Tag "KPMG"

KPMG: Stricter rules are coming in the area of ​​sustainability and human rights

The European Union directive on corporate due diligence related to sustainability, i.e. the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), has been published, which member states must transpose into their national...

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KPMG: AI is no longer just knocking on the door, it has knocked it down

The experts of KPMG Hungary, which is 35 years old this year, summarized the digital trends of the future and how companies can successfully connect to them in connection with...

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KPMG: Currently, every third company feels prepared for ESG-related regulations

According to the latest research from KPMG, approximately a third (29%) of companies feel they are ready for independent certification of their ESG disclosures, up from just 4% nine months...

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KPMG: Audit is moving from digital to the era of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is starting a real revolution in the field of financial reporting and auditing. Almost three-quarters of companies already use this to some extent to prepare their financial reports,...

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KPMG: This is where the path of service centers through technology leads

Significant changes have taken place in the Hungarian service industry sector in twenty years. The initial SSCs (Shared Services Center) now not only provide high added value (SSC 2.0), but...

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KPMG is testing AI as a compliance specialist helping the work of consultants

Hungarian for Innovation organized by the Joint Venture Association (JVSZ). At the conference, a KPMG Hungary employee reported on their experiment, in the framework of which they supported the process...

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Brand reputation could suffer because of falling living standards

KPMG’s Global Customer Experience Excellence Research 2023-2024 report has summarised the experiences of more than 81,000 customers in 21 countries. The survey covers around 3,000 brands. This article is available...

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KPMG: Female senior managers adapted surprisingly quickly to the polycrisis

Despite their increased workload, female senior managers are optimistic about company growth, social change, gender equality and their own careers. The majority have adapted to the current polycrisis and are...

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KPMG survey: saving the world in the hands of financiers?

According to KPMG’s survey, even companies that have been on the path to sustainability for years are struggling with how to raise the tasks related to sustainability reporting to the...

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KPMG info: the European Council would ease the criteria for the Sustainability Screening of Companies

After several months of procrastination and negotiations behind closed doors, on March 15, 2024, the European Council adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which has been circulating in the...

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How to find the best Hungarian brands? The MagyarBrands Programme will help you!

The MagyarBrands Programme has been assessing Hungarian brands for fourteen years. Its logo is a trademark that marks only the best Hungarian brands. This article is available for reading in...

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KPMG: Female senior managers adapted surprisingly quickly to the polycrisis

Despite their increased workload, female senior managers are optimistic about company growth, social change, gender equality and their own careers. The majority have adapted to the current polycrisis and are...

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Rengeteg szén, kevesebb földgáz, valamivel több megújuló a tavalyi globális energiamixben

Az Energy Institute 72. Statistical Review of World Energy című, a KPMG közreműködésével készült tanulmánya átfogó képet nyújt az energiarendszerről, a globális piacok helyzetéről 2022-ben. Három, egymásra rétegződő válság határozta meg a...

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KPMG: Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is at risk

KPMG published the Net Zero Readiness Index in 2021,1 a few weeks before the COP26 UN climate change conference in Glasgow. The event resulted in 153 countries putting forward new emissions...

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KPMG: Support for emerging technologies increased fourfold this year

Keeping up with evolving technology trends remains vital to business growth. Despite global economic uncertainty, business leaders remain committed to their digital transformation and innovation priorities – emerging technologies are...

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According to KPMG, only every fourth company feels ESG-prepared

According to KPMG’s new ESG Certification Maturity Index*, 75 percent of companies worldwide feel they still have a long way to go before they are ready to certify their ESG...

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Investors pay bigger attention to sustainability considerations

According to a KPMG study, businesses seeking international investors have to consciously prepare for building a sustainable company, in accordance with environment, social and governance (ESG) aspects. This article is...

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CEOs around the world grapple with multiple simultaneous challenges, but remain optimistic about the three-year global economic outlook

Geopolitics and broader political uncertainty are currently the most serious risks to a company’s business success, according to the KPMG CEO Outlook 2023 survey of more than 1,300 CEOs of...

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A kevesebb nem mindig több

Napjainkban egyes iparágakban a kereslet-visszaesés okozta készletfelhalmozódás és az áruk áramlásának lelassulása figyelhető meg. A szállítmányozási szektort az erre adott reakciók kidolgozása és a lehetséges stratégiai irányok megszabása jellemzi. Kivárás...

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The pitfalls of fleet greening can be overcome, according to KPMG experts

With the spread of alternative forms of transport, the topic of e-mobility is increasingly coming to the fore in company ranks as well. One of the key elements in achieving...

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Can air taxiing become a reality?

There is less than a year left until the Paris Olympics, where according to the goals of the organizers, electric air taxis can already take part in transporting the audience...

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According to KPMG, family companies that are also open to the outside are more successful

Involvement of experts, diversification, digitalization, sustainability, future orientation – these are the main success criteria for family-owned small and medium-sized enterprises, according to recent research by KPMG. With a sustainable...

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KPMG prepared its whistleblowing system compliant with the Complaints Act

It was accepted by the parliament, and the so-called Complaints Act has now been published in the Hungarian Gazette. Act XXV of 2023 on complaints, reports of public interest, and...

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Data-centricity makes HR even more people-centric

Becoming data-centric greatly helps people-centricity, say the experts at KPMG’s 11th consecutive press conference in the spring of 2023. Data-based HR holds enormous opportunities for companies that work with large...

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It isn’t enough to do it well, you also have to show this

According to the experts of KPMG, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) of the European Union will cause the biggest problems for up-and-coming Hungarian companies. First it will be financial...

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KPMG: growing shopper consciousness

KPMG’s “Me, my life, my wallet” study classified consumers into six categories, based on how important sustainability values are to them, and how this is reflected in their behaviour.  Moderates...

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Offering a seamless hybrid shopping experience can be essential in 2023

Communicating values Krishnakumar Davey, president of client engagement at IRI has told Grocery Drive that retailers know: prices have become so high that shoppers can’t spend more, thus retailers are...

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Growing trust in Hungarian brands – the MagyarBrands Programme has been offering guidance for 13 years now

The MagyarBrands Programme has been searching for and rewarding exceptional brands for 13 years. MagyarBrands has become a logo that serves as a trademark, guiding consumers in their purchasing decisions,...

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KPMG: emerging Hungarian companies must publish their sustainability report for the first time in 2026

Up-and-coming Hungarian companies must first publish their reports on their 2025 results based on the European Union’s sustainability reporting system (CSRD) in 2026, the international consulting firm KPMG pointed out...

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According to KPMG, customers are increasingly aware of environmental and social responsibility

The pandemic has forced companies to examine their social responsibility and role – the environmental effects are also driving customers towards more conscious decisions. Systemic changes in consumer behavior were...

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