Tag "járvány"

Budapest Airport may reach pre-epidemic volume by the beginning of 2023 passenger traffic

By the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, passenger traffic could reach the volume before the coronavirus pandemic – the communications manager of Budapest Airport on Friday told...

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In April, the number of guest nights decreased by 97 percent

In April, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of nights spent by foreign guests in commercial accommodation fell by 98.7 percent and the number of nights spent...

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Abolition of the compulsory closing time is requested by night catering workers in Austria

Those working in night hospitality in Austria are calling for the abolition of the mandatory closing time – Thomas Ratzenböck, a spokesman for the Association of Night Caterers (VÖNG), said...

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KSH: retail sales decreased by 10.2 percent in April

In April, the turnover of retail stores decreased by 10.2 percent, according to both raw and calendar-adjusted data, compared to the same period of the previous year – the Central...

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OKSZ: the Pentecostal trade turnover exceeded the Easter turnover

In the days before Pentecost, retail traffic picked up compared to the past and compared to Easter, but it can only regain its former momentum in the fourth quarter –...

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Upfield supported those in need and volunteer helpers during the peak of the pandemic

At the beginning of May, Upfield Hungary offered another 1,500 cartons of margarine to the Hungarian Food Bank Association. This time, the company’s professional products have also been included in...

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The construction industry factored the most during the pandemic

While factoring companies have seen a decline in several sectors, interest in financial services has tripled in the construction and food trade. Most businesses opted for factoring, citing the economic...

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Fitch: global fiscal stimulus on unprecedented levels

Budgetary stimulus programs to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the world economy are on an unprecedented scale in modern economic history, and their value already far exceeds...

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Markit survey: recession eased in eurozone in May, way to recovery

Economic performance in the euro area continued to decline sharply in May, according to a survey by the London-based Financial and Economic Reporting Group IHS Markit, and although there are...

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The number of guest nights in Romania decreased by almost 44 percent in the first four months

In the first four months of this year, the number of guest nights at commercial accommodation establishments in Romania fell by almost 44 percent to 3.509 million compared to the...

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Spar: buyers curb their spendings

Spar’s turnover in May showed that many customers are holding back their spending because they fear they could get into trouble because of the economic crisis – napi.hu wrote. In...

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The logistics profession is proposing a ten-point package of government measures

The Association of Hungarian Logistics Service Centers (MLSZKSZ) has prepared a ten-point package of proposals and submitted it to the government in order to solve the growing problems in the...

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Shopkeeper payrolls already in March

The coronavirus also bitten the shopkeeper’s payroll. The salaries of the perfume shop and the food sellers jumped in March – blokkk.com wrote. It has previously been observed that shopkeeper...

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Where crisis is an opportunity: two-thirds of Hungarian decision-makers would continue to navigate through digital transformation

According to their own statements, 50 percent of domestic companies are not affected at all or only slightly by the crisis caused by the coronavirus, and a fifth are explicitly...

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Expert vulnerabilities in global food supply chains

The coronavirus pandemic has shown that global food supply chains are vulnerable. The highest level of uncertainty in soybean production due to high exports – Hollósi Dávid, managing director of...

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Restaurants, bars and cafés have reopened in the Netherlands

In strict compliance with the rules on community distancing, restaurants, bars and cafés in the Netherlands were reopened on Monday afternoon, thanks to a further loosening of restrictions on the...

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GfK Consumer changes – after the virus

GfK Hungária conducted online research on the effects of the COVID-19 virus in more than 2,700 households. According to the most important findings of the research, customers tried to avoid...

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Consumption increased sigificantly

According to today’s statistics from the KSH, family spending jumped sharply in the first quarter of 2020, to 7%, due to cumulation. But the March pandemic limits have already pulled...

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Hungarians are afraid of losing their jobs

The population’s fear of unemployment has increased dramatically, which is no wonder, as tens of thousands have lost their jobs every week – portfolio.hu wrote. The KSH survey showed what...

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The pandemic has sparked up digital banking

The pandemic situation has accelerated the digitization of banking use and transformed previous habits. At Erste Bank, the number of digitally active customers jumped, the number of transactions in NetBank...

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EY would respond to the crisis worldwide with portfolio clean-ups

The ongoing economic crisis is forcing companies to divest their businesses and use the proceeds from the sale to improve their technological capabilities and increase their competitiveness, the global consulting...

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Retail sales in Germany declined less than expected

Retail sales in Germany fell significantly, but much less than expected, in April as the rapidly spreading coronavirus pandemic peaked. According to preliminary data released by the German Federal Statistical...

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With the help of Mastercard, Twisto is the first in the region to exchange its traditional bank cards for virtual ones

After 2025, the Czech Twisto will only add a virtual credit card to user accounts because they believe the payment period with a traditional credit card has expired. To speed...

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The pace of consumer price inflation in the euro area slowed further in May

The year-on-year slowdown in consumer price inflation in the euro area slowed to a lower-than-expected, but still unprecedented level in almost four years, according to a flash estimate by the...

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Lockdown gives Albanian beekeepers a ‘golden year’

With factories and farms silenced by the coronavirus shutdown, Albania’s bees have been busier than ever, stirring excitement among farmers expecting an unparalleled honey harvest thanks to a respite from...

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The Hungarian Competition Authority will contribute 150 million HUF to the relaunch of the Hungarian economy

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) will return HUF 150 million from its own budget to the central budget to contribute to alleviating the economic damage caused by the crisis caused...

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MTÜ: domestic tourism can close the summer with expansion

Domestic tourism could end the summer with an expansion, as it is likely to surpass last year’s performance, said the organisation’s CEO in a statement published on the website of...

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KSH: investments decreased by 1.8 percent in the first quarter

Partly due to the domestic and international economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, a longer-term increase in investment was broken, with the volume of developments in the first quarter decreased...

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The epidemic pushed back the number of shopkeepers selling manufactured goods

Already in March. The 15-hour closure of manufactured goods stores has already held back the number of shoppers and the number of shop assistants. The dismissal of 4-5 thousand people...

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Nagy István: another 80 billion HUF to support animal husbandry and horticulture

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) announces new agricultural investment tender package worth 80 billion HUF in the summer for high value-added livestock and horticulture sector, in order to reduce the...

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