
Three hundred tons of carp is deployed into the Lake Balaton each year

The Balaton Fish Management Company begins the spring fish domiciliations into the Lake Balaton. Now 60 tons of carps are leaking into the lake. Every year 300 tons of carp...

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Mobile devices used more frequently in job seeking

According to the 2015 Adecco Work Trend Study, conducted with the participation of 4,100 employers and 31,000 job seekers in 26 countries, in job seeking the use of company websites...

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Informatics development is necessary

Parcel vending machine use can only become more frequent if online shops improve their IT systems: the machines can only hold relatively small parcels but online shops sell big objects...

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The fish may be cheaper as well

According to the operators of the sectors, the VAT should be reduced not only on pork, but also on dairy products and fish. Lévai Ferenc former president of the National...

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Hungarian premium beef is already available in the Chinese shops

The sales of the Hungarian premium quality beef has begun in Shanghai and the surrounding area, in ten stores of the Chinese Greenland Group supermarket chain on 1 February –...

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Fazekas Sándor: the decline in the pig population has stopped

The decline in the pig population has stopped in Hungary in the past few years, now the pig population is around 3.2 million again – the Minister of Agriculture said...

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The EC expects 2.1 percent growth in Hungary this year and 2.5 percent next year

This year the European Commission (EC) expects 2.1 percent economic growth in Hungary and 2.5 percent for the next year. The European Commission (EC) published its winter economic forecast in...

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We produce nearly 2 million tonnes of food surplus each year

In Hungary, we throw away nearly 2 million tonnes of food each year. The Food Bank aims to save the food surplus and deliver it to people in need. The...

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IKEA increased its sales in Hungary by nearly 15 percent

Compared to the previous fiscal year, the IKEA increased its sales revenues in Hungary by 14.6 percent to 47.01 billion HUF in 2015 – Marek Feltl, leader of the company...

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Italian cigarette smuggler was caught

An Italian man tried to smuggle over 14 million forints worth cigarettes from Hungary, but was caught by finance guards at the Hungarian-Croatian border crossing at Letenye. Joó Hilda, press...

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Leasing companies to join the financing scheme

Leasing companies can also join the agri-business financing programme in the EU budgetary period that lasts until 2020. Until 2020 there will be an annual budget of HUF 628 billion...

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NGM: retail sales growth of around 5 percent is sustainable

Hungarian retail closed an exceptionally good year in 2015. Such an increase has not seen for more than 10 years – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Ministerof State of the National...

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The fruit and vegetable sector is waiting for the VAT reduction

Many market players think that about 60 billion HUF falls out of the budget annually because of VAT frauds – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. The Vice President of the interbranch...

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Czerván: the Russian embargo re- organized the markets

The Russian embargo on food re- organized the markets. The European exports to Asian countries moved towards Japan, China, Hong Kong and South Korea – Czerván György, Minister of State...

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Retail sales grew rapidly last year in the Czech Republic

Last year, retail sales rose by 5.9 percent in the Czech Republic. Sales growth was so high as in 2008 – the Czech Statistical Office announced on Thursday in Prague....

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Increase in air freight and passenger traffic in 2015

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for 2015 showing demand (revenue passenger kilometers or RPKs) rose 6.5 percent for the full year compared to 2014....

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VHT takes steps to raise meat consumption

The Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organisation and Marketing Board’s (VHT) objective is to increase per capita pork consumption by 5kg by 2020. Conditions are given as due to the Russian...

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AKG calculator

The environmental management for agriculture (AKG) calculator is already working on the NAK website. As part of the Rural Development Programme (VP), farmers could apply for AKG funding between 7...

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Food safety guaranteed

There were almost 400 participants at the IFS Food Safety Conference in Budapest at the Corvinus University on 5 November. Before the speakers took the floor IFS business development consultant...

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KSH: retail sales rose by 5.5 percent in 2015

Together with the 5.0 percent increase in December 2015, the annual retail trade turnover growth was 5.5 percent higher than in the previous year, when it was 5.2 percent. The...

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Nébih and the Dairy Product Council signed a cooperation agreement

In order to protect the high-quality Hungarian dairy products, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board signed a long-term cooperation agreement –...

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Cellars may overflow

According to the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), the world's wine production was about 275.7 million hectoliters in 2015. World wine production increased by two percent in 2015,...

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The gap is closing between the US and European prices

The futures price of corn gets closer and closer on commodity exchanges in the US and Europe in January. The decline lasting for months has continued in Europe and in...

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Public Workers into the trade!

The National Economy Ministry launched its Public Workers into the Private Sector program on 1 February. According to the plans 20-25 thousand public workers will switch to the primary labor...

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Hungarian seed market trends

The price of the seeds of the spring cereal crops is a net 97 thousand HUF per tonne price – the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board published for...

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Romanian retail sales grew by 8.9 percent last year

Romanian retail sales volume grew by 8.9 percent last year , compared to the previous year – the Romanian national statistical institute announced on Wednesday. The increase is mainly due...

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Stress resistant stock markets

After the 13 November terror attack in Paris many analysts say stock markets may fall sharply should the attacks continue. Due to the constant threat people might stay at home...

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GKI: Deceleration continues in 2016

After a number of weak years, the development of the Hungarian economy in 2014 was the second fastest in the EU. GDP growth was above-average in 2015 as well; however,...

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In the European top three once again

Like-for-like FMCG value sales improved by 5.8 percent in Q3 2015 in Hungary. This performance was the third best in Europe, behind Turkey’s 12.4 percent and Austria’s 5.9 percent. According...

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KSH: food exports in November increased by 7.7 percent

Hungary’s external trade surplus decreased by €22 million in year-on-year terms in November, to €687 mln, with the export volume growing by 8.4% and the import volume increasing by 11.2%,...

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