
OKSZ: retail sales this year may grow by around 5 percent

The August expansion of retail sales was outstanding, the data shows that this year will be the third year in the sector, when growth reached or exceeded 5 percent –...

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FM: the Hungarian food industry’s potential is 60 percent higher than its performance

The Hungarian food industry’s potential is 60 percent higher than its current performance – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Wednesday at a...

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Polish egg shipments will be checked by the NÉBIH

An alert arrived into the EU’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) about Polish eggs infected with salmonella. Because of the high food safety risk, Zsigó Róbert, Minister...

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FM: new quality-control action can be around Christmas

Inspectors will presumably carry out hold another quality control actions involving the beverage supply around Christmas – Zsigó Róbert, Minister of State, responsible for the food chain supervision at the...

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Agriculture ministers joined forces against the EU’s proposal

The agriculture ministers of the Visegrad Four countries and Bulgaria, Slovenia and Romania adopted a joint declaration in Warsaw on Wednesday, in order to withdraw the European Commission’s proposal that...

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FM: request for the production of Csaba Sausage has not arrived yet

Legislation change request in connection with the production of the Csaba Sausage has not arrived yet to the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) – the ministry's interest told MTI on Wednesday....

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The GVH inspects advertisings appear in the social media as well

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) will examine the communication contents that appear in the social media because the consumer is often unable to find out that whether it is a...

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57 percent of the Hungarian employers have difficulties in finding labor force, according to a survey

57 percent of the Hungarian employers responded that they have difficulties in finding suitable labor force. 32 percent of the Hungarian employers say that there are no candidates to the...

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Chocolate, coffee and energy drink VAT frauders were captured

VAT frauders were captured by the inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) who were selling chocolate, coffee and energy drinks – the NAV told MTI on Wednesday....

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Software update for online cash registers

It is the National Tax and Customs Administration’s (NAV) task to update the software used on online cash registers – the owners have no obligation whatsoever in connection with this...

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Tackling tax havens

According to the European Commission’s (EC) calculations, due to the special treatment offered by the Irish tax authorities, in 2003 the corporate tax rate for Apple’s European profits was 1...

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Magazine: Canned food has grown out of the tin box

Canned food is a large category, in terms of both content and area of use. According to Dr Sándor Szórádi, managing director of Szatmári Konzervgyár Kft., now that there are...

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Central Statistical Office: retail sales rose 5.8 percent in August

The volume of retail sales in August, according to the raw data increased by 5.8 percent, calendary effect adjusted rose by 4.3 percent compared to the same period of last...

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The debate on the national food marketing program ends in October

The social discussion on the national food marketing program ends in October – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. The ministry said in a statement that Nagy...

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The VOSZ urges an immediate reduce in contributions

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers urges immediate reduce in contributions in the sectors that mostly contribute to economic growth – the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers told...

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Agricultural Logistics industrial park in Tiszasziget

An agricultural logistics industrial park will be created in Tiszasziget, in which a plastic processing plant will be built in a value of about 2 billion HUF – Ferenczi Ferenc...

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Consumer confidence deteriorated in the world's largest economy

Deterioration in consumer confidence occured in October in the US economy, according to the sentiment index of the Conference Board research firm released on Tuesday. The October index decreased to...

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Lasagna-chips where even “the other way” is in a different way – Video of the day

In a soundproof room filled with microphones, the chef Massimo Bottura of The World's Best Restaurant, Osteria Francescana prepares a perfect dish — and serves it to a robot. This...

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Stricter data protection regulation

As of 2018 a new, standard data management regulation enters into force in the European Union, because this spring the European Parliament (EP) voted in favour of the General Data...

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Stricter rules in the Hungarian Food Book

As of 21 July 2016 rules for meat products and certain prepared meats changed in the Hungarian Food Book (Codex Alimentarius). New definitions have been introduced and old ones have...

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Magazine: Wiener shifts into fifth gear

2015 was a good year for the wiener market. However, in the first half of 2016 the market lost dynamism, mainly because of the decline in the sales of lower-priced...

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Beer sold well during the European Football Championship

The Hungarian soccer team performed better than expected, the domestic beer consumption was in line with the EC appearance – index wrote after Világgazdaság. 12 million pints more, or about...

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Mangalica exports may begin in the United States

Hungarian mangalica exports may begin in the United States of America – the president of the National Association of Mangalica Breeders told MTI. Tóth Péter told that the export opportunities...

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The GKI sentiment index decreased to its three-years low in October

Although the GKI sentiment index deteriorated only slightly in October, it is standing on its three-year low point. According to a survey of the GKI (, carried out with EU...

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Agricultural Innovation in Debrecen

Based on the experiences of the accredited food cluster of the University of Debrecen (DE), the development of education, research, innovation and agricultural and industrial development strategy was started at...

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Hundreds of billions of dollars to strengthen China's agriculture

The Agricultural Development Bank of China, one of the main credit institutions of the country has agreed with the Government's policy to provide at least 3 trillion yuan (450 billion...

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More EU funds for economic development proposals this year

70.6 billion HUF more, a total of 2327.4 billion HUF will be the total budget of the proposed economic development projects – was confirmed by the Ministry of National Economy...

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The energy audit clock is ticking

Large agricultural companies are obliged to perform an energy audit before 31 December 2016. NAK helps them with an energy audit service, bringing together firms and auditors. Thanks to the...

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Analysts are expecting accelerating wage growth

The pace of wage growth can accelerate in the public sector due to the current wage settlements and the constantly rising demand for labor in the private sector is –...

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Pears will be expensive this year

Every year an average of 23-28 thousand tons of pears are produced in the country, and this year the amount is only expected to be half of this volume –...

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