülését: a szakma idén 10. alkalommal döntött a Gundel Károly-díj elnyerőinek személyéről. This article is available...

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Statisztikai helyzetjelentés 2023

Az MVI évente közzéteszi statisztikai helyzetjelentését a vendéglátásról. Az alapvetően a KSH által közzétett statisztikai adatokra épülő jelentésből megismerhető az ágazat 2022-es teljesítménye. Az anyag rövid összefoglalójának első része turizmus-vendéglátás...

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Beyond the crisis, Hungarian hoteliers and restaurateurs are from here in Kanaán

Hungarian accommodation providers and caterers knew that the crisis caused by the pandemic and the price explosion was behind them, but the ideal situation was still far from being reached....

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MVI calls for a preferential treatment for the trade

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) is proposing to cap energy prices in the hospitality sector. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. In the second half...

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Your nominations for this year’s Gundel Prize winners are also pending until September 8

In memory of the work of restaurateur and gastronomy writer Károly Gundel, the Magyar Vendéglátók Iparstületü is announcing a call for participation in the selection of the awardee for the...

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The MVI requests that the interests of the catering industry be enforced in certain government decisions

The Industry Board of Magyar Vendéglátók recommends maximizing the energy price in hospitality. The MVI welcomed the recently published government decree regarding the price ceiling for electricity in the case...

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Guild days

In March the Hungarian Confectioners Guild could finally host its “housewarming party” at its refurbished headquarters (where a confectioner workshop was also built), after the event had been delayed many...

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NAV position regarding the legal interpretation problems of the service fee

The gross amount of the collected service fee can be reduced by the amount of VAT before distribution and payment to the employees, but it cannot be reduced by other...

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50 percent of the catering industry may close the shutters

ATV Híradó contacted several restaurants that have already closed, but none of the former owners wanted to comment. According to László Kovács, the president of the Hungarian Catering Association, it...

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Artisjus fees after the recession

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) represents the interests of hospitality businesses and regularly negotiates with the Artisjus Hungarian Bureau for the Protection of Authors’ Rights. Today the sales turnover...

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MVI condemns unfair business attitude

In a statement, the Hungarian Hospitality Industry Association distances itself from what happened in the Hajós utca bar and any method of stealing from tourists, and calls on the competent...

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Mandatory deposit return scheme

From 1 July 2023 a mandatory deposit return scheme for glass and plastic bottles and aluminium cans will be introduced in Hungary. László Kovács, president of the Guild of Hungarian...

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You can also nominate who will receive this year’s Gundel Award

In memory of the work of restaurateur and gastronomy writer Károly Gundel, the Hungarian Hospitality Industry Association – with the cooperation of several partner organizations – announces a call for...

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A great number of catering units closed in the past couple of years – this may be the reason

Compared to 2019, there are 3,500 fewer catering establishments in Hungary. A third of the shops that were forced to close were operating in Budapest, the president of the Hungarian...

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(HU) Szavazzon Ön is, kié legyen a 2022. évi Gundel-díj!

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(HU) Felhívás a 2022-es Gundel Károly-díjra jelölésre

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Looking back at Sirha Budapest 2022

Sirha Budapest was organised for the fifth time and by now the trade show has become the biggest event in the region, where gastronomy, the food, bakery and confectionery sectors,...

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(HU) MVI-konferencia a Sirha Budapest 2022 szakkiállításon

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(HU) Gundel Jánosra emlékezik a szakma

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