
The Sunday store closure can rearrange the turnover towards smaller shops

The Sunday store closure can affect third of the Hungarians, who buy intensively on the last day of the week. They will have to purchase in more expensive, smaller shops....

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The food processing strategy has been completed

The food processing strategy has been completed, which is expected to be discussed by the government in a few weeks – Zsigó Róbert announced at a professional forum. Zsigó Róbert,...

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Lázár János initiates a meeting in connection with the advertising tax amendment

Lázár János initiates the meeting of the Economic Committee in order to discuss the possibilities of the changes in the advertising tax – the Prime Minister's Office told MTI on...

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Investment increased by 14 percent last year

A total of 5,216 billion HUF was spent on investments in Hungary in 2014, 14 percent more than a year before. The investments increased in the majority of teh sectors...

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Magazine: Spicier flavours from condiment makers

Easter is one of the driving forces behind mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise and horseradish sales. Last year sales expanded, in part because barbecues are becoming trendier, creating a third season for...

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EKAER: the NiT Hungary ask for a longer fine-free period

The NiT Hungary ask for the extension of the fine-free test period from the government. The Executive Secretary General of the advocacy organization, Dittel Gábor wrote a letter to Varga...

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China has dropped some of the world's leading technology brands from its approved state purchase list

China has dropped some of the world's leading technology brands from its approved state purchase lists, while approving thousands more locally made products, in what some say is a response...

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Two-digit growth in value and volume sales alike

In the two-month Easter period of 2014 ham and smoked meat were sold in the value of HUF 7 billion. This constitutes a 15-percent increase from the category’s performance in...

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More and more stores sell Quality Hungarian Pork

Pork products marked with the Quality Hungarian Pork (KMS) trademark. Hungarian pork meat and pork products are only allowed to use the KMS trademark if they regularly go through the...

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Nielsen: more people were watching food, chemicals and cosmetics commercials

The domestic TV commercials of food, household chemicals and cosmetics reached 1 percent more GRP last year, than a year before – according to a Nielsen Audience Measurement Ltd. The...

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The MLSZKSZ welcomes the retuning of EKÁER

The Association of Hungarian Logistics Service Centers (MLSZKSZ) welcomes the government's efforts that they retune the EKÁER system, building on the experiences of the two-month test period. The Association considers...

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Credit Market: More than half of the Hungarians do not compare the offers

The Hungarians’ trust in crediting shows a rising trend in the recent period; nearly two-third of the population accepts or even considers the good credit scheme as an option –...

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French consumer confidence rose to a nearly three years peak

The French consumer confidence has increased to a nearly three years peak in February – according to the data of the French statistical office (INSEE). The index increased in February...

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Patterns inside the bottle

O-I, the owner of more than 50 years old Orosháza Container Glass Factory, had its internally embossed bottles patented in 2010. The innovation was first used in the neck of...

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A change in store type shares

General cleaner retail sales were between HUF 9 and 10 billion in the first ten months of recent years. The category is the 9th biggest from the 70 household chemical...

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CAP direct payments legislation is ready

The new legislation regulating the direct subsidies through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has now reached the conciliation stage. In Hungary seven regulations have been worked out by the Ministry...

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Magazine: What to expect from the 2014 vintage?

According to Dr Zsombor Sümegi, development director of the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT), 2014 wasn’t an easy year for Hungarian winemakers, it was full of challenges. There was...

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A paradigm shift is needed in the role of the sales organizations

In recent years, the sales efficiency is often mentioned as the task that the sales organizations are facing, mostly without specifics. With the aim to have an instant picture of...

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The GVH and the OÉTI signed a cooperation agreement

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) and the National Food and Nutrition Institute (OÉTI) have signed a cooperation agreement. According to the cooperation agreement, the two organizations mutually assist each other's...

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The Hungarian National Tourist Office has developed a three-year agri-marketing strategy

The Agricultural Marketing Centre and the Hungarian National Tourist Office have developed a new three-year collective marketing strategy to strengthen sectoral cooperation and to coordinate marketing activities. The social discussion...

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The pace of decline in consumer prices accelerated in the EU

The pace of decline in consumer prices accelerated in the European Union in January. The price level in an annual comparison fell by 0.5 percent after the 0.1 percent in...

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The Covasna county consumer protection backed out in case of the fine implemented on Székely Flavors

The leaders of the Covasna county consumer protection authority recognized that they need to punish primarily due to expired products – the Háromszék daily wrote on Tuesday. The Covasna County...

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“Political chocolate” was marketed in Russia

A Russian company started to sell “Political chocolate”. The covers of the bonbon boxes are made along the lines of the former Soviet propaganda posters, and such messages can be...

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Tractor buyers didn’t waste their time

In Hungary 2014 was a record year in tractor buying: according to data from the Hungarian Leasing Association, in the first seven months of the year farmers purchased 3,201 tractors,...

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Lower production prices in November

n November 2014 agricultural production prices decreased by 6.8 percent from the level of November 2013. The price of vegetable products was down 8.3 percent and the price of livestock/products...

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Steps proposed to help small-scale producers

According to the Small-scale Producers Interest Group (KTÉ), the selling opportunities of small farmers have to be expanded, and for this several rules need to be changed. For instance KTÉ...

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GKI-Erste prosperity index: improved consumer confidence

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI Erste prosperity index has remained unchanged in February. Its level is still representing a relatively optimistic mood. According to the survey by GKI...

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MasterCard: a significant increase in the use of one-touch credit cards in Europe

Europeans like to pay with one-touch cards virtually in any location. According to MasterCard Europe’s compilation, sent to MTI on Monday, in the last quarter of 2014, the number of...

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Czibere: The government is ally for companies employing people with changed working abilities

The government is the strategic ally and partner of companies employing people with changed working abilities, because they give chance for people to avoid social subsidies, to be able to...

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Changes were made to the proper diet guidelines of children's nutrition in the U.S.

New guidelines released today by a leading U.S. pediatricians group urge a more practical, commonsense approach toward nutrition to help improve children's diets and health, both in school and at...

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