Tag "gyümölcs"

There is not enough fruit and vegetables in the world for everyone

If everyone wants to have a healthy diet, there would not be enough fruit and vegetables in the world – experts of the University of Guelph said. Canadian researchers have...

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The plum season was average

In the average season, about 60-65 thousand tons of plums can be harvested by the farmers – magyaridok.hu wrote. Hunyadi István, the director of the Vegetable-Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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School milk and fruit program covers almost half a million schoolchildren

In the new school year, the school fruit program reaches 550,000 students, while the school milk program covers 430,000 students, the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Human...

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Magosz: the price of edible apples can decline as well

Not only the prices of the industrial, but the price of edible apples can decline as well – Jakab István, chairman of the Hungarian Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations (Magosz)...

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Magosz: the low price of industrial apple puts the farmers into an undesirable position

The low prices of industrial apples are unworthy of farmers, as the cost of production a will not be reimbursed by the producers’ own costs – the Association of Hungarian...

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Fruit classifier capacity to be expanded in Kisvejke

The fruit classifying capacity to be increased twofold with a 180 million HUF investment in Kisvejke, Tolna County, where the country’s largest apricot plants can be found. The local government...

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Nagy István: the Ministry of Agriculture prepares a multi-year contractual arrangement for the next fruit season

Based on this year’s experience, to facilitate the survival among more difficult market times, the Ministry of Agriculture will develop a multi-annual contractual arrangement for the following year’s fruit season....

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FruitVeB: less and less raspberries grow every year

Hungarian raspberry production is decreasing year after year. This year less than a thousand tons of raspberries will be harvested from 200 hectares of cultivated land, only half of which...

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The area of orchard plantations can grow

On the basis of the preliminary data on fruit plantation censuses, the area of orchard plantations can grow by around 17,000 hectares from the current 73,000 hectares over the next...

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Weak fruit production is expected due to spring frosts

The spring frosts mostly damaged the apricot, and it is estimated that due to the significant sprout damages, only relatively weak yields of between 10 and 20,000 tonnes can be...

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Cherry and celery are the winners of the pesticide test

At least in France. According to the results of a five-year study, 73 percent of fruits and 41 percent of vegetables contained plant protection products. However, only 2-3 percent of...

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The fruit gene bank in Érd opens its gates

The fruit gene bank of the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center’s (NAIK) Fruit Production Research Institute opens its gates – NAIK’s Director-General announced on Wednesday. Gyuricza Csaba in the...

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FruitVeB: the spring frost hit apricot the most

The spring frost has been damaging the apricot to the greatest extent, and it is estimated that due to the significant sprout damages, only relatively weak yields of between 10...

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Iran is interested in Hungarian vegetables and fruits

Hungarian companies are mainly supplying pharmaceutical and paper products to Iran, but the Middle East is also very interested in Hungarian vegetables and fruits – Varga Mihály, Minister of National...

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Vénusz: sustainability in the kitchen

The consumption of fruits and vegetables is an indispensable part of a balanced diet, as nutrients in them are key to preserving our health. It is not enough to emphasize...

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Special Hungarian fruit varieties to be promoted

The vote initiated by the Hungarian Horticultural Propagating Material Nonprofit Kft. (MKSZN) promotes special Hungarian fruit varieties – was said on M1 news channel on Sunday. Kasztovszky Zoltán, Managing Director...

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FruitVeB: the Hungarian fruits and vegetables will be promoted again this year

The fruits and vegetables promotion campaigns of the Hungarian Vegetables and Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (FruitVeB) will continue this year. Within the campaign, one of the most important...

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The Mura national program aims at the development of the economy and tourism

Building on the local traditions, economic potential and the cultivation of new types of fruits, the Mura national program – which affects about 80 Southern Zala settlements – aims at...

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FruitVeb: fruit growers closed an average, vegetable growers have had a good year

The fruit growers had a somewhat better year than average, but the vegetable growers have closed a good year in 2017 – Ledó Ferenc, President of the Hungarian Vegetables and...

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Perfectly Imperfect Autumn in the Tesco

The Central European customers were very enthusiastic about Tesco’s introduction of the Perfectly Imperfect offer in the beginning of the year. The products of Perfectly Imperfect are not completely perfect,...

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Let’s fill our autumn vitamin warehouses with fresh vegetables and fruits

Trends show that healthy lifestyle, good nutrition are more and more attentive in our everyday lives than a few years ago. What can we do to make the most of...

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We spend 330 billion forints annually on vegetables and fruits

Domestic households purchase 165 kilogrammes of vegetables and 89 kilogrammes fruits a year, worth over 330 billion forints. <img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-935303″ src=”https://trademagazin.hu/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Budapesti-Nagybani-Piac.jpg” alt=”” width=”720″ height=”479″ /> Half of this...

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Bananas in danger

One of the most popular fruits of the world is endangered by an aggressive mushroom specie, complete extinction is in the pile, but fortunately there is still hope – penzcentrum.hu...

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K&H: it is time to modernize fruit plantations

The changes in the price of agricultural products for cereals and animal products did not surprise, but there is a very serious change in fruit and vegetables, which draws attention...

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The domestic fruit and vegetable processing industry can expect a dynamic growth

The fourth largest branch of domestic food production is fruit and vegetable processing and preservation. The dynamic growth of the sector is in the hands of companies like Agrosprint, a...

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Milk’s price climbed back

In April 2017 agricultural production prices increased by 4.1 percent from the level of April 2016 – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). This rise was the result of the...

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Fruit-genebank is in danger

The pomological research station in Érd is in danger, because of the establishing of an industrial park. According the ombudsman, the research station must remain at its original place in...

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A good season for sour cherry

The sour cherry harvest has begun at the largest Békés County grower. Pusztai József, Managing Director of the Hunapfel Kft. is expecting a good season. Pusztai József told MTI on...

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The cold storage was handed over in Iváncsa

The new cold storage built from 1.6 billion forints was handed over in Iváncsa, Fejér County. Czerván György, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture stated in his opening...

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Agraricultural Chamber: early apricot species can be important range extenders

The early apricot species can be important range extenders, therefore early species were showcased to the farmers by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Horticulture Directorate of the...

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