Tag "fenntarthatóság"

Flexitáriánus konferencia

A fenntarthatósági és növényi alapú táplálkozás témáinak figyelmet szentelve novemberben a Debreceni Egyetem Gazdálkodástudományi Karán rendezik az első flexitáriánus konferenciát, amely kifejezetten az egyetemi hallgatóságnak szól. A cikk a Trade...

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Hungarian seed production is one of the most competitive sectors of agriculture

The long-term sustainability of domestic agricultural production is ensured by high-quality domestic seeds and propagating materials – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared at the 30th anniversary event of the...

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The K&H sustainability index won a Silver Prism Award

The professional jury of Kreatív magazin awarded the K&H sustainability index and the related communication activity, which uses data- and research-based PR tools effectively and socially responsibly, with a silver...

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Solar panel investment at Zalaco Sütőipari Zrt

Zalaco Sütőipari Zrt., a leading food company of the Transdanubian region, has realised a new, innovative investment in the field of climate protection and energy efficiency. The 73-year-old company has...

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The logistics sector may be facing a critical turning point: the goal is net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050

here is a lot of talk about sustainability these days, as the challenges that threaten our planet, such as climate change, sea level rise and the loss of biodiversity, may...

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Dm is 30 years old – investing in the future, customer satisfaction and employees

Dm Magyarország is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, and in the last financial year the company’s sales turnover went above HUF 208 billion, growing by 28.38% if compared with the...

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The commitment is there, but Hungarian companies experience sustainability as a constraint

A joint survey conducted by the Budapest University of Economics and IPSOS highlighted that Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do not always consciously and strategically manage sustainability. The majority...

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Méhbarát tésztacsaládot vezet be a Lidl Italia

Új, fenntartható és a kiskereskedő szerint méhbarát tésztakészítményeket kreált a Lidl Italia a Filiera Agricola Italianával együttműködve. A hatféle formában kapható tészta 100%-ban olasz búzából készül, amely olyan földeken termett,...

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We also protect our country’s sovereignty in the field of food production

We will defend our sovereignty against Brussels, our country insists that it can continue to decide for itself what kind of technology it grows plants on its own territory –...

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Két lábbal az Ígéret földjén

Turcsán Tünde, a GfK FMCG-üzletág-igazgatója a Business Days harmadik napján elhangzott előadásában a kiskereskedelem aktuális helyzetét vázolva beszélt arról, mi módon tud a magát immár „ezer tüskével” védő vásárló családi...

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The green building materials market before it explodes

Today, a construction industry investment in Hungary is only as sustainable as the customer needs it – it was revealed from Wavin’s focus group research. According to Wavin’s Construction Trend...

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Auchan’s eco-friendly paper bags get a new design

For the third time this summer, Auchan Magyarország joined the plastic-free July imitative. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/11. This year’s campaign included a paper bag...

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Sustainability on all fronts: soap and hand towel dispensers without a carbon footprint

Today, sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue in all aspects of our lives. We often hear about carbon footprints and emissions reduction, but what does this mean in everyday...

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What makes procurement sustainable? An expert from Grant Thornton explains

The purchasing area and the purchasers are under increasing pressure in order to integrate sustainability criteria into purchases, support the transition to a circular economy, and the company’s carbon neutrality...

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Furniture and interior trends 2023

Ahogy az éttermek világa folyamatosan változik, ugyanúgy a kedvelt vendéglátóhelyi bútorok is változnak évről évre, sőt, néha szezonról szezonra. Az új trendeket kutatva körbejártuk a világ meghatározó szakmai portáljait, arra...

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We have the winners of the V-Label international innovation competition!

The world innovation competition announced for the third time by the Swiss-based V-Label, the best-known international certification mark for vegan products, has come to an end. The work of the...

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Hungarian companies are increasingly forward-looking, but their motivation is different from that of companies with a foreign background

Four fifths of Hungarian industrial companies use the help of a sustainability specialist in order to achieve their green goals. And the activities that strengthen sustainability are mostly focused on...

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Borsodi Brewery: joint steps in the name of sustainability

In accordance with its long-term sustainability goals, the Borsodi Brewery organized the already traditional “Our Imprint” sustainability month in September this year. This year, the employees of the brewery collected...

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Green Club találkozó a DDC-nél

A Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. (DDC) vendége volt a Magyar Marketing Szövetség (MMSZ) Zöld Tagozata a legutóbbi Green Club találkozón. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. A résztvevők megismerhették a...

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Eurobarometer-felmérés a klímaváltozással kapcsolatban

Az uniós állampolgárok több mint háromnegyede szerint jelenleg nagyon komoly probléma az éghajlatváltozás. Közel 56%-uk szerint az Európai Unió, a nemzeti kormányok, valamint a vállalkozások és az ipar felelőssége lenne,...

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Együttműködik a WWF Magyarország és a K&H

Az emberi tevékenység következtében napjainkra a szárazföldi és édesvízi természetes élőhelyek közel 80%-a átalakult vagy eltűnt, ez pedig a biológiai sokszínűség csökkenésén is látszik. Az Európai Unió célul tűzte ki, hogy...

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Tense dilemmas in the regulation of European agriculture

Environmental sustainability is one of the most difficult topics of our time from a civilizational point of view. Although we deal a lot with the feasibility of sustainable development at the...

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“Green” assessment of food industry sustainability reports of V4 countries in terms of EU Taxonomy – V4GreenReporting

AKI launched its 18-month V4 Grant research program in October 2023 with the support of the International Visegrad Fund. The consortium (AKI and V4 partner institutions: SZE-Győr, SUA-Nyitra, AMBIS-Prague, ERDN-Poland)...

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18 million workers also need to be retrained for the European green transition

Ma nyílik meg Amszterdamban a megújuló energetikai fejlesztésekre fókuszáló, a több mint 40 országból érkező 1200 résztvevővel zajló európai seregszemle, a The Business Booster (TBB). Az EIT InnoEnergy által szervezett eseményen a zöld gazdaságra...

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An upcoming legislative change may bring a new profession

Today, sustainability and social responsibility are highly important topics in the corporate world. Business strategies based on an ESG perspective must not only meet social expectations, but also the upcoming...

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The EU would put an end to the unsustainable operation of companies – more than a thousand companies may be affected here

Hungarian companies listed on the stock exchange are seriously lagging behind in the area of sustainability, according to EY’s study examining a total of 320 companies in 17 EU member...

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This year, the OKHK conference also discussed the topic of risk management and credit management

This year, every 25th company among businesses may face the possibility of liquidation, and in light of this, more and more attention is being paid to the areas of risk...

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With excellent quality against hunger

How can we fight hunger and promote sustainability with quality food and a full stomach? Many would immediately say no. But the answer is simple: with awareness. On October 16, World...

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October 16 – World Food Day

On the occasion of the World Food Day held on October 16, topics such as food security, the fight against hunger or planet-friendly eating come into focus every year. However,...

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85 éves a kávétörténet legendája, a NESCAFÉ

Ha kávéról van szó, szinte biztosak lehetünk benne, hogy a NESCAFÉ-val mindenkinek van egy története. A kényelmes, azonnal oldódó kávé 1929-es feltalálása után rögtön világsikert aratott, megjárta a második világháború frontvonalait, és még a...

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