Tag "Ausztria"

Further easenings in Austria

All stores can open at our western neighbor on May 2nd. From May 4, education will also gradually resume, and from the middle of the month, restaurants and bars will...

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Restaurants and hotels in Austria will open in May

Restaurants may open on 15 May and hotels, swimming pools and leisure facilities (zoos, tourist attractions) in Austria on 29 May – Elisabeth Köstinger, Minister for Tourism said at a...

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Stores smaller than 400 square meters have opened in Austria

The first step towards normalcy has been taken. Austria’s measures to curb the coronavirus pandemic have been effective, so stores smaller than 400 square meters have been reopened – Austrian...

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POPAI-news: Inside and outside

We received a personal report from neighboring Austria. Judit Sándor, who is currently working in the field of e-commerce at Essity’s Vienna regional headquarters, has undertaken to look around Austrian...

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Smaller shops will open after Easter in the neighboring countries

Smaller stores in Austria could open after Easter – Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced at a press conference in Vienna on precautionary measures about the coronavirus situation on Monday. “We have...

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A lakossági fogyasztás zuhanására számítanak Ausztriában

Több mint nyolcmilliárd euróval csökkenhetnek az idén a lakossági fogyasztási kiadások Ausztriában a koronavírus-járvány miatt az osztrák Wifo gazdaságkutató intézet prognózisa szerint. Jürgen Bierbaumer-Polly, a Wifo közgazdászának a számításai szerint...

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Smoking ban will be introduced in Austrian restaurants from 1 November

The smoking ban in Austrian catering units will take effect from midnight on 1 November. Meanwhile, the authorities are also prepared to monitor compliance with the Regulation. From 1 November,...

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Spar Austria is now ahead of its Germans competitors

Spar Austria has a stable second position in the top 5 ranking of grocery retailers. LZ Retailytics forecasts that Spar will continue the dynamic growth....

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Spar Austria Introduces New Organic Biscuit Range

Spar Austria has launched a new range of organic biscuits in partnership with the Vienna-based start-up NUSSYY. The product does not contain added sugar or palm oil, and it is...

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Spar Austria Forms Alliance to Promote A Reduced-Sugar Diet

Spar Austria has launched a sugar reduction initiative to draw attention to the benefits of lower sugar consumption, the retailer said in a statement. The aim of the initiative is...

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Spar Austria Forms Alliance to  Promote A Reduced-Sugar Diet

Spar Austria has launched a sugar reduction initiative to draw attention to the benefits of lower sugar consumption. The aim of the initiative is to promote the removal of excess sugar...

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Recycling Revolution at Vöslauer

Vöslauer is the market leader in Austria and is responsible for the environment and sustainability. The Vöslauer Mineral Water is starting the change in Hungary with 100 percent recycled PET...

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Investigation against Amazon in Austria

Austria’s competition authority has begun investigating whether Amazon is exploiting its market dominance in relation to other retailers that use its website as a marketplace. There is a suspicion that...

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The rate of increase in wholesale prices slowed down in Austria

The rate of increase in wholesale prices slowed down at the end of the year in Austria, according to a report published by Statistik Austria on Monday. In December, wholesale...

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Fifth of Austria’s raw milk is organic milk already

Austrian dairies are hardly keep up with the increasing production, the tanks are full especially with organic raw materials. 19 percent of the raw milk delivered in Austria is already...

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The number of Hungarians working in Austria reached the highest level so far

The number of Hungarians working in Austria has reached the highest level so far. However, most of these workers are seasonal workforce, possibly commuters. In June, the number of Hungarians...

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Billa developing steadily in Austria

Austrian retail chain Billa expanded in terms of both store number and services offered in 2017. Online sales skyrocketed 40 percent in just one year, while the chain opened 31 new...

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SPAR’s 21 million euro investment in Austria

SPAR Austria is building a new hypermarket in the shopping centre of Steyr. The EUR 21-million project will be completed by the end of 2018. 200 people will work in the...

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The abolition of cigarette machines is under consideration in Austria

Debate began on the abolition of public cigarette machines in Austria, politicians have so far declined to comment on this issue – the Der Standard Austrian newspaper wrote. Apart from...

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Expanding export opportunities in Europe for Hungarian companies

The new representation of the Central European Trade Development Network of the Hungarian National Chamber of Commerce (MNKH) was opened on Tuesday in Kismarton (Eisenstadt), Austria. The network is operating...

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A new department was opened in the outlet center in Parndorf

A new department was opened in the outlet center in Parndorf, Burgenland, so the range was expanded with 15 new shops, cafes and restaurants – the mall’s owner and operator...

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Magazine: Study trip done the MVI way – Part 3

Between 8 and 10 October 2015 the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) and Coninvest Kft. organised their 3rd study trip, this time to Austria. The second day started in Obertrum,...

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Unmarked meat was imported from Austria

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Authority seized unmarked, uncooled meat consignment in contaminated truck on the M1 motorway near Komárom – the organization's press officer told...

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Magazine: Study trip done the MVI way – Part 2

Between 8 and 10 October the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) and Coninvest Kft. organised their 3rd study trip, this time to Austria. Still on the first day the next...

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Travelling with MVI part 1


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The heat causes fish mortality and agricultural damages in Austria

The Austrian Die Presse daily reported about heat-related agricultural damages and fish mortality in Austrian rivers on Wednesday. Because of the high temperatures and low oxygen content, fish mortality is...

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Every year one million tons of food products are thrown out in Austria

Every year one million tons of food products are thrown into the trash in Austria – according to a study presented on Monday in Linz. The study was made by...

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Smoking will be prohibited in Austrian restaurants

Austria’s governing parties have agreed that a general ban on smoking will be introduced in cafes and in restaurants after May 2018. In addition, smoking will be prohibited in restaurants...

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Hungary is the guest of honor at the travel exhibition in Linz

Hungary is present at the international travel exhibition in Linz with its thermal baths and with the sights of Budapest. Hungary is the guest of honor for the first time...

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