Tag "GFK"

GfK’s European commercial purchasing power study is now available

The average commercial purchasing power in Europe is 6,517 euros per person, however, there are significant differences between the 25 European countries examined in terms of expenses spent on commerce:...

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Milk and dairy product alternatives optimised for healthy nutrition

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 “The number of people living with food intolerances is increasing year by year, strengthening the need for sugar-, lactose- and...

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Domestic ham consumption has decreased

According to recent data published by the Hungarian Meat Association, Easter ham is still an essential part of the festive table of Hungarian households. Based on statistics published by GfK...

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Instead of the expected improvement, consumer sentiment in Germany worsened

Instead of the expected improvement, the German consumer sentiment index for February of the GfK and NIM (Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen) market research institutes fell to an almost one-year low....

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YouGov completes the acquisition of GfK’s Consumer Panel Services

YouGov plc the international market research and data analytics group, is pleased to announce the completion of its acquisition of the Consumer Panel Services of GfK GmbH. CPS GfK is...

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The GfK German consumer sentiment index for January improved

The January German consumer sentiment index of the Nuremberg economic research institute GfK improved more significantly than analysts had expected. The sentiment index in January strengthened to minus 25.1 points,...

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Promotion season 2023 – The declining demand enhance promotional activities

Global consumer durables market ends year struggling with slowdown The global technical electronics and consumer durables (T&D) market faces a challenging promotional season again this year. Despite this, the consumer...

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Wines and wine connoisseurs

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/11. “METRO keeps developing and systematically introducing a multi-channel wholesale selling model based on professional buyers, in every product category and...

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Csak a virsli roppan, a piac nem

Alaposan megtépázta a tavaly év végi virslieladásokat a magasba szökő árszínvonal, de a piac idén lassan helyreáll. Ettől még az árpolitikának, a promóciós taktikának decemberben kiemelkedő szerep jut majd, miközben...

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Két lábbal az Ígéret földjén

Turcsán Tünde, a GfK FMCG-üzletág-igazgatója a Business Days harmadik napján elhangzott előadásában a kiskereskedelem aktuális helyzetét vázolva beszélt arról, mi módon tud a magát immár „ezer tüskével” védő vásárló családi...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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Az ár győzött a tápérték felett

Folytatódik-e Magyarországon a tendencia, miszerint a magyar háztartások egyre tudatosabban és fenntarthatóságra törekedve vásárolnak? És vajon mennyire nyomja rá a bélyegét táplálkozási szokásainkra a jelenlegi inflációs környezet, amely Magyarországon a...

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GfK: In Hungary, the average purchasing power per capita increased by 24%

In Hungary, the average purchasing power per capita increased by a strong 24% to 10,834 euros, which corresponds to 61 percent of the European average. This puts us in 29th...

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In November, GfK’s consumer sentiment index in Germany continued to deteriorate

According to the GfK economic research institute, consumer sentiment in Germany deteriorated for the third consecutive month in November, and no improvement can be expected until the end of the...

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Lidl Invests Over €500m In Serbia In First Five Years

German discounter Lidl has invested more than €550 million in Serbia in the first five years since it commenced operations in the country and employed over 3,300 people. Lidl is...

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Lenneke Schils: itt az ideje, hogy a márkák hangosan kommunikálják az általuk kínált előnyöket

A Trade magazin május 25-én megrendezett Business Meetup rendezvényén a GfK részéről Lenneke Schils előadásában arról beszélt, hogyan élik meg a vásárlók az állandósulni látszó válságot, és hogyan alkalmazkodnak az...

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Kávé, hab nélkül

Nem túl habos az élet kávéfronton: elakadt a piac prémiumizációja, amihez „világi” okok is társultak. A fogyasztói magatartás megváltozására a piaci szereplők elsősorban értékesítési és promóciós stratégiájuk finomhangolásával és marketingmunkájuk fokozásával...

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New GfK CMO survey out

In a global research with over 600 CMOs and senior marketing decision makers, GfK has examined their perception of success factors driving effective marketing in their companies, broken down into...

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Euronics expects declining demand this year

Despite the market challenges, Euronics closed its 2022-2023 business year with stable traffic growth and a significant expansion of its online market share. According to the company that operates the...

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Inflation has made a difference to trade in organic products

High inflation has significantly changed the purchasing behaviour of customers for organic products. „People are still buying organic products, but at a lower price” Robert Kecskes, trade expert at market...

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Al dente

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Under pressure Norbert Káhn, commercial director of Gyermelyi Zrt.: “Uncertainty continues to reign in the pasta market, and this situation...

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Margarine’s renaissance

NIQ data reveal that Hungarian margarine sales grew by more than 40% in value last year, but the volume sales growth was only less than 2% because of the rising...

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Indulgence isn’t enough

Occasional indulgence – this is the main motivation of milk dessert buyers. Unfortunately, there were fewer of these occasions last year, because of the price increase. Richárd Révész, Danone Magyarország...

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In 2023 the key to success can be category and channel level analysis

According to Tünde Turcsán, FMCG director of GfK, the Hungarian consumer confidence index has kept falling in the last 1-1.5 years. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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TMK Market Researchers: what happened in the last 15 months?

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7.   “First-hand information from market researchers” was the tile of Trade Marketing Club’s (TMK) online meeting on 13 April, where...

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Rise and shine – energy drinks are unstoppable!

2022 was a very good year for energy drinks, as like-for-like value sales surged by more than 25%. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/5  In addition...

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Palmsped Logistics Café – “a cup of coffee with experts, discussing market trends and logistic challenges”

Palmsped Cargo Kft. is 20 years old and the company celebrated this with a special event: presentations and a roundtable discussion, with the participation of business partners and experts, in...

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We don’t economise when it comes to pets – or may be just a little

High inflation and product price increases in the last 12 months resulted in different trends in the pet food category from those we had seen in earlier years. Anna Tuyaerts,...

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Busy schedule!

Competitions, events, new projects, new colleagues, team building programmes and restructuring… One task comes after the other. We have a busy schedule and the days and weeks are running away...

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GfK’s April German consumer sentiment index improved

The consumer sentiment index of the GfK economic research institute in Nuremberg strengthened to an eight-month high in April, but it increased somewhat more mildly than expected. The mood index...

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