
Apples and pears from the EU can be transported to the U.S.

Apple and pear exports became available from European Union to the United States. Thus, the European producers may get a new sales opportunity after they lost a substantial part of...

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The weight of agriculture need to be increased in bank lending

The agricultural sector can be the break out point of the banking world in the coming years, therefore, to increase the share of agricultural companies need to be increased in...

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Nébih: Hungarian consumers are safe

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) will do everything possible to provide adequate quality Hungarian products to the consumers – Barátossy Gábor, the deputy director of Nébih’s wine and...

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Farm from a Box

The Farm from a Box helps the Third World communities, or natural disaster hit villages to produce the most important products – wrote after The Farm from a...

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NGM: new applications appear supporting the public service and startup businesses

On Monday two applications will appear that will support public service and startup businesses to enter into the market. The applications will be published within the Economic Development and Innovation...

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NHS would introduce sugar tax in hospitals to tackle UK obesity crisis

The NHS plans to impose its own sugar tax in hospitals to help tackle the “national sugar high” increasingly ruining people’s health, the service’s boss reveals. Hospitals across England will...

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The bird flu is attacking again

The federal agriculture ministry registered bird-flu disease in the United States in Indiana – wrote. They warn that only rapid response may prevent from larger outbreak. Since the spring...

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Income differences: deepening gap

Global economic inequality is deepening, with only 62 individuals owning as much wealth as the 3.5 billion people in the bottom half of the world's distribution of wealth. That calculation...

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Robots may make millions unemployed

isruptive labor market changes, including the rise of robots and artificial intelligence, will result in a net loss of 5.1 million jobs over the next five years in 15 leading...

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The simplest way to get your own solar panel system

MVM Partner Zrt. offers companies consulting, system planning, implementation, funding opportunity search and maintenance services in a single package if they wish to build a solar panel system. Energy trader...

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200 m² and smaller

Sales trends in the category of 200m² and smaller shops took two different directions between December 2014 and September 2015: in the 51-200m² channel grocery sales grew 1 percentage point...

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The price of crops increased

Last November, the agricultural producer prices increased by 5.5 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. The increase is related to the 13.7 percent the increase in...

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Nébih: the winter seasonal food chain control in 2015 ended with positive experiences

With a few glaring cases, the winter seasonal food chain controls ended with positive experiences in 2015. During the winter seasonal food chain control carried out in December 2015, the...

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Kopint-Tárki: exports and private consumption can boost economic growth

The completion of the projects of the 2007-2013 EU budgetary cycle may cause smaller fractures in investment, however, exports and private consumption can boost economic growth – Palócz Éva, CEO...

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Agricultural exports to Germany increased by seven percent last year

The largest market for Hungarian agricultural products is Germany. Last year the Hungarian agricultural exports to Germany grew by 7 percent, compared to the previous year – the Minister of...

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The Bonyhád-based Danubiana Kft. increased its exports

The Bonyhád-based Danubiana Kft. increased its exports by about 5 percent in 2015 – the company's managing director told MTI. Schmidt Győző informed that the German owned ltd. sold 138...

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Half of Slovaks purchase even if they do not have enough money

Traders in Slovakia seeks to prolong the year-end shopping season with substantial discounts, at least until the end of January. The Bratislava Tvnoviny reorts that according to the survey of...

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Morocco is interested towards the Hungarian agricultural technology

Morocco is interested towards the Hungarian agricultural technologies and food safety experiences – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told in its communication. According to the information, Fazekas Sándor, Minister of...

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The Nébih seized counterfeit wine

The experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized 13,100 liters of counterfeit wine that is unfit for public consumption. According to the statement of the National Food...

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Hungarian consumer confidence at five year high

In the third quarter of 2015 the Hungarian consumer confidence index was at 61 points – this is the highest value of the last five years. The index grew 6...

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The Central and Eastern European commercial real estates are popular

A record amount of 9.6 billion euros investment has arrived to the Central and Eastern European region's commercial real estate market (excluding Russia) in 2015, 20 percent more than in...

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Interpretations uncertainties in the reduction of pork VAT

According to the information of the agrá, the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) is calling that the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) to issue resolution in controversial cases. The 5...

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KSH: consumer prices grew by 0.9 percent in December

Consumer prices increased by 0.9 percent in December, compared to the previous year. Compared with November the decline was 0.3 percent. Last year, for the year as a whole, consumer...

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EU's first beef shipment arrived from Hungary to China

The first European beef shipment arrived from Hungary to China. The arrival of the container was celebrated in the Shanghai port on Thursday – Szabó László, Parliamentary Minister of State...

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Analysts: inflation may remain below 2 percent this year

In the next few months prices can start to increase moderately, but the annual average inflation may remain below 2 percent – macroeconomic analysts told MTI. In response to the...

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More than half of the loans aimed at investments could not be achieved without the NHP

The small and medium-sized companies could not taken up more than half of the loans aimed at investments, without the growth loan program (NHP), which significantly contributed to the strengthening...

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Private consumption is the engine of the German economy

The German economy increased by 1.7 percent last year. It is the highest growth in the past four years – according to the first estimate of the German statistical office...

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Corporate social responsibility may increase

According to Deloitte’s research carried out among Bulgarian, Czech, Kosovan, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovenian CSR managers, the companies in Central Europe have a tremendous responsibility in...

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Grain Producers: he plants can tolerate the lower and higher temperatures as well

Vancsura József, president of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on Wednesday that the changeable weather is not a problem for winter cereals because the plants can...

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The industrial tomato is the big winner

The production of vegetables declined by about one hundred thousand tonnes last year, mainly due to the Russian embargo, however, the production of industrial tomato cultivation increased, and there is...

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