
Magazine: The battle of rabbits is about to begin

While Easter chocolate figure sales grew by 25 percent from 2016 to 2017, in the Easter period of 2018 a sales decline was measured. We learned from Kitti Végh, brand...

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(HU) Melyek voltak 2018 legsikeresebb promóciói?

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Analysts: February inflation outperformed expectations

The rise in consumer prices in February surpassed expectations, core inflation and tax-filtered core inflation was well above the 3 percent central bank target. As a result, the Monetary Council...

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Imports increased at the beginning of the year

In January, the value of exports in euro rose by 6.4 percent and imports by 9.7 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. The foreign trade surplus...

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Business Development Conference in Somogy

Economic experts will held lectures for economic operators on the increase of business income and get to know the current trends – the current regional Business Development Conference organized for...

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The world’s most expensive wine is from Hungary

How much is too much to pay for a bottle of wine? A newly-released 40,000 USD bottle of a 2008-vintage wine now ranks among the most expensive wines in the...

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The competitiveness of SMEs have improved

The capacity expansion tenders have significantly improved the competitiveness of the small and medium-sized enterprises, but training and innovation developments were more efficient at larger companies – Világgazdaság Online wrote....

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MNB: food prices have increased consumer prices

The rise in food prices increased inflation in February – the head of department of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) confirmed it to M1 news channel on Monday. Várhegyi...

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The use of IT solutions in agriculture is a major improvement in efficiency

The application of IT solutions brings tangible improvement in efficiency in most areas of agriculture – quotes the experts from the Meetup of Codecool Programming School. At the Meetup...

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The V4 countries are making huge investments

In cooperation with the European Development Bank, the V4 countries are building a fast rail system that will link Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland – Világgazdaság Online wrote....

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Magazine: What do we include in our shopping lists?

How can we use shopping data to understand shopper behaviour? Simply – by using dunnhumby’s Shelf Review: this tool monitors how customers are purchasing a certain product category for a...

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Magazine: Which forces will shape food supply chains in 2019?

IGD has identified 4 trends that are likely to shape the food supply chains in 2019. Some trends threaten to prevail but never do, some fly under the radar and...

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To be continued

When members of the Chain Bridge Club met in March, I talked in detail about the changes that the next decade is likely to bring. Futurist and Google’s director of...

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Trust is the most important thing

It is true for both Hungary and other countries that online buying is very much influenced by how much shoppers trust online transactions and stores. This trust could be increased...

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Hungarian Ecommerce Summit 2019 to take place in June

On 4-5 June Ecommerce Hungary will organise its annual conference (which used to be called EKK and has been held 15 times) under a new name, Hungarian Ecommerce Summit 2019....

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Online shopping trends: How to stay in the race?

In March GKI Digital published the sales results of Hungary’s online retail trade sector in 2018: total online sales surpassed HUF 420 billion, which was 17 percent more than in...

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Special meat product developed

From a budget of HUF 630 million Kunhegyes-based Nagykun-Hús Kft. makes pork-based food products that contain elements which help the digestion of food and herbs which improve one’s quality of...

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Farmers spent HUF 175 billion on machines last year

In 2018 Hungarian farmers spent HUF 175 billion on buying machinery, 15 percent more than in 2017 – reported the Agricultural Economics Research Institute. Farmers bought spare parts for another...

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Procedure against pig diseases developed by Hungarians

A diagnostic procedure that was developed by Galen Bio Diagnostic and Biotechnology Kft. from HUF 553.87 million with EU support has been granted HUF 337.44 million from the Széchenyi 2020...

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Government efforts to make horticulture successful

Last year vegetables were grown on 3,400 hectares in Hungary: pepper was grown on 1,550 hectares, 370 hectares were used for tomato growing and salads were grown on 350 hectares...

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Priority given to developing the viticulture and winemaking sector

Currently there are more than 40,000 people living from grape growing and winemaking in Hungary. The ministry created a HUF 50-billion budget for the food and wine sectors for grants....

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More funding for seasoning pepper growers

This year the seasoning pepper sector will receive more than HUF 500 million funding, because the size of the growing area reduced from 10,000 hectares to 1,700 hectares by now....

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New marketplace is now open in Nagykőrös

The building of the new marketplace has been completed in Nagykőrös. On 1,000m² there are 31 seller’s stalls in the building that was constructed from a HUF 600-million state funding....

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This year’s ‘Consumer protection manager of the year’ awards were presented

On 21 February the award ceremony of the Consumer Protection Manager Association (FORE) was held in the main hall of Benczúr Palace. Nikoletta Keszthelyi, secretary of state at the Ministry...

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Plant-based innovations in the washing and cleaning product category

Plant-based washing and cleaning product range Seventh Generation is now available in Hungary too. The products are marketed by Unilever and they contain no synthetic fragrance, colouring, optical bleach, chlorine-based...

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Environmental recognition for L’Oréal

Once again L’Oréal has been honoured in Brussels for its actions on climate change, deforestation and water security: CDP gave the company an ‘AAA’ score for the third year in a...

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Record sales and production capacity increase at Szentkirályi-Kékkúti

Mineral water company Szentkirályi-Kékkúti Ásványvíz Kft. increased sales by 6 percent in Hungary and in the neighbouring countries last year. Compared with 2017, the company’s sales revenue was up 10...

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ÖRT’s new guide focuses on the environment

The Self-regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) has collected its recommendations for making advertisements that foster environmental consciousness. Ildikó Fazekas, general secretary of ÖRT told: they haven’t categorised the products, instead they...

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Mobile app for sales reps

From the 2nd quarter of the year GfK Performance Pulse will be available for television sets and mobile/smartphones in Hungary too. This digital mobile app can be used to monitor...

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