Tag "Magyar Termék védjegy"

PENNY was focusing on people and the environment in 2023

In 2023 PENNY Magyarország has taken a number of important steps to further strengthen its market position, people-oriented business practices and sustainable growth. PENNY has invested nearly HUF 4bn in...

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GeePower Manufacturing Kft. now produces most of its formerly subcontracted products in its own factory

“The value of domestic household chemical brands lies in that they are well-known and popular. Our mission is to further strengthen the brand loyalty of customers, so we continuously improve...

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One third of the products bearing the Hungarian Product trademark are private labels

In response to the needs of domestic consumers, retail chains have recently taken steps to further emphasise the domestic origin of their private label products. This article is available for...

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Hungarian Product trademarks underline the true value of AGROSPRINT products

For more than three decades Agrosprint has been a leading company in the domestic market for quick-frozen fruit and vegetables. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4...

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Hungarian Product trademarks: the “Hungarian gives you more” campaign continues next year

Our magazine interviewed Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 – What are the most important achievements of 2023...

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CBA: fókuszban a Magyar Termék védjegyes termékek! – A vállalat tovább erősíti a Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft.-vel közös együttműködését

A hazai kereskedelmi üzletláncok közül a CBA is kiemelten kezeli a kiváló minőségű magyar termékek széles körű forgalmazását. Ennek hátterében több fontos tényező áll, amelyek magyarázzák, miért helyez a vállalat...

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A várakozások fölött a Magyar Termék védjegyet használók éves árbevétele

Az utóbbi időszak gazdasági fejleményei hatására a korábbiaknál is magasabb szintet ért el a hazai fogyasztók árérzékenysége. Ennek következtében a vásárlók egyre megfontoltabban és tudatosabban választanak, aminek köszönhetően keresettebbé váltak...

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Florin: a key player in Hungarian households

The story of Florin began in 1957, when 12 “brave men” founded the Szeged Soap Making Chemical and Small Industries Cooperative in Szeged. This article is available for reading in...

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Új összefogáskampány indul a Magyar Termék védjegyes árucikkek népszerűsítésére

Újabb összefogáskampánnyal népszerűsíti partnerei védjegyes árucikkeit a Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. A hazaiban több van szlogennel indított több hónapos akciósorozat első etapja novemberben lesz, és 15 márka részvételével zajlik. A közösségi marketing eszközeit...

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The annual sales of users of the Hungarian Product trademark exceeded expectations

As a result of the economic developments of the last period, the price sensitivity of domestic consumers rose to a higher level than before. This trend will definitely continue for...

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Védjegyes termékein keresztül is eléri a fogyasztókat a Pécsi Sörfőzde

A Pécsi Sörfőzde 175 éve van jelen a hazai sörgyártásban. A 2017 óta magyar tulajdonban lévő cég nagy hangsúlyt fektet a minőségitermék-előállításra és innováció­ra, és a hagyományos gyártási eljárások megőrzésére is. A...

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Magyar Termék védjegyes termék is bekerült az idei Hungaricool győztesei közé

A globális kereskedelembe való betagozódás közel sem zökkenőmentes a kisebb gyártóknak. A 2023-as SPAR és a K&H közös szervezésében létrejött Hungaricool termékverseny egyik győztes vállalkozása a Magyar Termék védjegy használat mellett...

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Penny strengthened further last year, and the expansion doesn’t stop

Trade magazine interviewed Eszter Kazatsay, Penny’s head of corporate communications. – What was the most important event in the company’s life last year? – PENNY reached another important milestone last...

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All kinds of everything

First the pandemic then the war in Ukraine – these events had a huge impact on the category of gluten-free products as well. Ingredients, raw materials, packaging materials, energy and...

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Hungarian suppliers provide two thirds of PENNY’s 2,500 SKUs

This year’s winner of the Retail Award of Excellence for Hungarian Products is PENNY. The discounter pays special attention to offering products with the Hungarian Product trademark, and to finding...

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“Several Sole-Mizo products are brand icons”

According to Beáta Harcsa, strategy and marketing director of Bonafarm Zrt., the Mizo brand is famous about being an innovative force in the dairy industry. Sole-Mizo Zrt. is a member...

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Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to share my Christmas poppy seed roll baking experiences with you, but I do want to tell you something personal. This is...

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13th Hungarian Treasures programme commences

The 13th Hungarian Treasures programme of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. took 40 representatives of 30 trademark using companies to Szerencs and its surroundings. Managing director Eszter Benedek explained that the Hungarian...

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Strengthening the domestic market with Mészáros wines

In the Szekszárd wine region, Mészáros Pál Borház és Pince Kft. makes more than one million bottles of wine annually. Owner Pél Mászáros told: they sell the majority of this...

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Recession-proof solutions at the AGÓRA conference

More than 150 trademark users sent their representatives to Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft.’s 8th Agóra conference in Esztergom. Managing director Eszter Benedek welcomed participants and told: they believe that sharing knowledge...

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GOF Hungary: 2022 is the year of product innovation

GOF Hungary Kft.’s gluten-free oat processing plant started production in 2019, and currently its annual capacity is 2,000 tonnes. The company is debuting in the market with a vegan pasta...

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August is the month of Hungarian products

In August nine Hungarian FMCG manufacturers took part in the Hungarian product month programme, which was organised by Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. Managing director Eszter Benedek explained that every year...

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Both production and sales are on a growth path

From 2022 Koch’s Torma Kft.’s portfolio also contains Develey products. Head of sales József Bacskai told that the company’s sales grew by double-digit numbers in 2021 – in Hungary and...

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Tesco and Magyar Termék have signed a strategic agreement to promote domestic products

The number of products with the Magyar Termék (Hungarian Product) trademarks in Tesco’s offer will continue to expand, and in order to emphasize the domestic origin and controlled quality, the...

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Speed Dating to find the real thing

Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. has held its usual year-starting marketing forum in a special format: they invited trademark users to a Speed Dating event to a multiplex cinema in Budapest....

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Hell: Hungarian milk containing Energy Coffee conquers new markets

Szikszó-based Hell Energy Magyarország Kft. doubled is aluminium can production capacity to 3 billion/year last year. From their new innovations iced coffee Energy Coffee Coconut, which is made with lactose-free...

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Goldenburg – gold from the ground

Haladás Mezőgazdasági Zrt. launched its potato brand, Goldenburg three years ago. It isn’t easy to build a brand in the fruit-vegetable segment, especially if we are talking about a product...

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The most Hungarian brand

Lately, trademarks have been playing an increasingly important role in the consumer perception of packaged foods and have also started to affect buying decisions more frequently. On the ‘digital shelves’...

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Hungarian Product: Two hundred trademark users!

2021 was a record year for Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft., as the number of trademark using companies went above 200, the company cooperated with retailers 35 times, organised the Hungarian...

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Available to anyone

We learned from Soma Rédey, co-founder of Vilhemp Kft. that it is very beneficial for a newly established company to use a trademark that attests not only its origin, but...

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