Tag "klímaváltozás"

BIOFACH lessons 2.: In Hungary, drought is the main problem in addition to the energy crisis

The main theme of the 33rd BIOFACH International Bio-Food and Bio-Goods Trade Fair held in Nuremberg this time was climate change, and at the forum organized by ÖMKi, experts mainly...

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Climate change is not only a risk but also an opportunity

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Agricultural experts: the world’s food economy has reached a turning point

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EU research center: almost half of the EU territory is threatened by drought

46 percent of the territory of the EU, mainly the southwestern parts of Europe, is threatened by drought – drew attention to the report published by the Joint Research Center...

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Climate change worries meat and dairy investors but not enough to affect financial decisions

Climate change worries meat and dairy investors but not enough to affect financial decisions – reveals Changing Markets Foundation’s report “Stranded in a vicious cycle”. The production of meat and...

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(HU) Vízhiány és szárazság: vajon mit okoz még a klímaváltozás hazánkban?

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More and more Hungarian farmers can stop growing apricots and peaches

Apricots and peaches may be the next big losers in climate change: since the harvest has been very poor in the last two years, if this trend continues this year...

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Northeast Europe could become the continent’s pantry, according to a study

Northeastern Europe could become the continent’s food pantry, as the region is less tolerant of cereals due to climate change, the Corvinus University of Budapest said in a statement to...

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The Day of Plants is greeted in the university herb garden in Szeged

The organizers of the University of Szeged (SZTE) will greet the Day of Plants on Saturday with scientific lectures and family programs presenting the diversity of the flora and its...

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Climate change: Generali Group makes nearly € 10 billion worth of green and sustainable investments

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Climate change is a major threat to apricots

Apricots are very popular among Hungarians, as it would be difficult to find a household where a bottle of jam, canned food, compote or a bottle of peach brandy is...

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The EU is spending more than 1 billion euros on climate change initiatives

The European Commission has signed a grant agreement worth 1.1 billion euros (about 407 billion forints) with seven EU initiatives that will reduce emissions by more than 76 million tonnes...

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NAK: the agricultural economy should be considered a partner in climate protection

It is a common task that the agricultural economy should not be a scapegoat in the fight against climate change, but a sector that all segments of society regard as...

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An app provides personal climate change alerts

Although extreme weather events are frequently in the news, it can be very difficult for this to cut through. In fact, there is some evidence that news of extreme weather...

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Magazine: Key factors

During the coronavirus pandemic those winemakers suffered the biggest sales losses whose main partners were in the HoReCa sector or in event gastronomy. Those selling to retailers quickly adapted to...

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Food supply wasn’t discussed at COP 26

Now that the COP 26 climate change summit is over, a growing number of agri-food organisations voice their disappointment about the participants practically forgetting to talk about the influence of...

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Insurance for the additional costs caused by climate change

The world is changing day by day, and so are our needs for services and products. Today, we can buy a number of products that previously seemed utopian, such as...

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The number of days reaching 50 degrees Celsius has doubled since the 1980s

The number of days that are extremely hot, reaching 50 degrees Celsius, has almost doubled since the 1980s, BBC’s global analysis found. Such days are occurring in more areas than...

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Acting for a better future

Climate change is one of the biggest problems waiting to be solved. Shell’s strategic objective is to turn into a net-zero emissions energy company by 2050. Shell’s mission is to...

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Companies are already preparing to avoid climate risks

Egyre több vállalat foglalkozik az éghajlatváltozás hatásaival, azonban az erről szóló beszámolók még mindig nem elég részletesek – állapítja meg az EY legfrissebb klímakockázati barométere, ami 42 országból több mint...

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Nine out of 10 of our Hungarians are seriously concerned about climate change

The anxiety of climate change is strongly present in the lives of Hungarians, and they are also striving to reduce their climate footprint on an individual level, according to a...

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Efficiency, scent and something extra

In 2020 the value of the laundry detergent market increased by 2.5 percent, which was much less than the +7.2 percent in 2019; volume sales stagnated last year – informed...

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Confectionery industry reacts to challenges with innovating

Innovation work didn’t stop during the pandemic period either, on the contrary, it gained momentum – it was revealed at a press event of the Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers...

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Extreme rainfall in Europe could be a consequence of climate change

Scientists say the heavy rains behind the devastating floods in Europe in July may have been caused by human-induced climate change. Floods in Germany, Belgium and surrounding regions have killed...

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If Your Coffee’s Going Downhill, Blame Climate Change

Coffee leader Brazil is turning to stronger and more bitter robusta beans, which are hardier in the heat than the delicate arabica, in a sign of how climate change is...

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(HU) Sokkal rosszabb állapotban van a mezőgazdaság, mint hittük

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(HU) Alig termett idén kajszibarack

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This is how refillable beverage bottles can help fight climate change!

From mid-2023, a deposit system for beverage packaging will be introduced again at home. As it stands, the system will encourage collection rather than refilling packaging, even though the reuse...

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Electrolux research: we wash clothes as if there was no climate change

Nearly two thirds of Europeans (63%) continue to wash at 40°C or higher, despite over a decade of being encouraged to wash clothes at 30°C or lower, according to a...

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A Rediscovered Forgotten Species Brews Promise For Coffee’s Future

In dense tropical forests in Sierra Leone, scientists have rediscovered a coffee species not seen in the wild in decades – a plant they say may help secure the future...

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