
FM: Saudi Arabia would buy Hungarian cattle and sheep

Hungary can be an important partner of Saudi Arabia with its long breed traditions, high quality dairy and beef cattle and feed production – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced...

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Seed Alliance also joined to the Common Agricultural Marketing Code

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VSZT) joined to the initiative of the Agricultural Marketing Chief Directorate of the Hungarian National Tourist Office. The organization hopes the expansion...

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Opten: corporate world is consolidated slowly

According to Opten, the forced cancellation processes initiated by the registry courts are running out, the number of terminated corporate enterprises is slowly reducing, the number of newly initiated liquidation...

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FEOSZ: the operation of consumer protection associations is not provided

According to the National Federation of Consumer Associations (FEOSZ) the permanent operation of the civil societies is not provided, rents can not be paid out, so the non-governmental consumer organizations...

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Animal rights activists to protest against South-Chinese dog meat festival

Chinese Animal rights activists are seeking to shut down an annual summer dog meat festival in southern China blamed for blackening the country's international reputation as well as fueling extreme...

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The websites of online shops are still incomplete

The information can be read on the websites of online stores are still not entirely satisfactory, incomplete and misleading – the National Association of Consumer Association’s (FEOSZ) big web test...

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O-I among the founding members of the American-Hungarian Business Council

O-I (Owens-Illinois Inc.), the company operating the Orosháza container glass factory, is one of the founding members the American-Hungarian Business Council. There are 11 members in the council, the goal...

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Magazine: Fighting pests at the highest level

Insecticide and insect repellent sales grew only a little in 2015 if compared with the previous year. The market is rather complex, it can be categorised according to insect types...

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Bittersweet market position improvement in the Netherlands

Hungary’s total agri-food export only grew 1.1 percent in the first three quarters of 2015 but we realised almost 12 times bigger sales growth in the Dutch market. There are...

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Nielsen: we want a pleasant shopping experience when we choose a store

When people generally select among four or five grocery stores the number one aspect is the pleasant purchasing experience. The second most important factor is to find easily and quickly...

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FM: a special attention will be paid to beef producers

The beef cattle farmers receive priority government attention. The supports in the sector expanded significantly in recent years – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced on Friday. The ministry release...

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Hungarian sellers smiled less last year

The customer service development would require a change in perception at home Hungarian sellers smiled a little less than in the previous two years, however, they greet the customers in...

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NAV: the legal sales in the Wholesale Market increased as the result of ekáer

As a result of the electronic road traffic control system (ekáer), tax evasion decreased on the Budapest Wholesale Market. In a year, the amount of payable Value Added Tax (VAT)...

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Europe wastes 88 million tons of food a year

The EU-funded project FUSIONS, in which the Hungarian Food Bank Association also participates presented the new estimates on the amount of food waste that is thrown away in the EU...

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Chamber of Agriculture: 24-25 thousand HUF greening support per hectare

The European Union (EU) greening support is about 24-25 HUF per hectare for the farmers who fulfill the conditions. Győrffy Balázs, president of the Chamber of the National Agricultural Economics...

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Nébih withdrew five out of the nine grass seed mixtures from the market

Due to quality problems and shortcomings in indication, the Nébih withdrew five out of the nine grass seed mixtures from the market. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) stressed...

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French prohibited the use of plastic bags in trade from July

The ban, once introduced, will apply to small shops and supermarkets alike. Only reusable thicker plastic bags and paper bags may thenceforth be used. These may be given free of...

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The Yugoslavia three

In the five countries of the former Yugoslavia Milka, Coca-Cola and Vegeta are the strongest brands. These FMCG brands do exceptionally well but it must also be mentioned that Serbian...

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Consultation on the water resources of the Danube-Tisza region

A forum was organised for various water resources management organisations and authorities, and water users and farmers in NAK’s Bács-Kiskun County headquarters about the most important issues and problems to...

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Magazine: Hybrid categories

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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NAK study trips

NAK organises 2-4 day study trips for members, on which they get the chance to exchange information with colleagues and learn about innovative new technologies in Hungary and abroad. NAK...

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Hungarian Cash Machine Association: regulation of the online cash registers have become more rational

According to the Hungarian Cash Machine Association, the new regulation on the online cash machines will easen the unnecessary rigor, impose reasonable rules than before. According to the association it...

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36.53 billion HUF for the development of animal husbandry

The Prime Minister's Office opens another tender for the animal breeders. The dairy restructuring welfare support will be 36.53 billion HUF – the Prime Minister's Office told MTI on Thursday....

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Several billion HUF to be allocated to agricultural marketing

The agricultural marketing program for the next three years is ready. The government would allocate the program with a total of about 6-7 billion HUF from domestic and EU funds....

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GKI: a 2.3 percent growth is expected this year

The GKI Economic Research Co. expects a 2.3 percent economic growth and a 0.8 percent inflation this year – Vértes András, CEO of the GKI Economic Research Company announced on...

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Slight increase in retail sales in Slovakia last year

Retail sales in Slovakia increased by 1.4 percent on an annual basis – the analysis of the Poštová Banka reveals. Retail sales in Slovakia in 2015 amounted to 19.139 billion...

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NÉBIH inspections in the dairy market

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) examined unfair market practices by retailers against suppliers in selling 1.5-percent fat UHT milk. NÉBIH performed 41 inspections and in more than 30...

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Magazine: Skin care and freshness when standing in the shower

After the stagnation of recent years 2015 brought a sales explosion in the shower gel market. This very positive trend was the result of the hot weather and the increased...

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Wine import halved

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that domestic sales of wines without geographical indication and wines with protected geographical indication...

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Agricultural trade surplus was over three thousand million euros

Horticulture is a strong, stable branch of the Hungarian agriculture. Horticulture gave about one-sixth of the annual agricultural output last year – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said at the...

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