
Hungarian pork can be delivered to Hong Kong and Georgia

Hungarian pork products can be transported to Hong Kong and Georgia. None of these countries will restrict the imports of Hungarian pork meat – the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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The Nébih found only marking mistakes during the lactose-free sour cream test

Only marking errors were found by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) during the investigation of lactose-free sour creams. Nébih investigated the 20 percent fat lactose-free sour creams produced...

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Nébih: the contaminated caraway comes from Egypt

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) continues to investigate the case of the contaminated caraway. The authorities have already found that the caraway has Egyptian origin – the Nébih...

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Rosalia: start the summer with rosé!

Budapest’s biggest season-opening wine festival awaits its guests between 11 and 13 May for the seventh time with rosés, sparkling wines, fine wines, street food, concerts and the richest family...

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The new report from the EP favors the Hungarian Sheep and Goat Farmers

The new report of the European Parliament adopted on Thursday is favorable for the Hungarian sheep and goat farmers. It contains almost all of the Hungarian proposals – Erdős Norbert,...

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Twelve thousand bags of seed for the Hungarian farmers in Transcarpathia

Twelve thousand bags high quality Hungarian seed maize was handed over to the Hungarian farmers in Transcarpathia by Grezsa István government commissioner within the Seed to the Framers program through...

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Food companies protest against Trump’s decision

Nestlé, Danone, Mars and Unilever have issued a joint statement calling on US President Donald Trump and his Government to keep up with the so-called energy management plan –

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The Romanian retail trade grew by 6.4 percent

The volume of Romanian retail sales grew by 6.4 percent in the first quarter of this year, compared to the same period of the previous year – the Romanian National...

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The 31st Bábolnai Farmer Days will be held in the beginning of September

The 31st Bábolnai Farmer Days will be held between 5 and 8 September. In addition to practical exhibitions, lectures on precision farming and on the use of solar panels will...

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Agricultural Chamber: Hungarian pork is safe

The Hungarian pork is safe, even after the appereance of the African swine fever, as the strict animal health and food safety rules exclude the infection, and the virus that...

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Nielsen: Barbecue sausage is the hit product of the garden parties

The market for barbecue products is incresing significantly between May and August. The turnover of both grilled sausages and grilled cheese reached a double-digit growth in value between February 2017...

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Orbán Viktor has completed consultations on the formation of his new government

In accordance with a request from President of the Republic Áder János, Prime Minister Orbán Viktor has been holding consultations on the formation of his new government in the past...

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HNT: wine prices can grow

The National Council of Mountain Villages (HNT) expects wine price increase, due to the rising foreign demand and rising production costs. According to the organization’s announcement published on Thursday, last...

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European Commission: the growth of the Hungarian economy will remain strong in 2018

The growth of the Hungarian economy will remain strong in 2018, but it is expected to slow down in 2019, as the construction industry’s opportunities will be more limited and...

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Kibé – Fill it with business!

A brand-new, innovative entrepreneur and community-friendly website started to operate in the partnership of the Budapest Municipality and the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In Budapest, it is a...

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Eurozone’s inflation was lower than expected in April

Eurozone’s inflation was worse than expected in April, according to the preliminary figures published by the European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat), published on Thursday. Consumer prices increased by 1.2 percent...

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The Indonesians replace beef with import buffalos

Indonesia has set an ambitious economic goal. The South East Asian country wants to be completely self-sufficient from cattle – origo wrote. However, the issues of cattle breeding are causing...

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Alcohol prices jump in Scotland

Due to the law – adopted by the Parliament in Edinburgh six years ago, but introduced only on Tuesday, due to lengthy legal encumbrances – on the minimum price of...

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(HU) Újra Közös konferenciát szervez a Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestülete és a NAV

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: GlobalShop 2018

On 27-29 March the GlobalShop trade show – a retail design, planning and merchandising expo – took place in Chicago. Visitors had the chance to see the latest innovations, learn about...

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Euler Hermes: prosperity continues in food retailing

Growth in consumer demand drives the growing sales of retail chains, but a number of risk factors are gaining momentum in the Hungarian market – the latest industry analysis of...

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PayPal – in Hungarian

PayPal is a global online payment, sending and receiving platform. Since its launch in Hungary, PayPal has launched a number of innovative payment solutions that make online payments easier and...

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BalatonBor: more than ever wineries have joined to the regional wine brand this year

With the participation of 28 wineries from the North and South Balaton, the third vintage of the BalatonBor (BalatonWine) the wine community brand of the region was prepared. The BalatonBor...

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MLBKT: the April Purchasing Manager Index continued to increase but slowed somewhat

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) in April was 53.3 points, lower than the 57.0 points of March and the seventh highest April value – the...

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When to apply the minimum tax

In recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of companies that may be affected by the so- using minimum income (profit) rules. What exactly is the...

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Involvement of a trustee

The problem of company succession affects the Hungarian family businesses nowadays, because most of these companies were founded in the time of the regime change. How can a company’s owner...

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The National Ice Damage Mitigation System operates from 1 May

The National Ice Damage Mitigation System is operated from 1 May. The National Ice Damage Mitigation System does not imply any additional obligations for farmers, as it is funded by...

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Economic growth has slowed down in the EU and in the euro area as well

Economic growth has slowed throughout the European Union and the euro area in the first quarter of this year both in annual and monthly comparisons, according to a report released...

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The Nébih withdraw more than two tons of unmarked animal by-products

The Nébih withdraw more than two tons of unmarked animal by-products, 530 kilograms of untraced meat and meat products from circulation at a small-scale producer in Pest county and filed...

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