
FM: the national economy can also produce a reduction in VAT for other food industries

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) hopes that the national economy will produce a reduction in VAT for the products of other food industries. Feldman Zsolt Minister of State of the...

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Further support for the grape growers

The Agriculture and Rural Development Office awaits the support claims for vineyard restructuring and transformation from April. According to the 142/2012. (27 Dec) Ministry of Rural Development (VM) decree, support...

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The National Pálinka Council was transformed into a public body

The National Pálinka Council (PNT) was transformed into a public body – the Minister of Agriculture announced at the inaugural meeting in Budapest on Wednesday. Fazekas Sándor reminded that the...

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Declining economic sentiment in Europe

Economic sentiment declined in the euro zone and in the European Union in March for the third consecutive month. According to the report issued by the European Union’s Economic and...

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Romania is also struggling with the Chinese honey

Honey falsification occurs in Romania at an industrial pace, so the local beekeepesr suffer serious loses, however, the health of consumers is at risk as well – the Magyar Nemzet...

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Strategic agreement was reached on raising up the countryside

The Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi), the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH), and the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) signed a strategic cooperation agreement to strengthen agriculture and...

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MLSZKSZ: strong logistics industry is the basis of the economic development

The competitive and strong logistics industry is the basis of Hungarian economy’s development, without it there is no industrial development – the Association of the Hungarian Logistics Service Centers (MLSZKSZ)...

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Shops are closed on Sundays for a year now

It was in March 2015 that the regulation, according to which stores must stay closed on Sundays, entered into force. Today the majority of shoppers would still like to go...

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Magazine: Demand keeps growing for dark chocolate

The chocolate bar market is characterised by increased demand for branded products with a good price-value ratio, while the market share of private label products keeps shrinking. Korinna Kozma, marketing...

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Coffee prices are increasing on the Hungarian market

The world market coffee prices are on the lowest levels of the past two years, due to favorable harvest prospects in Brazil, but due to the supply that is lagging...

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The pork campaign continues

The promotion of the high-quality branded pork products continues after the Easter store tasting – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Tuesday...

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The production financing of the seal will be unified

The government is considering amendments in the excise tax rules, in order to unify them, to reduce administration and to increase the efficiency of tax collection. The production cost of...

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The GKI sentiment index continued to decline in March

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI sentiment index continued to decline in March, after the fall in February. The business expectations have not changed, while the consumers’ expectations noticeably...

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Savings Bank: economic growth will slow this year, but will accelerate in 2017

Economic growth will slow to 2.5 percent this year, however in 2017 it may accelerate to 3.1 percent – the analysts of the Savings Bank (Takarékbank) say. The bank's first...

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KSH: the number of employees continued to increase

The average number of employees was 4.241 million in the period between December last year and February this year. It is 117 thousand more than in the previous year –...

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Fertilizers became much more expensive

The fertilizer distributors sold 1.5 million tons of fertilizers directly to farmers in 2015. The sales volume was eight percent higher than a year before. The fertiliser prices have risen...

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The European Commission rewards the most inspiring businesses

The European Commission rewards the most inspiring businesses again this year. The European Commission’s (EC) Award for the inspiring of European businesses will be organized in Hungary for the first...

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Magazine: Oat’s renaissance

Thanks to an excellent sales performance from mueslis and muesli bars, cereal sales have increased by 8 percent recently. Klaudia Takács, associate marketing manager of Nestlé Hungária Kft. told our...

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POPAI Global Award has a Hungarian winner again!

A.R.E | POPAI The New Association announced the 2016 Global Awards Winners at GlobalShop in Las Vegas on March 23, 2016. Each year, the POPAI Global Awards recognize excellence in...

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Call for Tenders for the Innovation Product Competition of Sirha Budapest

For the second time, Hungexpo Zrt. and Trade magazine will be jointly hosting the Sirha Budapest international Innovation Product Competition. The goal of the competition is to use the exhibition...

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Heavy traffic is expected in the chain of stores

The domestic retail chains expect a strong Easter traffic. The most popular products remain ham, eggs, chocolates, and alcoholic beverages; However, the consumers are increasingly turning to higher-quality products –...

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Trade Association: Easter brings 40-50 billion HUF additional revenues

During the pre-Easter holiday shoppings retail sales jump with 40-50 billion HUF – the secretary general of the National Retail Federation told M1 news channel on Sunday. Vámos György described...

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The Marketing Board would facilitate the efficiency of the pig sector with integration

The Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (VHT) would facilitate the efficiency and competitiveness of the pig sector with integration, in order to achieve the government's pork strategy....

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The Bull's Blood of Eger may be Hungarikum

Nyitrai Zsolt (Fidesz), MP of Eger and region initiates to declare the Bull's Blood of Eger as a Hungarikum. The Ministerial Commissioner announced this on Thursday at a viticulturist board...

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Competition to select the Pálinka of Békés County

Békés County ‘s local government is looking for the pálinka of the county again this year. The announcement of results will be at the 17th Gyulai Pálinka Festival – Zalai...

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Five new table grape varieties were bred at the University of Nyíregyháza

Five new table grape varieties were given state-recognized variety ratings that were bred at the University of Nyíregyháza – the institution told MTI on Friday. The Adria, the Bíró kékje,...

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Finance guards seized one and a half tons of tobacco leaves in Révleányvár

One and a half tons, about 15 million HUF worth dried tobacco leaves were seized by the finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV). The dried tobacco...

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Partnership with BrandTrend results in Hungarian winners at World CSR Day

BrandTrend opened new horizons for companies in Hungary that take CSR activities seriously. Those who cooperated with the brand consulting firm came home with awards from the World CSR Day...

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Bravos is 25 years old: From small manufacture to major player in the coffee market

In the last 25 years Bravos went through many exciting changes. The Bravos story started in 1991 with roasted coffee packaging and distribution. At the end of the 1990s the...

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The NGM is confident that the expansion of retail sales continues

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) is confident that the expansion of retail sales will continue, and believes that the 2.2 percent increase in turnover in January will reach last...

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