Tag "Interspar"

Magyar Termék védjegyes termék is bekerült az idei Hungaricool győztesei közé

A globális kereskedelembe való betagozódás közel sem zökkenőmentes a kisebb gyártóknak. A 2023-as SPAR és a K&H közös szervezésében létrejött Hungaricool termékverseny egyik győztes vállalkozása a Magyar Termék védjegy használat mellett...

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SPAR makes the start of school easier with a school supplies sale

From the beginning of summer, SPAR Hungary is preparing for the start of school with more than 1,200 types of goods, including school bags, backpacks, school equipment and stationery made...

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Up to twice the value of SZÉP card purchases can be recovered, and the price of 300 products remains unchanged at SPAR

From August 1, 2023, you can use the SZÉP card of all service providers to pay for cold and hot food in the stores of SPAR Magyarország Kft., in fact,...

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SPAR and the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service deliver the saved food to those in need

SPAR Hungary has been a strategic partner of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service for more than a quarter of a century and cooperates with the organization that helps disadvantaged people...

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SPAR expansion in Croatia

SPAR continues to invest in the expansion of its retail network in Croatia. In April 2023 SPAR invested over EUR 4m in a cutting-edge INTERSPAR hypermarket in Kukuljanovo. The new...

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Starting today, SPAR supermarkets are waiting for their customers with more than 1,200 special offers, and INTERSPAR hypermarkets with more than 1,100 special offers

A government decree obliges food retail stores with a sales revenue exceeding one billion forints in 2021 to introduce a weekly discount of 10% in twenty product groups between June...

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Growing popularity for the Hungarian Product loyalty website among manufacturers

It was in last March that Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. launched its loyalty website, www.magyaranyero.hu. The website was created for the integrated implementation of prize games and it already has...

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Munch food rescue is available in every SPAR and INTERSPAR nationwide

After six months of testing, customers in all SPAR and INTERSPAR stores can now join the process of conscious food saving with the Munch application, through which they can get...

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From today, the SPAR group awaits its customers with more than 700 discount offers, and the price of 300 products is frozen within the framework of the SPAR ÁRSTOP Extra Promotion

A government decree obliges food retail stores with a sales revenue exceeding one billion forints in 2021 to introduce a weekly discount of 10% in twenty product groups between June...

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SPAR was also awarded as an employer, sustainable company and brand

SPAR Hungary’s top brands, sustainability and waste reduction efforts, and health-conscious products have been recognized with prestigious awards in the past period. The company was also awarded the Trusted Workplace...

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SPAR is preparing for the grilling season with new products and 250 tons of grilling products

The days are getting warmer, May already beckons to the gardens, friend and family gatherings are organized, and of course the grill, the pot, the fish grill, skewers, baking sheets,...

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This year, SPAR customers helped shelter animals with more than 10,000 kilograms of dry food

Creating a tradition, SPAR Hungary launched the “Paws in trouble!” together with the National Animal Protection Foundation for the third time. large-scale, two-day pet food collection campaign. On May 13...

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Paws in trouble – SPAR organizes a national pet food collection for the third time

Most four-legged pets live with caring and loving owners, from whom they receive adequate amounts of food, care and love. However, there are animals that have moved from the streets...

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The latest research results of SPAR have shown that it is worth representing quality

Conscious customers consider it important that the products on the shelves and their packaging, as well as the logistics and food production processes, are transparent, and that their quality is...

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A fight, but not a windmill fight!

2022 was characterised by both dynamic growth and gradual restructuring in the market of carbonated soft drinks. András Palkó, marketing director of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország: “In the first half of...

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15.6% growth and HUF 915.7 billion turnover at SPAR in 2022

SPAR continued to stand steadfastly on the customers’ side, doubling the 7.2 percent increase in turnover in 2021 with promotions and initiatives that encourage frugal, fast and convenient shopping. Meanwhile,...

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The price drop does not stop at SPAR

Every week, SPAR Hungary makes its offer even more attractive within the framework of the Árzuhanás Promotion. Starting this week, the prices of the following products in the Promotion will...

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You can now buy more sugar, flour, oil, milk, chicken breast and eggs in SPAR stores

Easter, the time of the holiday, is approaching, and in most families, major shopping is scheduled for the coming days. Quality and quantity of customer service is important to SPAR...

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The price drop continues at SPAR

Every week, SPAR Hungary makes its offer even more attractive within the framework of the Árzuhanás Promotion. Starting this Monday, the prices of the following products participating in the Promotion...

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SPAR expects strong Easter traffic this year as well

SPAR Hungary is prepared for the Easter holidays: it awaits its customers nationwide with an even wider range of products than before, new products, extended opening hours for some stores,...

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The price drop continues at SPAR

Every week, SPAR Hungary makes its offer even more attractive within the framework of the Árzuhanás Promotion. Starting this Monday, the prices of the following products participating in the Promotion...

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Every Monday Price drop at SPAR

Until now, SPAR Hungary has tried to make shopping easier with the best possible prices and various promotions. From now on, the department store chain switches to an even higher...

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If the lemons are sour…just use them to make lemonade!

Nielsen data reveal that fruit juice value sales grew by 11.2% in January-November 2022, but volume sales decreased by 6.6%. The like-for-like sales drop was even bigger in the last...

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Unique oil collection system at INTERSPAR Hypermarkets in Austria

In 40 INTERSPAR Hypermarkets throughout Austria, collection machines for easy and responsible disposal of used cooking oil are now accessible to customers. SPAR Austria has partnered with E&P UCO-Recycling, helping...

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SPAR insists on supporting good causes

Every year, SPAR Hungary supports numerous organizations and causes related to health, social sphere, education, culture, sports and animal protection, and is committed to helping domestic small businesses so that...

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OTC products is a booming category

ültek még inkább előtérbe. A szegmens szárnyalása folyamatos, annak ellenére, hogy a szinte minden kategóriát érintő alapanyaghiány ezt a területet sem kímélte, ami főként a termékek csomagolásában hozott kisebb-nagyobb változásokat....

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It is a good strategy to support Hungarian products

SPAR Magyarország finished second in the Retail Award of Excellence for Hungarian Products competition this year. This shows very well that promoting Hungarian products is a good strategic direction. The...

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Nearly 20,000 families were helped by SPAR customers at this year’s Giving Joy! in the context of fundraising

The Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and SPAR Hungary have joined forces to give Joy! thanks to its fundraising campaign, 143 tons of food could be made into gift packages in...

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Year-end collaboration between Mastercard and SPAR

Mastercard and Spar are preparing for the festive season with one of the biggest consumer promotions of the year.  The parties believe that just a few occasions are enough to...

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Those who help may send messages to families in need during SPAR’s new campaign

This year’s novelty is that the 26th Give Joy! within the framework of the campaign, it is possible for the donors to send messages to the recipients. The Hungarian Maltese...

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