Spar Austria Forms Alliance to Promote A Reduced-Sugar Diet

By: Gyarmati Orsolya Date: 2019. 05. 30. 12:54

Spar Austria has launched a sugar reduction initiative to draw attention to the benefits of lower sugar consumption, the retailer said in a statement.

The aim of the initiative is to promote the removal of excess sugar from products.

In developing the initiative, the retailer has partnered with the Austrian Medical Association; the Austrian Obesity Society; the Special Institute for Preventive Cardiology and Nutrition (SIPCAN); the Austrian Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology and the Austrian Anti-Aging Socety.

It also is partnered with Rauch Fruit Juices and Berglandmilch Dairy Manufacturers.

These alliances hope to encourage all sectors of society to take actions to embrace a reduced-sugar diet.

“In Austria, eight out of ten people currently consume more sugar than World Health Organisation recommendations,” said Friedrich Hoppichler, University professor and director of alliance partner, SIPCAN.

Spar Austria is proposing concrete steps such as sugar reduction targets and expanded educational programmes at schools.

According to the statement, Spar Austria began removing sugar from its own brand products in 2017.

Spar Austria’s goal is to remove 1,000 tonnes of sugar from its own brand products by the end of 2020.



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