
Retail sales in the Euro Zone and in the EU both increased

Retail sales in January increased both in the Euro Zone and in the European Union. The second largest annual increase in the EU was achieved by the Hungarian retail in...

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Magazine: New IT solutions showcased at the beginning of the year

Las Vegas was the host of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January 2015 and featured many solutions from the field Cisco defined as ‘The Internet of Things’. One of...

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A farmer wanted to sell Polish apples as Hungarian apples

A farmer in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county wanted to sell Polish apples as Hungarian apples – the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told MTI. The tax officers of the Electronic Road...

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November: 3.4-percent expansion in grocery retail

In November 2014 retail turnover is estimated to have improved by 5.2 percent (adjusted for calendar effects) from the same period of 2013. Food and food-type retail sales improved by...

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A quick look at the tobacco product market: what do the numbers say?

According to statistical data on excise duty from the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV), until November 2014 tobacco product volume sales were lower than in the same period of...

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2015 may bring solid growth but many risks as well

According to GKI Economic Research, the Hungarian GDP grew by 3.2 percent in 2014 and it will expand by 2 percent in 2015. The world economy and the European Union’s...

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Magazine: E-commerce is about to boom

Last year online retail estimatedly expanded by 22.5 percent and neared HUF 266 billion. According to a forecast by eNET, in the medium term (2014-2018) e-commerce is about to boom,...

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Analysts: retail expansion shows the increase in income

Retail sales expanded significantly in January, which indicates an increase in household income, according to analysts polled by MTI. The Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Wednesday that the January...

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OKSZ: retailing continues to grow this year

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) expects a further growth in retail sales, but at a slower pace. According to data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published on Wednesday, retail...

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A breakthrough in mobile internet use: half of the Hungarian Internet users are holding the World Wide Web in their pockets

Half of the adult netizens in Hungary have smart phones with mobile internet. Four-tenth of them browse social networking sites daily, while a third of them inform about the coming...

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The 18th District further tightened the rules of opening

The local government of the 18th District further tightened the rules of opening hours – wrote. The local government of the 18th District even shortened the opening hours of...

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KSH: the trade surplus amounted to 6.4 billion euros last year

The euro value of exports increased by 4.2 percent last year, while teh imports in euros rose by 4.7 percent. The trade surplus became 6.4 billion euros, which is 153...

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Regular, moderate coffee consumers have 'cleaner' arteries

A few cups of coffee a day may help people avoid clogged arteries – a known risk factor for heart diseases – South Korean researchers believe. The study was published...

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The Way to Work was launched for the fourth time

The youth unemployment is one of the most serious social problem, which is a global challenge as well. The Adecco is organizing its fourth job fair entitled “Way to Work”...

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Mobile payment from Telenor

Telenor’s mobile payment is based on the Cellum system. Telenor launched its own credit card, called MyCard, with which mobile banking services are available via the MyWallet smartphone app developed...

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Magazine: Successful innovations in Europe and in the United States

Breakthrough Innovation, a Nielsen project in the USA examined the market performance of 17,000 new products between 2008 and 2012. Conducted with the leadership of senior Nielsen vice presidents Rob...

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KSH: retail sales continued to rise in January

In January, retail sales rose by 7.7 percent, compared to the previous year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday. Due to the post-Christmas sales the sales of...

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Most of the shopping centers are open on Sundays

The vast majority of the domestic shopping centers welcomes the visitors on Sundays even after March 15 – the Association of the Hungarian Shopping Centers (MBSZ) told MTI on Wednesday....

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MLE: the advertising tax causes competitive disadvantage for the domestic media businesses

At the National Economic Committee’s meeting, Lázár János Minister spoke about the European Commission’s infringement proceedings against Hungary, due to the advertising tax law, and about the expected outcome. The...

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According to the research of UPS, the European e-shoppers want flexibility

Today, comScore Inc., a leader in measuring the digital world, and UPS, a global leader in logistics and transportation services, released the second UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper™ Global...

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Russia bans Hungary’s poultry meat import temporarily

Russia temporarily banned imports of poultry meat and poultry products heat-treated at a temperature lower than 70 degrees from the whole territory of Hungary on Wednesday. The Russian Federal Veterinary...

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Generation Y is now history, here comes Generation Z

According to an expert at AdAge, the so-called Generation Z will be an even bigger challenge for marketing managers to reach than Generation Y was. There are 72 million consumers...

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Domestic advertising spendings increased by nearly eight percent last year

Last year’s 189.05 billion HUF domestic advertising spendings exceeds the data of 2013 by 7.77 percent – Hivatal Péter, teh vice president of the Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) announced on...

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Magazine: Consumer confidence record – but with worries in the background

Ingo Schier, Nielsen’s director in Germany, told to trade magazine Lebensmittel Zeitung at the end of last year that in the first quarter of 2014 consumer confidence was at record...

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Advertising cake: the total press media market revenue became 100.416 billion HUF in 2014

The press market revenues of 2014 were published. The press media market achieved 34.637 billion HUF advertising revenues and 60.179 billion HUF sales in 2014. In addition, the print companies...

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The excise fuse for alcohol products to be decreased to twenty million HUF

The excise fuse for alcohol products will be decreased to twenty million HUF after the National Assembly adopted the bill of Lázár János Minister leading the Prime Minister’s Office and...

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The government considers to introduce a 3-5 percent tax on advertising

The government is considering to introduce a 3-5 percent tax on advertising and seeks to protect the smaller media companies. Specific proposals for the amendment of the advertising tax has...

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An increase in the domestic direct and interactive marketing market

The Direct and Interactive Marketing Association (DIMSZ) published its report on the 2014 Direct Marketing sector spendings on 3 March. The market spendings increased. The sector maintained its fourth place...

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The Spring cereal seed price forecast was published

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board has announced this year’s forecasted prices on spring barley, spring wheat and oats. The price is net 94 thousand HUF per tonne....

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Consumer prices fell in the euro zone in February

The consumer prices in the euro zone fell by 0.3 percent on an annual basis in February, after the 0.6 percent annual decline of January – according to the preliminary...

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