
Wheat replaces Makói onion

Fewer and fewer onion is grown in Hungary. Rather wheat is produced in the Makó region, instead of garlic and onions – Népszabadság Online wrote. – While the cost of...

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Domestic watermelon is very popular abroad

The melon yield can reach up to 240 thousand tons this year – Magyar Hírlap Online wrote. Half of this amount goes for export, mainly to Germany. The melon growers...

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Another tender was announced for farmers

About 19.68 billion HUF applications were announced by the Prime Minister's Office within a tender invitation on Monday. According to the notice, the supports can be used to establish crop...

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The Greeks have stopped spending on food

The sanctions and tax increases caused a decline in household spendings in Greece – wrote, after Kathimerini daily. The newspaper in its Sunday edition reports that the Greek population...

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Robot farmers in Japan

Human-like robots and self-driving tractors are the future to replace the agricultural labor force in Japan – wrote. The reason is that the Japanese farmers are getting too old...

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Magazine: A new approach in shop fitting

In the last few years there has been great progress in the field of shop fitting design, in terms of both material use and creative ideas. Brand communication can only...

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KSH: Retail sales rose 4.7 percent in April

According to the raw data, retail sales increased by 4.7 percent in April, compared to the same period of the previous year. According to the calendar effect adjusted data the...

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Another program will start to support horticulture

The Ministry of Agriculture launches a new five-year agri-environment program for the horticultural industry from 2016, which provides 15 billion HUF additional support capabilities to the farmers – Kis Miklós...

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Ultrasound may help in the production of the perfect chocolate

Professor Imogen Foubert from the KU Leuven Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems explains: “Cocoa butter crystallises as the liquid chocolate hardens. Five types of crystals can be formed during...

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KKM: the national trading house will open two offices in India

The Hungarian National Trading House Plc. (MNKH) will open two offices in India before the end of the year. One of the offices will open in north and the other...

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Romanian retail sales continued to rise in April

In April, Romanian retail sales volume increased by 6.7 percent, compared to March – the Romanian national statistical institute announced on Friday The sales of food, drinks and tobacco products...

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Size matters the most in the household paper product market

Household paper towels have remained the engine of sales growth with a performance above 10 percent. Facial tissue volume sales went above 5 percent and did better than toilet papers....

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Food prices increased further in May

FAO’s world food price index, which measures monthly changes for a basket of cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat and sugar, rose 2.1 percent in May to average 155.8 points. Rising...

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The turnover of the ten largest e-traders in Hungary amounted to 92 billion HUF last year

The turnover of the ten largest e-traders in Hungary reached 92 billion HUF, after the 50 billion HUF of 2014 – GKI Digital reveals. The ten largest e-traders give 34...

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KSH: export and import declined in March

In March, the value of exports in euros decreased by 3.5, while imports by 3.2 percent compared to a year before, the trade balance surplus declined by 58 million euros...

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MNKH: Hungarian food exports to China expand further

Another four Hungarian food companies might appear in the Chinese market. With the contribution of the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) sweets and wine will be exported in a value...

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MLSZKSZ: the development of intermodal transport will bring several tens of billions on a national economic level

The Association of the Hungarian Logistics Service Centers (MLSZKSZ) submitted a proposal to the Ministry of National Economy to improve the functioning of the domestic intermodal freight transport system. According...

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Russia has eased the embargo on agricultural products intended for children’s consumption

The Russian government has decided to ease the food embargo introduced against Western countries and allow the import of poultry meat, beef and vegetables used for baby food. Importers will...

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The Nébih found active pharmaceutical ingredients in dietary supplement

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found active pharmaceutical ingredients in three dietary supplements, ordered online. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) ordered the withdrawal of the products...

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Significant growth in both value and volume sales

Like-for-like fruit juice sales were up 11 percent in value and 8 percent in volume between February 2015 and January 2016; value sales reached HUF 47 billion in this period....

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Magazine: A world of new flavours

In 2015 carbonated soft drink sales kept growing. Coca-Cola Hungary’s communications director Valentin Tóth told our magazine that the importance of hypermarkets decreased a little in sales, while supermarkets and...

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MNB: the efficiency of the Hungarian cash flow increased significantly

The effectiveness of the Hungarian cash flow has grown exceptionally in international comparison last year. Each indicators measuring the spread of remittances, purchases, electronic payments and electronic bill payments have...

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The “Agrárium 2016” agricultural data collection continues

Within the “Agrárium 2016” agricultural census of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), 590 thousand farmers will be listed in 1442 settlements from 1 June to 15 July. The Central Statistical...

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More than six hundred domestic M&A transactions were closed in the last six years

More than 600 public transactions were concluded in Hungary between 2010 and 2015 on the domestic market of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The total value of these transactions is estimated...

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German dairy farmers receive government assistance

Dairy farmers receive at least 100 million euros (about 31 billion HUF) state aid package in Germany – was announced in Berlin. According to the Ministry, the number of dairy...

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UPS organised a Female Executives Forum in Budapest

UPS Hungary – the Hungarian affiliate of the world’s leading logistics company – organised their first Female Executives Forum in Budapest. Participants from various industries were discussing leadership issues and...

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The current level of EU's agricultural subsidies must be maintained even after 2020

The current level of the European Union agricultural subsidies must be maintained in the agricultural sector even after 2020, any new tasks can be financed only from new sources –...

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Tállai: the Hungarian government undertook a huge fight for Hungarian pálinka

The Hungarian government undertook a huge fight for Hungarian pálinka. As a result the pálinka law was born, the Pálinka National Council was established, the pálinka has become a Hungaricum...

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Advertising messages may come printed or via e-mail

The majority of consumers find requests for advertising purposes useful. They mainly like leaflets and e-mail offers – KutatóCentrum Research Centre’s research reveals. According to the survey called DM Szensor,...

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EU agricultural council meeting in milk case

Informal EU Agricultural Council meeting is taking place on Monday and in Tuesday in Eindhoven. One of the main themes of the EU Agricultural Council will be the milk market...

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