
The payment discipline of Hungarian companies has improved

In general, survey respondents in Eastern Europe appear to be more inclined to sell on credit domestically than internationally. On average, 42.9% of the total value of their domestic B2B...

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The European Union tightens rules on tobacco products

The European Union tightens the regulation on tobacco products – the European Parliament informs on Friday. The European Parliament told that according to the data, one in four young Europeans...

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Buffalo milk producing plant was handed over in Mezőtúr

Buffalo milk producing plant was handed over with a 330 million HUF investment on Friday in Mezőtúr, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. The Italian-Hungarian-owned Italiagro Kft. will make mozzarella and other products primarily...

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More coherent action and stricter punishments are waiting for the violation of the data protection rules on the online marketing field as well

The majority of web content providers store and use the data of the visitors illegally, many of them built up their campaigns on social networking sites unlawfully. The data protection...

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The agricultural insurance framework increases by one-third this year

The agricultural insurance framework increases by one-third this year to 4 billion HUF, but because the money comes from EU funds again, the amount will be paid to farmers at...

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The Szuro-Trade is building a product dryer on the basis of a Hungarian patent

The Nyíregyháza-based Szuro-Trade Termelő Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft. is building a product dryer on the basis of a Hungarian patent with the supportof the Norwegian Financial Mechanism green industrial innovation...

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Biodiesel is produced in Croatia from Hungarian raw materials

A Hungarian company exported canola oil this year in a value of more than 300 million HUF (1 million euros) to Croatia with the mediation of the Hungarian National Trading...

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The consumer protection initiated proceedings for dietary supplements sent unbidden

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) initiated proceedings for dietary supplements sent unbidden – the NFH told MTI on Thursday. According to the information, the Polish Vital Investments company sent...

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Now it's all about football

The European Football Championship affects the turnover of beer brands, electronic goods and sports brands, but also affects the turnover of toys – wrote. Toy purchases associated with the...

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E-cigarettes can not be used on trains from Friday

E-cigarettes can not be used on trains from Friday. The restrictive legislation will enter into force on Friday under which cigarettes and e-cigarettes are banned from public transport and public...

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Catering is struggling with the severe shortage of staff

Foreign guest workers, students, unskilled family workers can serve the domestic tourists at the resorts this year because of the severe labor shortage before the main tourist season – Magyar...

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Being different matters more to fruit juice manufacturers

These days more than 50 percent of fruit juice products are sold in carton packaging, and in the case of products with a 100-percent fruit content this proportion is almost...

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Strong, stable manufacturer brands

Annual sales of carbonated soft drinks exceeded HUF 5 billion in each of the last two years. In the February 2015-January 2016 period like-for-like value sales rose 6 percent and...

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Occasion-based marketing

Our magazine interviewed Kata Bányi, Coca-Cola Hungary’s new trade marketing director who had been appointed in January. She told that she had done her traineeship at Coca-Cola and has been...

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Magazine: MagyarBrands: Our best brands

MagyarBrands is a programme that evaluates and presents Hungary’s best brands. This year the best brands with a Hungarian connection were picked for the sixth time by a jury of...

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Consumer confidence fell in Hungary, as in other 16 European countries

Consumer confidence index decreased in Hungary in the first quarter to 61 points from the 63 points of last year's fourth quarter. Thus, we belong to the seventeen European countries,...

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The demand for non-alcoholic beverages continued to increase

Domestic buyers returned to the consumption of fruit juices and more and more people are choosing more expensive soft drinks and quality mineral waters while drinking less tap water –...

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(HU) Közel 1400 tonna hízott libamájat exportálunk

The Hungarian firms export nearly 1400 tonnes of foie gras this year, mainly to France and Belgium, representing approximately 9 billion HUF revenue – Magyar Hírlap Online wrote. Twenty years...

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Arable yields in Hungary should be stabilized

Arable yields in Hungary should be stabilized because the considerable yield fluctuations due to natural conditions impair competitiveness – Feldman Zsolt Deputy Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The National Trading House generated a 2 billion HUF deals to SMEs

The Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) Ltd. last year provided business deals in a value of 2 billion HUF to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in foreign markets – Ducsai-Oláh...

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The Food Bank draws attention to waste and hunger

The donators can support the Food Bank’s I’m Lucky campaign with buying the unique plates of Hitka Viktória artist. The donators can also support the hunger by sharing a food...

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The agricultural use of the domestic mineral resources is untapped

The agricultural use of the domestic mineral resources is untapped – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) drew attention at a press conference on...

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Consumer prices continued to fall in the EU

Consumer prices continued to fall in the EU in April in an annual comparison inthe European Union (EU28) and in the euro zone after the stagnation of March. According to...

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The diabetic labeling often caused excessive consumption

Due to the diabetic labeling, many people thought that they can eat as much as they can, although these products often have the same energy content – Antal Emese dietitian...

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Romanian Cigarette smugglers were caught in Zala

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) found more than 2.6 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes in a consignment on the M70 highway – the Zala...

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Analysts: the GDP data caused a negative surprise

The analysts evaluated the 0.9 percent GDP growth of the first quarter (compared to the same period of last year) as a negative surprise. Virovácz Péter, ING’s macro analyst said...

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To preserve the Hungarian foie gras products is a cultural and national economic interest

To preserve the Hungarian foie gras products is a cultural and national economic interest – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) responsible for food chain...

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144 thousand single agricultural support applications have arrived yet

Only 144 thousand EU single agricultural support applications have arrived until Saturday, after last year's 180 thousand, though this year, the deadline was extended to May 23 – Süle Katalin,...

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The agricultural insurance application has been extended

Support for agricultural insurance can be applied by 23 May. The deadline was extended from 17 May – the Groupama Biztosító Zrt. told in its communication. The subsidy can reach...

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