Tag "kenyér"

The oldest bread in the world is 14,000 years old

The oldest direct evidence of bread ever found, dating back over 14000 years was discovered by archaeologists at an excavation site in Jordan. On the basis of the studies, it...

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Magazine: New bread!

What’s new in the bread market? According to Sándor Kasza, managing director of Granet Group Kft., a growing number of wholemeal products are available on store shelves, indicating the popularity...

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MKIK proposes five percent VAT on flour and bread

The comprehensive economic policy proposal of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) has been prepared for the government – Parragh László confirmed to mfor.hu. The president of the...

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Bread prices may increase from autumn

The Lipóti Bakery increases the price of bread and other products by 5-10 percent from September due to the increase in wages. According to other companies, the rise in the...

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Finally, the best breads of the year were presented to the audience

Görböc, Rozs and Szalmaláng It is no exaggeration to name the three best products of the year that won the Hungarian Baker’s League competition this year. Among the works received...

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Bread of Hungarians – Wheat from Hungary and beyond the borders were mixed in Nemeshany

More than 500 tons of wheat have been collected within the Bread of Hungarians program from all counties and beyond the borders – Korinek László, founder of the program said...

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The Göcseji Village Museum is preparing for the bread festival with colorful programs

The Göcseji Village Museum in Zalaegerszeg, is preparing for 20 August with colorful programs. The open-air exhibition space was opened on 20 August 1968. Kostyál László recalled at the press...

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FM: the composition of the bread changes

The composition of the breads to change from Friday. For example, rye content should be increased in rye breads from 40 to 60 percent, and in case of breads with...

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Hungarians eat less bread than Europeans

In Hungary, the per capita annual bread consumption is 37 kilograms, while the European average is 50 kilograms – the Jókenyér Ludwig & Mentesi Kft. told MTI on Tuesday. In...

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Bread alliance: bread prices will not increase due to the composition change

The bread prices are not expected to rise because the proportion of raw materials will change, for example the composition in case of whole grain breads and rye breads, while...

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Coffee, tea, bread and detergent: premium products Hungarians would buy for more

40 percent of Hungarian consumers would pay more than the average price for premium quality coffee or tea. 39 percent would do the same when buying bread or other baked...

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The increase in oil prices increases the price of agricultural products

Cereal prices may increase significantly, or at least the recently seen rise in oil prices forecasts this trend – portfolio.hu wrote. In the former agricultural inflationary cycles the oil price...

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Bread prices may increase in 2017

Consumers should calculate with the 30 percent increase in bread prices from January because the baking industry has to increase wages in order to retain the workforce – Magyar Hírlap...

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Tesco: Take care of the bread!

Nobody like to throw food out, but unfortunately surplus accumulates in every household, and experience shows that breads end in the trash the most commonly. However, with some tricks we...

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Breads and pastries were examined by consumer protectors

Among the examined 80 products 31 were breads and 49 pastries. Problems were found in case of 9 breads and in case of 21 pastries. Problems were found in 30...

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Festive cake and bread presentation in the offer of the Street of Hungarian Tastes

Festive cake and bread presentation made the offer of the Street of Hungarian Tastes more colorful on Saturday morning, on the occasion of the National Day. The Blueberry Princess cake,...

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The Bakers’ Association suggests VAT rate cuts and clear market conditions

The Hungarian Bakers’ Association suggests a reduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) and to create fair market conditions, in the baking industry – Septe József, president of the association told...

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Breads were baked surrounded by cockroaches in a bakery in the Capital

The professionals of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) found cockroaches at a bakery in Budapest. After checking the bakery, more than 480 kilograms of food products were withdrawn...

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The Bakers’ Association calls for the reduction of VAT on bread

The Bakers’ Association asks to apply a reduced VAT rate on bread and bakery products – the association informed MTI on Wednesday. They recall that in 2017, the Value Added...

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Aldi buys the contaminated breads back

The Aldi Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. takes the contaminated breads back. Those buyers who bring the ochratoxin molds contaminated Korngold 250 g rye and crisp breads back will refund the price...

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Changes in the Food Codex

The regulation of the Hungarian Food Codex on breads and pastries is changing: the continuously refreshed rules is a guarantee to produce high-quality products . Among the changes Zsigó Róbert,...

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Bread regulation to come

The government would regulate what can be sold in the stores as bread – the index wrote. The tightening of rules included in the Food Guide directly affects everyone, because...

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Bread price increase is not expected

It is expected that new wheat based bread prices will not increase, because the millers will not raise the price of flour and the other cost components will not force...

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The highest bread prices in Ukraine can be found in Transcarpathia

The price of bread increased dramatically, by about 80 percent, in the last two weeks, in Transcarpathia. The Ukrainian currency, the hryvnia is continuously loosing its value, compared to foreign...

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The Bakers’ Association does not see any way to decrease the price of bread

According to the Fidesz because of the cheaper price of fuel, the price of bread should be reduced, however the leader of the Bakers’ Association says that they are not...

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