
Magazine: Money travelling at the speed of light

Online banking services are now present in the life of every enterprise. Tamás Győr, head of the corporate business development directorate at Erste Bank told that they plan to expand...

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Hungary produced the majority of sunflowers in the European Union

In terms of sunflower production, Hungary is in first place in the European Union. The harvested volume is more than 1.8 million tons this year – Czerván György, Minister of...

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The MVH paid 60 billion HUF advance fundings to the farmers so far

So far, the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) paid out 60 billion HUF down payment to the farmers from European Union and national agricultural support – Gyuricza Csaba, president...

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IMF: Central and Eastern Europe's economy is growing solidly

Solid economic growth occured in most Central and Eastern European and South-Eastern European economies, while the shrinkage of the gross domestic product in Russia will decline and other former Soviet...

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WWF: the Hungarian population’s interest decreased towards sustainability

Over the past six years, the interest and sensitivity of the Hungarian adult population reduced significantly towards local and global sustainability issues – according to a September poll of WWF...

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St. Martin's Day festivities in the Village Museum of Göcsej

St. Martin Day festivities will be held on Saturday at the Village Museum of Göcsej in Zalaegerszeg: at the whole-day event traditional ensembles will perform, handicraft workshops, work presentations, including...

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Looking for the best young manager

The Academy of Young Managers announced the Young Manager of the Year competition this year as well. Annamária Tóth, the head of the academy’s operator, the Coaching Team, told our...

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Magazine ads still produce the best return rates

According to Nielsen Catalina Solutions (NCS), which analysed the results of nearly 1,400 campaigns implemented in the last 11 years, the best return on investment (ROI) is generated by advertising...

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Hungarian companies are keen to get their money

According to Balázs Vanek, country manager of Atradius, Hungarian companies pay special attention to collect debts from the firms that owe them money. In Hungary there is less uncollectible intercorporate...

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Nielsen: the retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics grew by five percent to 253 billion HUF

The retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics grew by five percent to 253 billion HUF in the first eight months of the year, 5 percent more than a year...

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Giant TVs drones and smartphones will be the hits of Christmas

Many people will buy large TVs, smartphones and powerful drones for Christmas this year in Hungary – Extreme Digital’s sales data reveals. The statistics also show that the gaining ground...

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What does your company have to do to prepare for the GDPR regulation?

ICO, and independent data protection organisation in the UK specified 12 areas where a company needs to take steps to prepare for the new regulation: 1. Awareness, 2. Information you...

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Export surplus continued to increase in August

The value of exports in euros increased by 12.5 percent, while the value of imports in euros increased by 10.9 percent in August, compared to the previous year. The export...

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The golden jaundice disease endangers two more wine regions

The golden jaundice disease endangers two more wine regions in Hungary. The government agencies have begun the assessment of the level of infection and making steps necessary for the elimination...

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Economic sentiment improved in Europe

Economic sentiment improved in Europe in October in the euro zone and in the EU, because optimism increased in the industrial and service sectors. The European Union's Directorate-General for Economic...

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The NAV found cigarette smugglers in Szabolcs

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) caught a fifteen membered cigarette smuggling criminal organization in the region of Tiszakóród and Szatmárcseke. Simon Béla, press officer of the tax authority...

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ABB Kft. appoints new managing director

Early September Taira-Julia Lammi was appointed managing director of ABB Kft. Ms Lammi has been with the company since 1997 and has already worked in several managerial positions, from quality...

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ABC Data: rapid growth

IT and consumer electronics distributor ABC Data realised an outstanding 325-percent growth in the Hungarian market in the first half 2016. Managing director Gábor Poros told that the company is...

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The Poultry Marketing Board encourages the purchase of Hungarian eggs and poultry products

The Hungarian eggs have good quality and are safe to eat – the Poultry Product Council (BTT) underlines. According to the organization, the Polish eggs infected with salmonella also highlights...

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Promotional campaign to buy quality domestic apples

The Agricultural Marketing Centre, the Ministry of Agriculture, the FruitVeB Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board, the National Agricultural Association, the National Food Chain Safety Office and...

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The “MAGYAR TERMÉK” Nonprofit Kft. is celebrating its 10th anniversary

The “MAGYAR TERMÉK” Nonprofit Kft. (“HUNGARIAN PRODUCT” Nonprofit Ltd.) is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. The organization started with the collaboration of 13 companies. Until now, more than 150...

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Twenty tonnes of adulterated honey was withdrawn from circulation by the NÉBIH

The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized twenty tonnes of adulterated honey that contained unknown sugar. The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) told MTI on...

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Trade relations are strengthening with the wholesale market in Padua

The Hungarian partners have a turnover of 15 million euros with the wholesale market in Padua. The largest wholesale market in Italy further strengthening its ties with Hungary – the...

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KSH: employment increased in the third quarter

The number of employees increased by 126 thousand over the year and reached 4 million 390 thousand in the third quarter – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Thursday....

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Fazekas: the '56 Tokaji aszú is the pride of the nation

The 1956 vintage Tokaji aszú wine is the pride of the nation. In the coming decades it will worthily represent the values of the revolution and the values and performance...

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Herb gardens and processor will be created in Ópusztaszer

The visitors can get acquainted with the traditions of medieval herb cultivation and processing at the garden center which will be created in the next spring in the Ópusztaszer National...

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Hungarian product Sport Pasta qualifies for international final

The Sport Pasta products of Famíliatészta Kft.’s Vitale range qualified for the final of the international innovation competition World Tour by SIAL 2016. Vitale pastas contain 50 percent (Sport Pasta)...

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Agricultural chamber urges the introduction of lower employer contributions

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), in addition to agriculture, the programme for cutting employer contributions, recently announced by the government, should be extended to other sectors such...

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More balanced lemon juice market

The Olympos brand has been the strongest player in the lemon juice market for many years. Vilmos Várkonyi, group brand manager of Maspex Olympos Kft. told that the company’s most...

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Magazine: Sailing on the endless sea of flavours

In comparison with last year’s exceptionally positive trends, this year the Hungarian fruit juice market came to a bit of a halt. According to Nielsen, in the first half of...

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