Tag "felmérés"

DPDgroup: Internet shopping habits in Europe and in Hungary

On behalf of the DPD Group, 23 450 citizens of 21 European countries were interviewed between 19 and 7 October 2016 about their online shopping habits. Hungary also took part...

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Hungarian sellers are above the world average in smiling and greeting

The level of domestic customer services in smiling and greeting outperformed the world average. However Hungary is still lagging behind the front-runners but the development can be easily seen from...

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Optimistic US consumers

A Bloomberg survey has revealed that US consumers are more optimistic than ever before in the last 15 years. 36 percent of respondents said the US economy is going in...

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Újabb digitalizációs robbanás fenyeget

Az elmúlt 15 évben több, mint 760 százalékkal nőtt az internet-felhasználók száma, világszerte. Míg 2000-ben 361 millióan voltak jelen az online térben, addig a legfrissebb adatok szerint ma már több,...

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Survey on the British spending habits

Britain is a nation of vodka drinkers who wear Nike, prefer to gamble at Ladbrokes and don’t realise Brexit will make life more expensive, according to a consumer survey by...

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Cofidis: Consumer loans and personal loans were the most popular last year

Consumer loans and personal loans were the most popular products of the credit market in 2016 – according to a recent national representative survey of Cofidis that was sent to...

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The majority of the SMEs spend less than one percent of the turnover on information technology equipment

The Hungarian small and medium-sized companies consider Internet use important: 84 percent of them have their own website, operated by professionals, but most of them spend less than one percent...

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Hungary’s online retail is worth more than a billion euros

This year’s first survey by GKI Digital and Árukereső.hu revealed that online retail sales represented a HUF 310-billion value last year. Online sales expanded by 18 percent in 2016 – Norbert...

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GfK: the proportion of customers loyal to their banks is increasing

The proportion of customers who are loyal to their banks increased steadily last year, while the proportion of those who are open to change bank is stable; it is around...

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Nielsen: Europe faces slow growth

Amid great political and economic change around the world, global consumer confidence moved modestly in 2016, rising three points between the first and fourth quarter to 101. Confidence scores in...

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Deterioration in consumer sentiment in the US

Due to the worsened outlooks consumer confidence turned pessimistic in the US in February – University of Michigan’s usual monthly survey reveals. The consumer sentiment index decreased to 95.7 points...

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Nielsen: Hungarians spend the most on travel on the Internet

The boundaries between traditional and online shopping platforms are more and more blur, and those consumers who have already purchased a durable product or service on the internet, typically more...

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The popularity of malls has decreased

Over the past decade, the turnover generated by the secondary school students in the malls decreased by 30 percent, so an increasing number of shopping centers forced to close –...

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Provident: Christmas budget increased in 2016

According to the research of the Provident Pénzügyi Zrt. carried out during the holidays with the participation of 500 respondents, Christmas budget of the households increased slightly in 2016, compared...

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Nielsen: 41 percent of the Hungarians believe that it is worth to by premium products

Intense and uniquely aromatic arabica coffee, leaf tea on the highest degree of tea culture, sourdough bread made with great care or capsule washing powder. For example, most of the...

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GKI: labor shortage is the most acute at small companies

Mostly, firms employing fewer than 20 people are looking for manpower, they could employ about a quarter more than the existing staff number – the GKI Economic Research Co. announced...

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The survey of Játéksziget was published

In connection with the Christmas purchases, the staff of the Játéksziget carried out a survey, in what age the parents would buy a tablet or laptop to their children. One-third...

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Workania: retailing has become the largest labor recruiter in Hungary

The demand towards sellers and salesmen, cashiers and warehouse laborers increased significantly in the retail trade so this industry has become one of the biggest recruiter in Hungary – according...

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Half of the parents are not interested in one of the most important marking on toys

Nine out of ten parents are aware of the marks on toys intended for children, but buy adequate, safe products only in every second case. Gyaraki Dávid When shopping the...

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Web stores expect a 18 percent growth in the last quarter

Online retail sales may be 18 percent higher in this year's last quarter than a year before – according to this year's fourth joint research by GKI-Series Digital and Árukereső.hu....

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Hungarian customers are hunting for actions

The Hungarian customers are specifically “bargain hunters”, even if they can afford the buy discounted products. Seventy-two percent of them have heard about the Black Friday and an increasing portion...

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Nielsen: Hungarians prefer to buy in shops with loyalty program

Almost 75 percent of Hungarians prefer to buy in shops where you loyalty programs are offered – the Nielsen international market researcher reveals in its survey. According to the summary...

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GfK: the sales of technical products increased in the 3rd quarter

The sales of durable technical goods increased by 4.9 percent in the third quarter of 2016, compared to the same period of last year, while the total turnover amounted to...

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The Hungarian consumer awareness is low according to a survey

The Hungarian consumer awareness is low according to a survey. In more than half of the quality complaint cases the customers do not complain. In case of unsuccessful complaint, only...

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Randstad: less executive chair and salary for women

As understrappers, the workers consider mixed groups more effective, however, as women they prefer to work under the management of men – the latest survey of Randstad Work Monitor reveals....

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Nielsen: the use of mobile devices changes trade and cash flow

Trade in Hungary is also changing as a result of that consumers increasingly use their mobile devices for several purposes: one in three Hungarian mobile owners used to compare prices...

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EY: the total value of corporate acquisitions increased in the first half of the year

The total value of corporate acquisitions in Hungary in the first half of 2016 was close to 0.9 billion USD, which is an increase of 9 percent, compared to the...

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eNet-Telekom: the number of mobile Internet users is 2.6 million

98 percent of the more than 3.5 million smartphone and tablet users are using wifi, 72 percent of them, 2.6 million have mobile internet – the report of eNet and...

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Farmers calculate with a good year

According to the Agricultural Economic Index, commissioned for the first time by Budapest Bank and prepared by GfK Hungária, farmers forecast a positive turn of events this year. The representative...

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KPMG: European family businesses are optimistic

Despite the low growth environment and difficulties in the labor market, the European family businesses are flexible and successful – according to KPMG’s survey. The leaders of family businesses believe...

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