Tag "Agrárközgazdasági Intézet"

All seasonal fruits are cheaper than they were at this time last year

According to the report of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, seasonal fruits are cheaper compared to last year, and the majority of vegetables did not increase in price based on...

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The risk management of producers can only be improved through cooperation

On June 20, 2024, the Agricultural Economics Institute (AKI) hosted the workshop entitled “Experiences of the agricultural risk management system in 2023” for the tenth time. After presenting the results...

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National economy considerations

At a conference organised by the National Association of Plant Based Food Manufacturers and Distributors (NÉGYOSZ), Zombor Berezvai, assistant professor at Corvinus University of Budapest analysed the business and national...

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The Agricultural Economics Institute is at the service of Hungarian farmers and agriculture

Every sector and, within that, every policy, every ministry needs an institution with a knowledge base like the Agricultural Economics Institute, which cultivates all elements of knowledge at a high...

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Cheaper eggs at Easter than last year

According to data by the Central Statistical Office (KSH), Hungary bought 1% more shell eggs (32.7 thousand tonnes), including nearly 17% more fresh eggs (17.8 thousand tonnes) from the international...

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AKI: the export value of 13 of the 24 agricultural and food product groups increased in 2023

In an annual comparison, the assets of Hungarian agricultural foreign trade increased by 51 million euros (almost 20 billion forints) to 3,519 million euros (almost 1,400 billion forints) in 2023...

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WHO: agricultural and rural development payments exceeded HUF 1,400 billion last year

Last year, i.e. in the first year of the agricultural policy cycle until 2027, HUF 1,409.2 billion were paid out for agricultural and rural development subsidies – read the summary...

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Milk may become more expensive

Among the staple foods, the average price of milk is on the verge of further increase, having already shown a two percent increase in January 2024. According to a recent...

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Agricultural Information Portal – agricultural data in one place

The Agrarian Economic Institute (AKI), which operates as a background institution of the Ministry of Agriculture, has been Hungary’s most important agricultural economic database and policy experience for many decades,...

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The producer price of Golden apples increased by 24 percent

According to the publication of the Agrárközgazdasági Intézet Informative report on autumn agricultural works, in 2023 the planned area for apples was 20.5 thousand hectares, of which 96.8 percent, 19.9...

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The new Agricultural Statistics Pocket Book has been published

The publication provides information on the results of agriculture, forestry and the food industry in 2022. It also ensures the comparability of time series by being connected to the data range...

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Elindult a K&H agrár CO2-kalkulátor

Habár a klímaváltozás, a Közös Agrárpolitika elvárásai és a szigorúbb fogyasztói elvárások is a környezetet kímélő megoldások irányába tolják az agráriumot, csupán minden tizedik agrárcégnek van erre irányuló írott stratégiája,...

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Egy év alatt ötödével csökkent a nyers tej ára

Az AKI PÁIR adatai szerint Magyarországon a nyers tej országos termelői átlagára 153,57 forint/kilogramm volt 2023 szeptemberében. A fehérjetartalom 0,06 százalékpontos és a zsírtartalom 0,03 százalékpontos javulása, valamint az alapár stagnálása...

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Alig mérik károsanyag-kibocsátásukat az agrárcégek

Az agrárcégek jelenlegi fenntarthatósági gyakorlatáról képet adó K&H fenntarthatósági index szerint a szektor tájékozott az EU karbonkibocsátási elvárásaival kapcsolatban – 90%-uk hallott már a célkitűzésekről, 72%-uk pedig tisztában is van...

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What is happening in the garlic market is worrying

According to the data of AKI PÁIR, this is how the most common gross producer prices developed in the Budapest Wholesale Market in the 42nd week. cluster tomatoes: HUF 870/kg,...

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Mérséklődik a nyers tej ára

Az AKI PÁIR adatai szerint Magyarországon a nyers tej országos termelői átlagára 161,96 forint/kilogramm volt 2023 júniusában. A fehérjetartalom 0,1%-pontos, a zsírtartalom 0,05%-pontos romlása, valamint az alapár 4%-os csökkenése mellett...

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European wheat prices are moving upwards

The immediate export price of mill wheat arriving in Rouen (FOB) increased by $2 to $255/ton and between July 7 and August 4, September 256, October 257 (+$5) and December...

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Poultry price increase was twice as big as the pig price rise

According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), Hungary’s poultry meat export increased by 3.1% in volume to more than 31 thousand tonnes, and in value it grew by...

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Agricultural Economics Institute: at the beginning of the year, sales of agricultural machinery increased by 45 percent

In the first quarter of this year, producers bought agricultural machinery and tools for HUF 90.7 billion, the total value of sales increased by 45 percent compared to the same...

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AKI: the price of several fertilizers fell significantly

Although overall, fertilizer is still more expensive than a year ago, the price of some products already fell to last year’s level in the first quarter – read the summary...

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Major price drop in the cereal market

Data from the Market Price Information System (PÁIR) of the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) reveals: on the last week of March, the price of milling wheat – without...

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Institute of Agricultural Economics: the decrease in the producer price of grain continued

In the last week of March, the decrease in the producer price of grain in Hungary continued, and the price of oilseeds also decreased – read the report published on...

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According to experts, corn production can be profitable again this year

The events of the past year have made many domestic corn producers uncertain, while experts draw attention to the fact that this year, thanks to the already wetter weather, the...

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AKI: producer prices for wheat and corn decreased compared to last year

The prices of food wheat, feed wheat and feed corn in Hungary have decreased significantly compared to last year, but none of them have yet reached the level of 2021...

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Last year, fewer animals were slaughtered in slaughterhouses than the year before

Hungarian slaughterhouses slaughtered 97.9 thousand cattle in 2022, 10.4 percent less than the previous year, 4 million 532 thousand pigs, which is a 6.9 percent decrease, and 207.8 million poultry,...

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Raw milk’s price grew by three quarters in one year

n September 2022 raw milk’s price was up 46% in the European Union and 33% in the USA if compared with September 2021. Buyers had to pay 3% more for...

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Hungarian expertise can greatly help the development of Western Balkan agriculture

Hungary is committed to the development of the Western Balkans, a key element of which is the sharing of agricultural expertise – stated Deputy State Secretary for International Relations Dr....

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Institute of Agricultural Economics: the export of agricultural products increased to 9.844 billion euros in the first three quarters

The value of exports of agricultural and food industry products increased to 9.844 billion euros and imports to 6.878 billion euros in the first three quarters of 2022, from exports...

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AKI: HUF 517 billion were paid for agricultural and rural development subsidies

HUF 516.7 billion were paid for agricultural and rural development subsidies until September 30 last year; 64.8 percent, HUF 334.9 billion, of the disbursed support came from European Union funds,...

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Institute of Agricultural Economics: the agricultural machinery market continued to expand

Individual farms and social enterprises bought HUF 269.1 billion worth of new agricultural machinery and equipment in the first three quarters of this year, 69 percent more than a year...

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