
Pécs: the General Assembly voted to purchase the necessary land to build a new market hall

At its Thursday session, the General Assembly of Pécs voted for the submissions for the land acquisition of the new market hall in Pécs. To buy the about 14 thousand...

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Sales concentration

Between December 2014 and July 2015 praline sales exceeded HUF 14 billion, growing by 3 percent from the base period; volume sales stayed put. From confectionery sales pralines’ is the...

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Magazine: Catalysts of the burnout syndrome

Today I am writing about how to speed up burning out… My view is that the risk of physical and mental burnout is encoded in one’s communication. Probably passive communication...

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Dairy Product Board: tax reduction is required to help the sector

The Dairy Product Board said that in order to help the dairy sector the first and most important step is to reduce the VAT on drinking milk to 5 percent....

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A new surtax may come

Designed along the lines of the Polish retail surtax, the Hungarian government may decide about a new measure during the spring, which would provide a more proportional burden sharing for...

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FM: prevails in prices to reduce the VAT of pork

Due to the VAT reduction, the price of pork declined at the dominant retail chains, but not at all the smaller trading firms and butcher shops – the Minister of...

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CBRE: Hungarian commercial properties were sold in a record value last year

Last year, real estate investors bought commercial properties in Hungary in a record amount of 745 million euros, which is 60 percent higher than in 2014, while the real estate...

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Farmers bought agricultural machinery in a value of more than 100 billion HUF last year

Last year, the farmers bought agricultural machines in a value of more than 100 billion HUF – the Minister of Agriculture told on Wednesday in Budapest at the opening ceremony...

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The modification of the vine-growing sector regulation reduces administrative burdens

From 1 April 2016, the issue of certificates of origin will be electronically available at the mountain judges. In this context, due to the electronic filing, a certified copy of...

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People over 45 pay by credit card the most commonly

Almost three-quarters of the middle-aged, 45 and 60 year olds pay by credit card, while 58 percent of the under-30s, pay with credit card in Hungary – according to the...

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Workania: last year two-thirds of job seekers found new jobs within three months

Last year, two-thirds of job seekers found new jobs within three months – according to the latest survey of the Workania jobs portal. 36 percent of respondents in the first...

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Online: shower gel and mineral water are the top picks

Nielsen asked consumers in 60 countries which products (from a list of 72) they intend to buy online in the following 6 months. In general more consumers plan to purchase...

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The Nébih tested thirty-three kinds of butter

The experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested thirty-three different products of nineteen producers. Proceedings were initated in eleven cases – the agency told MTI on Tuesday....

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FM: autumn sowings in good condition

The autumn sowings are especially in good shape, the rainy weather had a positive effect on crops – the Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told at...

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The retail surtax would be progressive in Poland

The Polish Ministry of Finance published its draft law on the retail special tax on Monday evening. According to the draft released on the ministry's website, the special tax would...

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Simpler dispute resolution via the EU’s online consumer platform

In January, the European Commission launched its online alternative dispute resolution platform, which allows simpler, cheaper and more efficient settlement of international consumer disputes – the DLA Piper international law...

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The finest tequila is made of the heart of the agave

A few things you do not know about the favorite drink of the Mexicans: Tequila is the inevitable, quality drink of the parties. The finest and one of the cleanest...

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The replacing of the primary producer cards has begun

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) has begun the exchange the primary producer cards of the small-scale agricultural producers. The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) will introduce card-based electronic primary producer cards...

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Újpest to build new marketplace

Early November they started building a new marketplace, market hall and cultural centre in Budapest’s 4th district, in Újpest. The new 25,000m² hall will open its gates in the summer...

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International action plan against tax avoidance

OECD first presented its action plan to fight international tax avoidance at the G20 summit on 8 October. In 2013 OECD published its first report on base erosion and profit...

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NGM: retail trade closed a good year in 2015

Retail trade strengthens continuously in Hungary, the growth of turnover has been going on for 30 months. On the basis of the recent data retail trade closed a great year...

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GKI: business and consumer confidence improved in the beginning of the year

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI-Erste sentiment index started the year from a level has not seen for almost a year. The business expectations were around their 2015 peak,...

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KSH: Retail sales rose by 4.8 percent in November last year

The retail sales volume increased by 4.8 percent, calendar effect adjusted in November last year. According to the raw data, the increase was 4.3 percent, compared to the same period...

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MVH: half of the agricultural subsidies have already been paid

According to the president of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency, more than half of the funds of the direct agricultural support, 240 billion HUF have already been granted to...

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The JÁSZ-Tész Kft. built a new cooling house

The JÁSZ-Tész Kft., distributor of frozen vegetables and fruits expanded its logistics center in Nagyréde with a new cooling house investment worth more than 400 million HUF. The 400.6 million...

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The Nébih closed a bakery in Budapest

Due to severe sanitation problems and a total lack of records the Nébih closed a bakery in Budapest with immediate effect. During the inspection more than a ton of pita...

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Fish Sausage: the meal of adventurous gourmets

We now know that the fish dishes are healthy, have excellent dietary effect, however domestic consumption grows very slowly. The fish experts find out several varied ways to increase consumption....

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(HU) Magasról indított a GKI konjunktúraindex

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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KSH: 15.7 percent less grain grown in 2015 than in 2014

Last year, 2.6 million tons less, 15.7 percent less grain grew on 132 thousand less hectares (on a minus 4.7 percent smaller area, compared to 2014 – the Central Statistical...

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Analysts: real wages may rise by nearly 4 percent this year

Average wages grew by 5.3 percent in November last year. Without counting the public workers, the increase of gross and net wages was 6.1 percent. Compared to the October 2015...

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