
Gyulahús Kft.: half a billion HUF profit and international recognition

The Gyulahús Kft. closed last year with a profit of more than half a billion HUF. This year the company won two gold star ratings from the Brussels-based International Taste...

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The Milk Marketing Board handed over the toy castle

The Milk Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board handed over the first lottery prize of the “Collect 100 dairy hearts and win a playground” on 27 May 2016. The prize is...

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German retail sales decreased

Germany retail sales declined unexpectedly in April – Destatis revealed on Tuesday. Retail turnover decreased by 0.9 percent in April, compared to March, confounding expectations for a 0.9 percent rise....

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A record volume of trash was collected in the TeSzedd! action

A record amount of 2857 tonnes of illegally dumped garbage was collected by the participants of the sixth TeSzedd! – Voluntary movement to clean Hungary – the National Environment and...

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Tax changes in neighbouring countries

Deloitte’s tax department collected the most important changes in the tax regulations of countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Some of these may have an effect on Hungarian companies operating...

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Every twentieth grocery store closed in one year

Early 2016 there were 16,869 grocery stores in Hungary, 5 percent less than a year before: 860 shops closed for good, mainly traditional 200m² and smaller units, especially in the...

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Switch to IFRS in time!

As of 1 January 2017 every Hungarian enterprise with an auditing obligation can decide to prepare its annual report in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). A recent...

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GKI: slowing growth, accelerating consumption

In the first quarter, only the Greek growth was worse than the Hungarian growth. Due to the worse than expected data the GKI modified this year’s growth forecast from 2.3...

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FruitVeB: 25-30 percent less fruit yield due to frost damage

Approximately 25-30 percent less fruit yield is expected this year in Hungary due to frost damages – the President of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI....

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KSH: the volume of investments decreased in the first quarter

The volume of investments decreased by 9.6 percent in the first quarter of this year, compared to a year before. According to the seasonally adjusted volume indices, compared with the...

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63 billion HUF to strengthen the dairy sector

The Hungarian government will spend 63 billion HUF for the strengthening of the Hungarian dairy sector. This is the highest ever amount. In addition, the government will increase, the framework...

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MKIK: business confidence increased slightly in Hungary

According to the April-economic analysis of the MKIK Economic and Enterprise Research Institute (GVI), the business confidence rose slightly in the first quarter in Hungary compared to the previous quarter....

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A shop museum opened its doors in Gyula

The exhibition space called Museum Store for “Cap Sugar” was opened in Gyula. The exhibition showcasing the history of trade is the third museum shop of the 50-year-old Hungarian Museum...

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Nébih: the State Fish Guard Service imposed fines of 4 million HUF in one year

The State Fish Guard Service during its one year operation revealed 230 infringements and has imposed fines of 4 million HUF – the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) told...

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The EU would improve the quality of life of city dwellers in the European Union

European Union ministers meeting in Amsterdam have endorsed a “Pact of Amsterdam” aimed at improving living conditions in towns and cities throughout the EU28. With 70 percent of the EU's...

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Changes in what consumers expect from shops

According to the latest Nielsen Shopper Trends study on consumption habits, when people decide which grocery store to visit, the number one factor that influences them is that shopping is...

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Grocery retail back on track

Retail volume sales improved by 6.5 percent from the base period level in February 2016; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was 6.4 percent. Food and food-type retail sales...

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0.2 percent lower consumer prices in March

In March consumer prices dropped 0.2 percent according to the Central Statistical Office (KSH). In comparison with March 2015, food prices augmented by 0.7 percent. Seasonal product prices elevated by...

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Magazine: Still mineral waters take the lead

Levente Balogh, president of the Central European Mineral Water Holding (CEMW) that both of their companies – Szentkirályi Mineral Water Kft. and Kékkúti Mineral Water Kft. – performed exceptionally well...

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Nielsen: a sales increase in domestic food stores

The value of Hungarian food retail sales increased by 4.6 percent during the first quarter, compared to the first three months of last year. It is the third largest increase...

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Coface: internal consumption is the engine of economic growth in Hungary

In Hungary, the engine of economic growth will be primarily internal consumption, mainly due to the decline in unemployment, the increase in disposable income – according to the fresh analysis...

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The Russians are preparing for the extension of the food embargo

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has given orders for the Russian food embargo to be extended not by one year, but until the end of 2017. “Our producers have said...

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A hundred kinds of beer at this year’s Beer Festival in Békéscsaba

A hundred kinds of beer can be tasted between 14 and 18 June at the 16th Beer Festival in Békéscsaba. The festival includes great music programs including Wellhello, Halott Pénz,...

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Experimental grape varieties perform well

The experimental grape varieties of the Vine and Wine Sciences (BRC) of the University of Pécs are performing well: Three out of the four plants are resistant to major fungal...

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Mercury-polluted swordfish steak was withdrawn from circulation

A mercury-polluted swordfish steak was withdrawn from the market – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI . According to the communication, the one-kilo packaged frozen product is...

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US consumers' mood improved

The University of Michigan Final Consumer Sentiment for May came in at 94.7, it's highest reading in nearly a year and a 5.7 point increase from the 89.0 April Final...

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Foil from recycled raw material

Csömör-seated Everplast Waste Recycling Zrt. will start manufacturing UV-stable foil from recycled raw material in its Sümeg factory. The European Union finances the development with HUF 220 million. At the...

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NGM: retail sales are increasing for 33 months

Domestic retail sales continues to rise for 33 months – Marczinkó Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 news channel on Wednesday, in...

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Rural Development Office: more than 175 thousand single applications have arrived

Until the May 23 deadline, the producers submitted 175 355 applications for about 5 million hectares to the Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH); about the same amount as in...

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Last year we purchased 22 million times on the Internet

In 2015, the Hungarian consumers purchased products online for more than 22 million times. Nearly 30 percent of the products were taken over personally at the webshop's own shop, but...

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