
Production prices in November: +5.5 percent

In November 2015 agricultural production prices increased by 5.5 percent from the level of November 2014. The price of vegetable products increased 13.7 percent, but the price of livestock/products of...

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Decree on crop protection modified

As of this year several modifications of the crop protection decree entered into force. From now on only Category 2 and 3 pesticides are allowed to be used in public...

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Hungarian apples are expensive

Because of the drought, last year's apple crop was lower than expected – that is why consumers have to pay more for apples this year. The average price of the...

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GMO-free labeling may come after the approval of the European Commission

We still need to wait a few months for the introduction of the GMO-free labeling. The “GMO-free production” trademark will be put on food and feed after the approval of...

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Coffee prices to rise

Due to the increasing consumption coffee prices may increase significantly. Analysts expect sustained high prices, because the growing area is shrinking,the yield increasing investments are costly and take a long...

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MVH: basic support was allocated to 95 percent of the farmers by the beginning of February

Until the beginning of February, 95 percent of the farmers received basic support from the Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH) – the president of MVH told MTI on Wednesday....

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Budapest to apply for a WFP service center

The government approved by the detailed application material of the World Food Programme’s (WFP) service center that will open in Budapest – the government's decision on the matter was publsihed...

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More and more is spend on food in Romania

Retail sales in Romania grew by 8.9 percent last year. The Bucharest Institute of National Statistics (INS) reports that the recent increase of food is due to the rising demand...

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Attractive Ukrainian food market

Ukraine can be Europe's food cemetery – at least something similar is expected – due to the deterioration in living standards and due to the continued depreciation of the national...

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Hotel Association: hotels closed an excellent year

Hotels in Hungary closed an excellent year last year. The 18 million hotel room nights is a 6 percent growth over the previous year; However the migrant situation is a...

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Magazine: Ham, hammer, the hammest

It is difficult to compare the last few seasons in Easter meat product sales because this holiday has a different date every year. If Easter is when people just got...

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The mangalica is a driving brand of the Hungarian livestock

The mangalica is a good investment not only for the farmers, but for the state, it is the driving brand of the Hungarian animal production is and product group, which...

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Falling tomato prices

According to the recent data, fruit and vegetable imports from third countries significantly increased in the European Union in the last year. The biggest jump occured in South Africa and...

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The pig sector is not in an easy situation in spite of the VAT reduction

The VAT reduction on pork from 27 to 5 percent resulted in increased in sales, but the industry is still struggling to compete with the cheap Western European imports because...

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The NAV is inspecting the meat companies

The National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) is inspecting the meat companies after the pork VAT reduction – the wrote. The most recent catch of the NAV was a...

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All lip care products corresponded to the consumer test

According to the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH), all tested lip care products corresponded to the test, which studied the amount of UV filter of the products – the authority...

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A fruit picking crisis may occur in Australia

Australian fruit growers are worrying that they can not recruit enough workers to the harvest due to the introduced visa regulatory changes, so the crop may remain on trees in...

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Annual market expands to fifty billion forints

Snacks sell for HUF 50 billion a year, according to data from the last December-November period by the Nielsen Retail Index. In the following five categories stores realised 10 percent...

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The European Green Capital 2016 title was handed over to Ljubljana

The European Green Capital Award rewards EU cities’ efforts and commitment to improving the urban environment, boosting awareness of the need for environmental change at the city level. As European...

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The International Association of Perfume Makers was established

The world's major sixty perfume makers founded the International Association of Perfume Makers (SIPC) in Versailles France in hope to reach higher recognition – the Le Monde daily newspaper wrote....

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Two-digit sales growth in both value and volume

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Better quality in focus

Easter confectionery sales were worth HUF 4 billion at 844 tons in the three months around Easter 2015. Compared with the Easter season of 2014, value sales fell 2 percent...

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Value sales increased above the average

Combined sales of mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard reached HUF 18 billion in December 2014-November 2015. Value sales rose 7 percent from the base period level. MAYONNAISE: retail sales were worth...

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Magazine: More new flavours to make food taste better

Condiment products perform well throughout the year, but the strongest seasons are the Easter and Christmas periods. In the last few years the summer barbecue season has become the third...

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The domestic producers want 5 percent VAT on eggs

While the tasty rural farm eggs are becoming more and more popular, the industrial eggs may come from distant continents. Nowadays large quantities of eggs arrive to Europe from India....

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The cash register situation has improved because of the online transition

The cash register market has come to a standstill after the online transition. The general technical situation of the cash registers has improved and because of the legal requirements, many...

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Analysts: last year's foreign trade surplus reached its historical peak

The evolution of the trade balance in December 2015 exceeded analysts' expectations, while the annual surplus rose to its historic highs. Suppan Gergely, analyst of the Savings Bank told MTI...

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The deadline of the food industrial support tender has been extended

The deadline of the food industrial support tender has been extended, so the first round of requests can be sent online between 25 February and 25 April – the Minister...

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MKIK: business confidence significantly improved in Hungary

According to the business climate analysis of the MKIK Economic and Enterprise Research Institute (GVI) business confidence significantly improved in Hungary in January, compared to the previous quarter. The Research...

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Climate change: the science will rescue the wine-growing regions

Without Merlot, the Bordeaux wine region would be like Tokaj without Furmint. How the world's best-known wine regions will adapt to the impacts of the climate change without losing their...

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