Tag "járvány"

Domestic tourism resumed in May

Thanks to fast and coordinated government measures, the domestic tourism season was relaunched in May, and based on the data so far, the annual domestic turnover may exceed the data...

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Ipsos: people are taking it more easy now

The easing of restrictions will also have an impact on the behavior of the country’s population. Although personal contact, handshakes and travel on public transport are still avoided by the...

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The curve of rising food prices is flattening

The curve of rising food prices seems to be flattening in June just like the epidemic curve – this is evident from the results of Privátbankár.hu’s latest Price Basket survey....

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 2.2 percent in May

In May, consumer prices were on average 2.2 percent higher than a year before. The more moderate rise in the price of services than last year played the largest role...

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Shop spending may increase slightly in 2020

According to the latest KSH data, we left 6.3 percent less money in store cash registers in May than a year earlier. Thus, with a 10 percent decline, April was...

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Theodora helps the Centrál Theater with a donation of mineral water

The mineral water of the Balaton Uplands supports the Centrál Theater, which was temporarily shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic, with a donation of 2.5 million HUF. At the...

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The future of home office

During the pandemic, whoever could worked from home, which was a serious challenge for many companies, but even for more workers. Penzcentrum.hu has embarked on a large-scale survey to find...

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Századvég: most businesses still expect improvement for this year

The Századvég Gazdaságkutató Economic Researcher asked thousands of managers of small, medium and micro enterprises (SMEs) in recent months about how they perceived the economic situation and how their business...

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Fidelity: the New World Economic Order

Fidelity experts believe that the Covid-19 crisis will encourage decision-makers to take a step change, accelerate ongoing trends and reshape investment frameworks. The main features of the new order will...

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Tuna supply is in trouble

The tuna fishery was also hit by the crisis, after the restaurants closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, so the demand decreased – according to Euronews. Protection also makes work...

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Euro area and EU GDP declined at a record pace in the first quarter

Compared to the previous quarter, euro area and EU gross domestic product fell by the largest amount ever recorded in the first quarter. The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, said...

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Employment has fallen in Europe

Employment declined in the euro area and the European Union in the first quarter, compared to the last quarter of last year. The European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat) said on...

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Dreher Breweries is ready to help reopen restaurants with 300,000 free glasses of beer and advice nationwide

Dreher Breweries is ready to help 3,000 restaurants with a free keg of beer. The aim of the action is to enable catering units that have found themselves in a...

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The consumption of Hungarians can pull the economy

This year’s downturn will be only temporary, as the government forecasts, the strong economic growth will continue in the coming years. Consumption can be more and more the product of...

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The number of customer calls at Cofidis increased by a third in May

Cofidis’ new customer service in Nyíregyháza and in Budapest received more than 30,000 customer calls, 30 percent more than in the months before the coronavirus pandemic, the financial service provider...

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The World Bank expects global GDP to decline 5.2 percent this year

The World Bank expects the global economy to shrink by 5.2 percent this year, the biggest decline since World War II. The World Bank’s half-yearly Global Economic Outlook report, released...

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How to defend against the second wave of the pandemic

After the first wave of protection of store outlets, you must also prepare for the second wave of infection. The second wave affects reopened restaurants, offices returning from the home-office,...

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Retail sales fell 10.9 percent in April in the Czech Republic,

In April, calendar-adjusted retail sales in the Czech Republic fell 10.9 percent from a year earlier, the Czech Statistical Office announced in Prague on Friday. The decline, which can be...

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Retail sales in the euro area fell with a record high in April

Retail sales in the euro area declined less than expected, but still at record levels, in April, when virtually all commodity sales fell as a result of severe restrictions due...

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Employment in the United States grew significantly in May

Contrary to analysts’ expectations, the number of employees in the United States did not fall, but rose sharply in May, when the economy partially rebounded in parallel with the easing...

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Budapest Airport may reach pre-epidemic volume by the beginning of 2023 passenger traffic

By the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, passenger traffic could reach the volume before the coronavirus pandemic – the communications manager of Budapest Airport on Friday told...

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In April, the number of guest nights decreased by 97 percent

In April, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of nights spent by foreign guests in commercial accommodation fell by 98.7 percent and the number of nights spent...

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Abolition of the compulsory closing time is requested by night catering workers in Austria

Those working in night hospitality in Austria are calling for the abolition of the mandatory closing time – Thomas Ratzenböck, a spokesman for the Association of Night Caterers (VÖNG), said...

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KSH: retail sales decreased by 10.2 percent in April

In April, the turnover of retail stores decreased by 10.2 percent, according to both raw and calendar-adjusted data, compared to the same period of the previous year – the Central...

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OKSZ: the Pentecostal trade turnover exceeded the Easter turnover

In the days before Pentecost, retail traffic picked up compared to the past and compared to Easter, but it can only regain its former momentum in the fourth quarter –...

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Upfield supported those in need and volunteer helpers during the peak of the pandemic

At the beginning of May, Upfield Hungary offered another 1,500 cartons of margarine to the Hungarian Food Bank Association. This time, the company’s professional products have also been included in...

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The construction industry factored the most during the pandemic

While factoring companies have seen a decline in several sectors, interest in financial services has tripled in the construction and food trade. Most businesses opted for factoring, citing the economic...

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Fitch: global fiscal stimulus on unprecedented levels

Budgetary stimulus programs to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the world economy are on an unprecedented scale in modern economic history, and their value already far exceeds...

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Markit survey: recession eased in eurozone in May, way to recovery

Economic performance in the euro area continued to decline sharply in May, according to a survey by the London-based Financial and Economic Reporting Group IHS Markit, and although there are...

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The number of guest nights in Romania decreased by almost 44 percent in the first four months

In the first four months of this year, the number of guest nights at commercial accommodation establishments in Romania fell by almost 44 percent to 3.509 million compared to the...

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