Tag "Cerbona"

Everything is well if it starts well

Serving breakfast any time of the day is becoming an option in a growing proportion of the catering industry. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2025/2-3. Traditional...

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Cerbona expanded its production capacity by more than HUF one billion

Cerbona Zrt expanded its production capacity by more than HUF one billion. At Thursday’s press conference, CEO Tamás Mészáros said that with the new production line, the company now has...

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Cerbona Gingerbread flavoured limited edition granola 200 g

Enjoy the rich flavours of Cerbona’s latest limited edition Gingerbread flavoured granola! The unique combination of crunchy granola and gingerbread spices offers a special taste experience, which is perfect for...

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Then the doctor came…

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) defines functional foods as those that provide specific health benefits beyond basic nutrition, including the prevention and treatment of illnesses...

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Gluten-free – new flavours, new possibilities

The once limited choice of gluten-free products has now expanded to a large and diverse selection, including breads, pastas, snacks, cakes and many other foods that were previously difficult to...

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As we are living our lives faster than we used to, sometimes we tend to organise our meals functionally: main meals are skipped or postponed, but our hunger remains. This...

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Cerbona acquires BOCI, which marks a new chapter in the story of the iconic brand

Nestlé has announced the sales of its BOCI, MELBA and PÁRIZSI KOCKA trademarks to Cerbona (A.R.M. Alba Régia Mercator Ltd.). Nestlé acquired BOCI and the other brands concerned during the...

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Serve breakfast like a king…

Most people think of breakfast as the healthiest main meal – even late risers share this view –and this is something that the food and hospitality industry should take into...

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Medicine in grass, wood, functional

Fizikai és mentális egészség, nyugodt alvás, hangulatjavítás, energiapótlás – jólléte biztosításához, egészsége megőrzéséhez a ma embere már nem feltétlenül a gyógyszertárban keresi a segítséget, inkább az élelmiszerüzletek polcain. És még...

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Breakfast in the morning, midday and in the evening

Neither what we have for breakfast, nor our breakfast habits are the same as they used to be 10-20 years ago. Perhaps the biggest change is that the term “breakfast”...

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Cereal wonders for health and a flavour experience

Dorottya Fanni Bereczki, Nestlé Hungária Kft.’s brand manager told our magazine that there was a little growth in the cereal market in the first 6 months of 2022. “Value sales...

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(HU) Két csomag Detki keksz vásárlásával Apple csomagot nyert egy budapesti kétgyermekes anyuka

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Cerbona Kft. is opening up to the vegan food market

Cerbona Éleskedergyártó Kft. has appeared on the vegan food market, from which it expects substantial additional revenue of approximately 100 million HUF per year in the coming years. The company...

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Reacting to consumer needs – functional foods are in the centre of our innovation work

Cerbona keeps expanding its portfolio with sugar-, gluten- and lactose-free products and foods enriched with protein. A growing number of shoppers wish to buy vegan products, so Cerbona has launched...

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Cerbona has produced the full electricity demand of its plant in its own solar park

Cerbona has built its own solar park in Újhartyán, uniquely in the Hungarian food industry, which has now produced 9680 solar panels abundantly for the entire yearly electricity consumption of...

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Cerbona gluten-free oatmeal flour

A new product has been added to Cerbona’s gluten-free product line. This finely ground gluten-free oatmeal flour is made of whole grain oat. Thanks to its light structure, the product...

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New warehouse, new plans at Cerbona

The storage capacity Cerbona Élelmiszergyártó Kft. has more than doubled through a 500 million HUF development. The expansion of production and the growing domestic and foreign demands necessitated the investment...

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Expanding cereal crop circles

2019 was a good year for cereal products, but we might be surprised if we take a closer look. For instance Levente Németh, marketing manager of Nestlé Hungária Kft. informed...

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Gluten-free living

Demand is growing fast for gluten-free products and consumers can choose from a bigger selection of products than before.   Balázs Mészáros, sales and marketing manager of Cerbona Élelmiszergyártó Kft....

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Cerbona is conquering the crunchy muesli market too

Tamás Mészáros, managing director of Cerbona Élelmiszergyártó Kft. informed our magazine: after investing in the crunchy muesli production line in 2018, this year the company started building a new warehouse (which...

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Dél-100: Warehouse enlargement

Dél-100 Kft. is based in Kiskunfélegyháza and was founded in 1998. The company supplies partners with household chemicals, plus it also operates a network that consists of 170 franchise partners. The best-known...

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Magazine: Dietary supplements: increasing health-consciousness

In February London-based Euromonitor International published a study about the Hungarian dietary supplement market. It revealed that Hungarian consumers know and take care more about their health than before.  Companies have...

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Magazine: When you need a bit of energy

Sales developed well in the cereal product market last year, but the different segments contributed differently to this good performance. Tamás Czepanecz, brand manager of Nestlé Hungária Kft. told: value sales of...

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Cerbona bites bigger from the the market of Sport mueslis

There is also a growing demand for functional foods, as well as towards products that serve the needs of healthier consumers and specific consumer groups in Hungary. Cerbona, that is...

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The crossed grain has become a symbol of quality

People suffering from gluten intolerance don’t have to quit eating tasty food any more, as there are many ingredients and special products available to them. According to Roland Kanyó, marketing and...

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Magazine: New segments becoming more important in the cereal product market

After the spectacular expansion of the last few years, the sales growth slowed down a little in the market of cereal products in 2017. At the same time the restructuring process...

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Cerbona and Ham-Let in one hand

The owner of the Cerbona Élelmiszeripari Kft. purchased the Agrimill-Food, the producer of the Ham-Let puffed cereal slice, so the two known brands came in one hand. The further operation...

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The New Gluten-Free Product of the Year award was handed over

The New Gluten-Free Product of the Year award was handed over. The recognition of the National Advocacy Association of Celiacs was handed over to the Chocolate Sour Cherry muesli bar...

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Cerbona icreased its earnings and profits last year

The Cerbona Élelmiszeripari Kft. Increased its revenues and profits last year. Its revenue has become more than 3.4 billion HUF, and its pre-tax profit was 251 million HUF – the...

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More oats and less sugar from Cerbona

Following, the Western European consumer trends, there is a growing demand for functional foods and healthier products in Hungary as well. A significant increase in demand towards oat products has...

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