
The consumption of eggs may increase

The nutritional content of table eggs have improved significantly in recent decades – wrote. Improved housing and feeding conditions contributed mainly to the changes. The Takarék Agrár Központ prepared...

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The FM proposes a reasonable self-regulation in the dairy sector based on solidarity

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) proposes a reasonable self-regulation based on solidarity, in the dairy sector to all participants – Fazekas Sándor Minister said after a professional forum on the...

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NÉBIH: each farmer will be given compensation, because of the bird flu

It is mandatory to slaughter the bird flu-infected livestock, but state compensation will be given to all affected farmers; the sum is the market value of the animals – the...

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Christmas credit actions to start

We are still only in mid-November, but many stores are advertising zero credit actions for Christmas wrote. This year's Christmas rush can be even greater than ever. The Hungarian...

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Denmark is exporting infected pigs

Denmark is exporting thousands of infected pigs every year, and the breeders yet do nothing to prevent the epidemic. The bacterium is not a subject to the notification requirement neither...

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Recommendations were submitted to the EC to improve the situation of farmers

The European Commission will consider the report's recommendations and an appropriate policy response in line with its continuous support to the agricultural sector. The Agricultural Markets Task Force (AMTF), chaired...

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A new mobile app helps diabetics

A new Hungarian developed application will help people living with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels and thus keep their disease under control. Diabetes is a common disease, which...

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A mixed year for pepper growers

Kecskemét was the host of the Day of Hungarian Pepper conference. It turned out that 2016 was a very good year for pepper seedling growers, thanks the rather mild summer....

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Nielsen: a slowdown in food retail sales growth rate

The food retail sales growth rate slowed in the first three quarters of this year. During January-September 2016 retail sales growth became 2 percent more than in last year's comparable...

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Erste: savings will remain high, Hungarians are characterized by safety endeavors

According to Erste Group’s survey, the amount of monthly savings increased the most in Hungary among the savers: compared to last year’s monthly 14 900 HUF, they can save a...

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Eight countries have introduced ban on imports of Hungarian poultry yet

Because of the bird flu virus, Taiwan also restricts the entry of the Hungarian poultry and poultry products into the country, so until now eight non-EU countries have introduced ban...

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A change in the composition of the Szekszárd Bull's Blood

From the 2016/17, wine market year, the composition of theSzekszárd Bull's Blood will change, while the processing area outside the wine-growing areas of the Szekszárdi wines will expand as well....

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The plum and quince pálinka of the Nagykunság may get EU origin protection

According to Gál Péter, Deputy Minister of State certain geographical areas in Hungary are extremely capable for the cultivation of fruit varieties, and on these lands high-quality pálinkas are made...

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Tricky bakeries in Miskolc

The staff of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) found a bakery network tricking with the sales revenues in Miskolc. The employees of the bakery, operated by foreign citizens...

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About climate change for children

The Climate Change Challenge Badge education pack is now available in Hungarian language as well. Children between the ages of 5 and 18 can learn about the climate change in...

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Pentalogy on company management

Professor Štefan Kassay is an active participant in shaping Slovakia’s economic diplomacy. He introduced the 4th and 5th volumes of his 5-volume book series Vállalat és vállalkozás (Companies and Enterprising)...

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FAO: we can expect better than expected grain harvest and stable stocks

The prices of the basic agricultural crops increased by 0.7 percent in October (172.6 points), which is almost 10 percent higher than the level recorded this time last year. The...

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The planting of vineyards is a strategic issue

In terms of the future of the grape and wine industry, the planting of vineyards is a strategic issue – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) believes. Czerván György, Minister of...

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The sheep and goat sector expanded significantly in the past five years

The sheep and goat sector performed well in recent years. Its output at current prices increased by nearly 50 percent between 2010-2015, while in volume, growth was 11 percent –...

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The NÉBIH found contaminated Hortobágy pancakes

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) tested 21 Hortobágy pancakes amongst the home delivered meals. The microbiological laboratory results detected microorganisms indicating contamination in seven cases, in two cases...

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Lángos fans cast their vote

There were 657 lángos (deep fried flat bread) buffets nominated for the title of best lángos joint, awarded by cooking oil brand Vénusz. Mester Lángos Buffet in Békéscsaba got the...

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Whisky brand in search of role models

Whisky brand The Famous Grouse has started a campaign on Facebook, looking for a role model. Scotland’s leading whisky brand will support the role models in their charity work with...

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Analysts: the growth of retail sales can remain sustained

Due to the real wage growth, rising employment and a stable consumer confidence, the growth of retail sales can remain sustained for the remainder of the year – analysts told...

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(HU) Nielsen: a sörös, üdítős és pudingos tv-reklámok a legnépszerűbbek

In the third quarter of this year, TV viewers watched beer spots among the food TV ads the most and among the lotions TV ads, toothpaste got the most views...

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GfK: purchasing power is increasing in Central and Eastern Europe

This year Budapest and its surroundings, as well as the Austrian border is the wealthiest region in Hungary. This year, the purchasing power per capita increased by only 0.3 percent...

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Good quality, but fewer grapes grown this year in Villány, compared to last year

Good quality, but fewer grapes grown this year in Villány, compared to last year – Nagy Gergely, the mountain village council secretary told MTI on Wednesday. Wine makers are confident...

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Applications can be submitted to agri-environment support until early December

Grant applications may be submitted to the new agri-environment (AKG) program until 2 December – the Prime Minister's Office announced. For the 40 billion HUF sources, grape and fruit planters...

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The Hungarian Red Cross is expanding its private label products with Chritmas fondants

The Hungarian Red Cross has a new idea to increase its sources. The Hungarian Red Cross is the first out of the Hungarian charitable organizations that starts trading activities with...

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Retail sales increased by 4.7 percent in the Czech Republic

Retail sales increased by 4.7 percent in the Czech Republic in September, compared with a year before. In August, the increase was 8 percent, but this year two more working...

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Hungarian grocery retail is still among the leaders

Like-for-like value sales increased by 2.5 percent in Hungary’s grocery retail in the 2nd quarter of 2016. In this respect the European average was plus 0.8 percent. Hungary’s value sales...

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