Tag "EU"

Employment in the European Union increased to a fifteen year peak last year

Employment in the European Union increased to a fifteen year peak last year, and thirteen of the twenty-eight Member States have reached their national target for 2020 – according to...

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The European food fraud report was published

The 2018 report of the European Food Fraud Network (EU Network for Food Fraud), which provides insight into information exchange through the Administrative Assistance and Cooperation System (AAC) was published...

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The ZEW German and Euro-zone economic sentiment index is at its one-year peak

The economic sentiment index has risen to the highest level of the past one year in Germany and in the euro area – according to the report of the Mannheim-based...

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EU: climate change, urbanization and the demographic crisis are among the main global megatrends

The challenges posed by climate change, urbanization and the demographic crisis are among the most important global megatrends, which will inevitably and greatly affect the functioning of the world by...

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In case of a Brexit disorder, the EU will immediately restart customs controls

Customs controls on goods coming from the United Kingdom will immediately restart, after which VAT will have to be paid if Great Britain leaves the European Union in an irregular...

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The EU has adopted an investment package for infrastructure projects in 10 Member States, including Hungary

In the framework of cohesion policy, the European Commission has adopted an investment package of 4 billion euros for 25 large-scale infrastructure projects in 10 Member States. In the case...

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Pálinka cooking can be tax-free again

In May, a decision could be made in the European Union on the initiative on the exemption of home-made pálinka – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. – The suggestion is also...

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The United States and China are the EU’s biggest trading partners

The European Union concludes one third of its foreign trade with the United States and China, while Germany is the largest trading partner for most of the EU member countries...

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Labor costs increased in the EU

Labor costs have increased in the European Union as a whole and in the euro area in the last quarter of last year – according to the data released by...

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The European Commission urges the creation of a council to support innovative initiatives

The European Commission intends to speed up the establishment of the European Innovation Council (EIC), helping to bridge the innovation gap in Europe. Under the program, four Hungarian small and...

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Seven percent of EU imports are counterfeit

There is a growing problem that an increasing share of the commodities traded in world trade are counterfeit, for example, 7 percent of EU imports are counterfeit products, which poses...

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Brexit: probability of a disorderly exit has increased and the entire European economy will suffer

Yesterday, the British House of Commons voted against again to abolish the British EU membership agreement, so MEPs can decide on an unsettled exit. According to the Brexit analysis of...

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Euro area’s GDP growth is on a four-year low in the fourth quarter

Economic growth in the euro area fell to a four-year low in the fourth quarter of last year, according to the final figures of the European Union Statistical Office, Eurostat,...

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Retail sales in the euro area grew stronger than expected in January

The European Union’s Statistical Office (Eurostat) announced on Tuesday that according to the seasonally adjusted data, retail sales in the 19-member eurozone increased by 1.3 percent monthly and 2.2 percent...

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Newer companies have joined the agreement against the distribution of counterfeit products

New internet platforms and brand owners joined to the agreement against the distribution of counterfeit products that was established in 2011 and was strengthened in 2016 – the European Commission...

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The European economy will grow this year

The European economy is expected to grow for the seventh consecutive year in 2019, but appropriate and decisive political action is needed to promote investment and to help implement responsible...

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The economic climate deteriorated in the EU in February

Economic sentiment worsened in February both in the euro area and throughout the European Union. According to a report from the European Union’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (EcFin)...

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Eurobarometer: Hungarians are more positive towards the European Union than the average

Hungarians are more positive towards the European Union than the average. The number of those, who see the EU positive is more than twice as those who have a negative...

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The EU invests more than 10 billion euros into innovative clean technologies

The European Commission has announced a multi-sector investment program worth more than 10 billion euros (about 3200 billion HUF) to develop and deliver low-carbon technologies to increase Europe’s global competitiveness...

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The lowest inflation of the past nine months occurred in the euro area in January

In January, the lowest inflation rate of the past nine months in the euro area was recorded by the European Union Statistical Office, Eurostat, on the basis of final figures...

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Brexit without agreement may bring steep rise in prices and a lack of food

Due to food shortages and sudden high tariffs, there would be a risk of steep price increases if the UK would leave the European Union without agreement during the Brexit...

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British food exports to the EU cannot be guaranteed without agreement

In case of a Brexit without agreement, there would be no full guarantee that Britain could continue to export food to the markets of the European Union – the head...

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EU forecast: moderate growth is expected in the European economy

According to the European Commission’s (EC) Winter Economic Forecast, the European economy will continue to grow in 2019, as expected in the last seven years, and performance is expected to...

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The EU-Japan Trade Agreement comes into force

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement will come into force on 1 February, which will abolish the vast majority of customs duties of about 1 billion euros per year for the...

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Nagy István: reduction in rural development funds is unacceptable

The European Commission’s proposal to reduce Hungary’s rural development resources after 2021 by more than 26 percent is unacceptable – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the Agriculture and...

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The cultivation of GMO-free protein crop should be promoted due to the reduction of EU soy import dependency

The cultivation of GMO-free protein crop should be promoted due to the reduction of EU soy import dependency Hungary continues to be committed to genetically modified food (GMO) -free food...

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The EC has authorized the use of American soybeans as biofuels

The European Commission has authorized the use of American soybeans as biofuels on Tuesday, which will certainly increase the volume of imports from the United States. Authorization was granted until...

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The net surplus of EU funds to Hungary exceeds 11 thousand billion forints

Since joining the EU, Hungary has received more than 11,000 billion forints as EU support by 2017, as it has paid into the community – the head of the European...

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The number of guest nights spent in the EU increased by more than two percent

The number of guest nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments in the European Union (EU) increased by 2.2 percent in 2018 compared to the previous year, reaching 3.1 billion. The...

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The rate of rise in consumer prices in the euro area slowed down in December

The pace of consumer price rises in the euro area slowed down to an eight point nadir in December. According to the final figures published by the European Union Statistical...

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