
German retail sales increased

Annual retail sales in Germany increased in January by 5.3 percent in real terms. In nominal value retail sales rose with an annual 4.1 percent – according to preliminary data...

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NAV: the finance officers seized tens of thousands of counterfeit shoes and clothing

More than 21 thousand pairs of counterfeit shoes and slippers, 13.5 thousand counterfeit T-shirts and jeans, as well as three thousand fake baseball caps were seized by the National Tax...

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The ‘tigers’ of the Far East like Hungarian meat

Japan’s population is 127 million and it is an aging society, as only 8 children are born per 1,000 people a year. The Japanese economy is growing between 2 and...

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New trading houses in Asia and Africa

In December Hungary opened four new trading houses: in Mongolia, Morocco, Botswana and the Republic of South Africa. Mongolia has great potential for Hungary, in the last two years the...

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GKI: slowing growth and upgrade may come this year

After last year's exceptionally fast 3.5 percent growth, a deceleration may come. The GKI expects a 2 percent economic growth, and that the credit rating agencies will upgrade Hungary’s classification...

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The Hungarian agriculture grew with the fastest pace in the EU

The output of the Hungarian agriculture expanded with the fastest pace in the EU in 2014 – the Minister of Agriculture said on Friday in Budapest at the Agrya Young...

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No more tricks with the online cash registers

The Hungarian Cash Register Alliance's research found that 20 percent of the users would still use tricks on the online cash machines, if it would be possible. Two hundred dealers...

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MasterCard: the list of the best mobile shopping applications in 2015

MasterCard announced its unique “Mobile Top App Index”, a European Index of mobile shopping apps. The index not only showcasestop the best mobile shopping apps from across 36 European countries,...

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Gyuricza Csaba is the new president of the MVH

Gyuricza Csaba, the Dean of the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Faculty of the Szent István University will be the new president of the Agriculture and Rural Development Agency (MVH) –...

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More than a hundred thousand birds were killed due to bird flu in Füzesgyarmat

The elimination of more than a hundred thousand duck stock is completed at the poultry farm in Füzesgyarmat, where the bird flu virus turned up last week. The detected H5N8...

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British researchers looking for new climate change resistant coffee beans

Scientists at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew have begun a desperate bid to find a new bean of coffee which can thrive as the climate warms, before the world’s...

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The first food Ombudsman was appointed in Slovenia

The government appointed Joza Podgorsek to the post with a five-year mandate. He is the Dean of the Agricultural College. The Ombudsman told the Delo Slovenian newspaper that his aim...

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U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder would strenghten the security of the malls

Eric Holder, who will be leaving his post in the coming weeks, sat down for an interview with CNN at the U.S. Department of Justice headquarters Thursday in Washington D.C....

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Active agricultural producers are about to be born

After the European Union, the concept of ‘active agricultural producer’ is introduced in Hungary too. From 2015 only those are entitled to receive direct subsidies who qualify as ‘active farmers’....

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Young farmers can count on more funding

Despite less money – EUR 373 billion – from the CAP, the 2014-2020 period brings considerable funding for young farmers: they will receive 3-4 percent of the total sum. In...

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Magazine: The salty snacks market has been taken off the medical ventilator

Based on data from the first 11 months of 2014 it seems that salty snacks are now past the worst: sales have started increasing again....

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MVH made the most EMVA payments last year

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) paid the biggest sum, HUF 258 billion in subsidies to projects co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund. MVH awarded HUF 160.5 billion...

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More on the spot checks

Bad news for farmers: the European Court of Auditors (ECA) decided to follow a stricter payment control policy in the next programming period. In the case of Hungary this means...

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Back to six from seven

From 15 March 2015 shops stay closed on Sundays in Hungary. Who is this good for? Perhaps for families, but definitely not for the families of those 15,000-20,000 people who...

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The NGM expects the further expansion of retail trade

The retail sales reached a ten-year record in 2014 – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI on Thursday MTI, commenting the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH)....

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The NAV would explore the unreported machines

The tax authorities would explore the food vending machines that were not reported by their operators with targeted inspections. The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told MTI on Friday...

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Economic sentiment improved in the EU in February

The Economic sentiment has improved in the EU28 in February, as well as in the Euro Zone – according to the communication of the European Commission (EC) that was released...

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The two-third of the population barely able to save

In Hungary, 61 percent of the economically active age group (25-55 year olds) can be considered as savers. They save an average of 20 thousand HUF per month– the Union...

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Hungary is the privileged partner of the Croatian Viroexpo

Hungary is the privileged partner of the 20th Viroexpo international fair, which was opened on Friday in Verőce – the Hungarian Embassy told MTI. Fifty-one Hungarian companies participate at the...

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Fifteen thousand boxes of smuggled cigarettes were found in Pécs

Fifteen thousand boxes of cigarettes without tax stamps were found by the finance officers in a Hungarian truck – the NAV informed MTI on Thursday Bus Szilvia the Press Officer...

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Consumers want snacks with natural flavours and ingredients

An international survey on sweets and salty snacks found that three quarters of consumers want products with natural flavours and ingredients – these characteristics are more important to them than...

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Chocolate rabbit is the most popular

Easter confectionery sales amounted to HUF 4 billion and represented 940 tons in the three-month season last year. Like-for-like value sales surged by 12 percent and volume sales bettered by...

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There is value in chocolate figures

Last year’s improved consumer mood manifested in the sales data of Easter chocolate figures too. More and better quality products were purchased in 2014. – Besides a 2-percent growth in...

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A 17-billion-forint annual market

Mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard generated a HUF 17-billion combined turnover in the December 2013 – November 2014 period. Value sales improved 4 percent from the base period. Mayonnaise sales valued...

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KSH: retail sales rose by 5.6 percent in December

According to calendar adjusted data, retail sales rose by 5.6 percent in last December, while in 2014 the volume of sales was 5.2 percent, higher than in the previous year...

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