Stores smaller than 400 square meters have opened in Austria

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 04. 14. 11:08

The first step towards normalcy has been taken. Austria’s measures to curb the coronavirus pandemic have been effective, so stores smaller than 400 square meters have been reopened – Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said at a press conference in Vienna on Tuesday morning.

“The situation is not as it was before,” – Kurz noted. He drew attention to the fact that decisions on possible further mitigation of precautionary measures would be taken in the future, depending on the evolution of the epidemic.
The politician stressed that the crisis has not yet been overcome. He said the government had drawn up a plan to open shops, restaurants step by step, but if data on the coronavirus pandemic were unfavorable, they would “apply the emergency brake” again. (Noll Katalin, MTI)

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