
Easter is the best with Hungarian ham

Easter is here again as well as the traditional, Hungarian quality ham. The Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian National Tourist Office, the General Directorate of the Agricultural Marketing Board and...

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Nébih: large quantities of unmarked eggs were withdrawn from circulation

More than 125 thousand unmarked eggs were withdrawn from circulation in Bács-Kiskun county. The entrepreneur wanted to sell them to “small producers” – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih)...

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European overproduction plagued the Hungarian apple growers

After the pig farmers and the dairy sector, now the apple producers face difficulties due to overproduction in Europe – the Magyar Idők wrote. The Polish apple penetrated the market...

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Drink Hungarian beer to the Easter ham

According to the Association of Hungarian Brewers drink Hungarian beer of course during Easter. Vásárhelyi István beer gastronomer told that the lagers with their typical dry slightly spicy vegetable tastes...

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FruitVeB: 150-160 HUF is a realistic purchase price for cherries

In the middle of this year a good cherry harvest is expected. The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation and Product Board (FruitVeB) would consider a 150-160 HUF purchase price...

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The Dairy Product Board has also joined the “Feed Every Kids!” Foundation’s action

The “Feed Every Kids!” Foundation launches a newer action with the participation of several food chains in the 47 most disadvantaged micro-regions, where since 2010 the foundation offered a helping...

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Two hundred thousand primary producers were given cards

This year, slightly more than 200 thousand primary producer received 158 thousand primary producers’ cards between 1 January to 21 March. Süle Katalin presidency spokesman for the National Association of...

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Campaign for responsible alcohol consumption

The Detox is not a party! campaign was launched to promote responsible and moderate consumption of alcohol among the youth. The campaign aims to draw the young people's attention to...

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FAO food report

Last year the world’s countries set a schedule for sustainable development in the next 15 years and agreed to end famine by 2030. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the...

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Sales grow, concentration process stalls

Grocery retail sales valued at HUF 1,540 billion in the December 2014-November 2015 period in the 90 categories audited by Nielsen. Both value and volume sales improved by 4 percent....

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Tax donation for the public good and for a bit of tax credit

Every year those companies that generate profit have the opportunity to support certain team sports or artistic endeavours financially. New ways of supporting in exchange for tax credit have been...

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Magazine: Is global food trade really free?

According to a report published by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), changes have to be made in order to improve food supply in underdeveloped countries,...

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The Aldi, Auchan, Lidl, Penny Market, Tesco and Spar joined forces to help the needy children

The six major supermarket chains – Aldi, Auchan, Lidl, Penny Market, SPAR and Tesco help the needy children living in disadvantaged communities with 5 million HUF per supermarket chain. The...

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KSH: retail sales are higher than the preliminary figures

The volume of retail sales in January was 1.7 percent higher than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday. According to the calendar-adjusted data, the...

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The Pénzügykutató Zrt. expects a GDP growth of 2.3 percent for 2016

According to the Pénzügykutató Zrt., due to a decrease in investments a further decline will occur in the growth rate of the gross domestic product (GDP). The growth rate is...

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The Product of the Year awards were handed over

The Product of the Year awards were handed over on Tuesday. The Hungarian consumers evaluated the products in 23 categories, and awarded for the first time in the household appliance...

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OKSZ: the online cash registers can be introduced, but the smallest businesses have to get support

The online cash registers can be introduced, but the smallest businesses have to get support to the introduction – the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) told MTI on Tuesday. The OKSZ...

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The wholesale market in Szeged will open its doors soon

The new wholesale market in Szeged opens in May with 1500 sales outlets, and with a nine-meter wide road. The investor of the supermarket, the Hansa-Kontakt Invest Kft. bought 10...

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NGM: the demand for consumer durables is increasing

The demand towards consumer durables is growing constantly. The rise in real incomes appears in the consumption expenditure of households – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Minister of State of the...

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Conference about the Hungarian game management

A conference will be held titled “The current issues of domestic wildlife health and wildlife management in 2016” will take place on 5 April 2016, att he Szent István University’s...

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Young people prefer one touch payment

When they have the opportunity, 86 percent of college and university students choose one touch payment – reveals a recent study by MasterCard. 98 percent of students have a debit...

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Magazine: The best in the franchise trade

In 2016 the Hungarian Franchise Association is 25 years old. The organisation held its Award Ceremony and Gala Dinner on 21 January in Boscolo Budapest Hotel. Awards were presented in...

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Easter ham market over seven billion HUF last year

The retail sales of ham and smoked meat generated revenues of over 7 billion HUF around Easter in March-April last year. This is 5 percent more than in the same...

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The range of households consuming easter candies has expanded

According to the ConsumerPanel research of the GfK, spendings increased in casee of seasonal sweets, as well as in case of Easter ham. The average price increase also played a...

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Cattle business is flourishing

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), Hungary's living cattle exports rose by 29 percent in 2015, compared to 2014. The main partners were Turkey, Austria and...

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Falling chicken prices

The pig meat price index this year has been in the focus of attention, because VAT on pig carcase meat has been reduced to 5 percent in January. According to...

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Spice paprika producers can expect special support

As in previous years in 2016 the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) is seeking to facilitate the market access of manual labor-intensive quality paprika products. The ministry provides the support of...

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Luxury hutch with support

According to the communication of the Agriculture and Rural Development Office, a non-refundable grant is available to compensate commitments which go beyond the requirements of the animal welfare standards. Claims...

Read more crop insurances become comparable

The crop insurances become comparable, by using the damage simulator, developed by the crop insurance portal – the agricultural insurance portal told MTI on Tuesday. According to the information...

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Economic growth in the eurozone strengthened in March

The pace of economic growth intensified in the euro zone’s private sector in March, while the deflationary pressure remains due to discounts granted in response to the depressed demand –...

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