Tag "élelmiszeripar"

Takarékbank farmers are more optimistic, but a difficult year awaits livestock farmers

The expectations of agricultural participants have improved by the end of the fourth quarter of last year, compared to the previous quarter, but typically growers are optimistic and livestock farmers...

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New sales director at KOCH’s Torma Kft.

From January 2021 József Bacskai is the sales director of KOCH’s Torma Kft. Mr Bacskai earned a degree in food engineering at Corvinus University and has already worked for companies...

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Nagy István: agriculture is the most important bastion of the country

The coronavirus pandemic has shown that agriculture and the domestic food industry based on it are the most important bastions of the country – the Minister of Agriculture said at...

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Varga Mihály: 5 billion HUF tender to be launched for food companies

A 5 billion HUF tender will be launched to support the investments of Hungarian food companies, Minister of Finance Varga Mihály said in a video published on his Facebook page...

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According to the European Food Safety Authority, the larvae of the flour beetle is fit for human consumption

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which operates under the auspices of the European Union, said on Wednesday that foods made from the larvae of the flour beetle (Tenebrio molitor)...

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From Monday, ITM suppliers can apply for a program to support the development of food businesses

Suppliers are expected to apply from Monday for a program to support food businesses. The program was announced last December by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM). In a...

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Varga Mihály: government agrees to invest 18.5 billion HUF and protect 1,500 jobs with 3 food companies

The government has agreed on an investment of 18.5 billion HUF and the protection of 1,500 jobs with 3 Hungarian food companies, which will receive a total of 7.6 billion...

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The government supports food businesses through a supplier program

A thirty-five billion forint supplier development program for food companies will be launched – the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) announced at a press...

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This is the only way to get the Hungarian food industry back on its feet

The need to renew Hungarian agriculture and the food industry is not a question. However, there are several ideas as to what are the biggest weaknesses in the sector and...

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Unilever declares war on food waste and unhealthy food

Unilever has announced the launch of a large-scale program to help consumers eat healthier and reduce the environmental impact of food production. As part of this, the company undertakes to...

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AM the food industry plays a strategic role

In the spring, Hungarian agriculture proved that it can withstand even the most difficult conditions, the efforts of farmers have raised agriculture and the food industry to a strategic sector...

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Univer Product received support for export sales

Univer Product Zrt. has received government support for its marketing communications to develop its export sales in Romania. The Kecskemét-based company exports seasonings, condensed tomatoes and baby food to more...

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The alternative food market in Europe could grow tremendously in five years

The emergence of alternatives to meat and dairy products is causing major changes in the food industry as more and more meat and dairy companies enter this market to meet...

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Muesli is immune to the economic effects of a coronavirus pandemic

Although the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic has led to declining sales in several confectionery product categories, muesli, which has consistently shown the fastest growth with biscuits in the...

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Nestlé launches Hungary’s largest food industry investment in Bük

An investment worth nearly 50 billion HUF will begin at Nestlé Hungária’s production center in Bük, which supplies pet food to more than 50 countries around the world. One of...

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Smart seeds: Equinom accelerates breeding capabilities with new R&D center

Seed breeding company Equinom is advancing its breeding capabilities to provide novel seed-to-table solutions. The company has a new R&D center that houses all vital departments together – biochemistry, applications,...

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The competition authority has conditionally approved the expansion of the OTP group in agriculture and the food industry

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has authorized the OTP Group to acquire the NAGISZ Group, which is active in the agricultural and food markets, but under conditions that are able...

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Modernization at the Pannon Sütő Kft.

The Hungarian economy will be successful from the work of the Hungarian people, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said at the contract handover ceremony of Pannon Sütő Kft....

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Varga Mihály support decisions in Ginop worth more than 2,600 billion HUF

More than 2,600 billion HUF worth of sponsorship decisions were made in the calls for proposals of the Economic Protection and Innovation Operational Program (Ginop) – Varga Mihály, Minister of...

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Choose domestic products to support Hungarian workplaces and to protect the environment!

This year has shown how vulnerable the world has become as a result of globalization and how important self-sufficiency is. It became clear that Hungary’s agriculture and food industry survived...

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New warehouse, new plans at Cerbona

The storage capacity Cerbona Élelmiszergyártó Kft. has more than doubled through a 500 million HUF development. The expansion of production and the growing domestic and foreign demands necessitated the investment...

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Nestlé is moving fast towards sustainable packaging

Recently, Nestlé has sped up the transformation of its packaging, and today 87 percent of their products are made this way – origo wrote. By 2025, however, the company would...

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AM helped more than 35,000 businesses

More than 35,000 farms or businesses applied for support in the summer to mitigate the negative economic effects of the coronavirus – Feldman Zsolt, Secretary of State for Agriculture and...

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Nagy István: choosing Hungarian products strengthens the country’s economy

By choosing Hungarian products, customers will strengthen Hungary’s economy, ensure the livelihood of families and also contribute to climate protection – Minister of Agriculture Nagy István said told M1 news...

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The Farmer Expo will be held in Debrecen with fewer exhibitors

With fewer exhibitors and smaller built fairgrounds, but the Farmer Expo will be held in Debrecen between 18 and 21 August at the campus of the university in Böszörményi út...

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Nestlé closes successful half-year thanks to the company’s pandemic strategy based on support for employees and those in need

Not only did Nestlé take care of the health of its employees, but also their financial safety in the event of an emergency caused by the new coronavirus pandemic. The...

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What changes does the coronavirus pandemic bring to agriculture

The emergence of the coronavirus has severely affected agriculture in developed and developing countries. It can already be seen that the demand for perishable products will not recover soon, and...

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The second phase of the National Food Crisis Management Program was also successfully completed

Two of the three phases of the National Food Economy Crisis Management Program developed by the Ministry of Agriculture have already been successfully completed. As previously reported, a total of...

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AM: agriculture has become a strategic sector

The coronavirus pandemic showed the importance of the Hungarian agriculture and food industry -Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said the Bread of the Hungarians...

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The Kométa has entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with the government

The Kométa 99 Élelmiszeripari Zrt. of Kaposvár signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the government in Budapest on Tuesday. In the picture published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and...

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