
Mobile app for unexpected raids by the authorities

A new application helps companies to prepare for raids by the authorities. Developed by law firm Baker McKenzie, free app ‘Dawn Raid’ provides clients experiencing a raid with real-time step-by-step...

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Coop Switzerland Replaces Plastic Tableware With Palm-Leaf Alternative

Coop Switzerland has introduced palm-leaf tableware and paper straws in 900 outlets in the country in a bid to reduce the use of plastics. The palm-leaf bowls and dishes are...

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Nestlé Launches Paper Packaging For Snack Bars

Global food giant Nestlé SA has developed new paper packaging for its YES! snack bars, a technology it hopes to scale up and extend to other confectionery products as it...

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Magazine: A terribly good season for insecticide and insect repellent makers

Combined sales of insecticides and insect repellents amounted to more than HUF 5.68 billion in 2018 – reported Nielsen. In comparison with 2017, sales skyrocketed, having grown by 37 percent....

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KSH: retail sales increased by three percent

According to the raw data, retail turnover in May increased by 3.0 percent and calendar effect adjusted it was 2.6 percent higher than in May 2018, according to the Central...

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The analysts of Takarékbank raised the forecast for this year’s GDP growth from 4.4 percent to 4.7 percent

Suppan Gergely, chief analyst of Takarékbank said at a press conference in Budapest on Thursday that the analysts of Takarékbank raised their forecasts for this year’s growth from 4.4 percent...

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Budapest Bank: nearly third of the domestic SMEs plans to invest this year

The majority of SMEs expect growth in both revenue and profit this year – according to Budapest Bank’s survey conducted among 300 CEOs. Investments are planned by nearly one third...

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NAK: a critical agreement was reached for EU agriculture

After two decades of negotiations, the European Union and the Mercosur countries have decided on a comprehensive trade agreement that will create the world’s largest free trade area. The National...

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Plastic-free July has started

The Plastic-free July has begun, the aim of the initiative is to eliminate the use of disposable plastics – was said on M1 news channel and Kossuth Radio on Thursday....

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Six thousand fisherman soup, four thousand roast carp at the Tiszacsege fish soup festival

About six thousand fisherman soup, four thousand roast carp and a full day of cultural programs await the visitors on Saturday at the Tiszacsege fish soup festival, which is organized...

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Retail sales grew 7.2 percent in Romania, in the first five months of this year

In Romania, according to raw data, the volume of retail sales increased by 7.2 percent in the first five months of this year, compared to the same period of last...

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The first meat from whaling was expensive in Japan

The first meat from commercial whaling that was refurbished after thirty years was sold at a very high price at an auction in Japan. Fifteen thousand yen (40 thousand forints)...

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The EP adopted stricter consumer protection rules

At the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, more stringent consumer protection rules were adopted for online purchases. According to surveys, more than one third of the sites...

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Optimum Nutrition introduces vegan Nature Bites snack cakes

Glanbia-owned Optimum Nutrition has launched a new line of snack cakes in the US to offer consumers a source of non-dairy protein. The vegan Nature Bites feature a coating of...

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Heineken UK to add nutrition and calorie labels to cider packaging

Heineken UK will add nutritional information labelling to all its cider packaging in 2019 to let consumers easily find ingredients used in their drinks. The move will see brands such...

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Family Mart in Taiwan rolls out line of biodegradable tableware

As Taiwan officially implements new environmental policies for restaurants and other food vendors, the Family Mart convenience store chain is preparing to unveil a line of eco-friendly products for customers....

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Magazine: Experiences motivate shoppers

In connection with the ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ competition, Kantar-Hoffmann conducted a qualitative consumer survey with 4 focus groups that consisted of 23-35 and 36-55 year old Budapest...

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Nébih launched a campaign against the waste of vegetables and fruits

The National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) launched an awareness campaign against the waste of vegetables and fruits – the authority told MTI on Wednesday. According to the latest research...

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Imports increased further

In April, the value of exports in euro rose by 3.8 percent and imports by 7.0 percent year-on-year, the trade balance surplus was 245 million euros, which is 238 million...

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Food Bank: We talk a lot about the harmful effects of food wastage on warming up

We know that if we look at the harmful effects of food waste and consider waste as a country, then America and China would be the third biggest polluter. That...

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Nearly 1 ton of fresh vegetables and fruits were tasted with children on the four weekends of June

The Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Celebration series, held in June, brought the consumption of vegetables and fruits closer to more than 10,000 children and tasted nearly 1 ton of fresh...

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Wine Wednesday Evenings at the National Gallery in July

The Hungarian National Gallery’s Wine Wednesday Evenings wine series await the guests every Wednesday evening in July, with guided tours, performances, concerts and a wine terrace. The themes of Wine...

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Next year, 82 billion HUF will be spent on social children nutrition

Next year, the government will spend more than 82 billion forints on social children nutrition – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Human Resources told journalists on...

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Euro area private sector growth accelerated more than expected in June

Compared to preliminary data, euro area private sector growth accelerated to a greater extent in June – according to purchasing manager indices. IHS Markit, a London-based financial and economic data...

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The world produces more than two billion tons of municipal waste annually

Worldwide, 2.1 billion tonnes of municipal waste are produced annually, it could fill 822,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools, according to a study by Verisk Maplecroft, a global research company that investigated...

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Obesity cause cancer more times than smoking

Obesity, like smoking, is already playing a major role in the four most common types of cancer, a British research organization said. According to the data of the Cancer Research...

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Aldi to trial plastic-free toilet roll packs from next month

Aldi has revealed plans to remove plastic packaging from toilet roll packets as part of a trial which could save over 900 tonnes of plastic each year. The German discounter...

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More and more grain is stored due to the low prices

Due to the persistently low cereal prices, the growers do not want to sell, this is why the storage time and inventories are increasing steadily – wrote. Farmers can...

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Nestlé Announces Plan To Test Open Blockchain Technology

Nestlé has announced that it will launch a pilot project in association with OpenSC to implement open blockchain technology for tracing the origin of its products. OpenSC is a blockchain-based,...

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Kopint-Tárki improved growth forecast

Compared to its March forecast, Kopint-Tárki Institute for Economic Research also increased its forecast for economic growth and inflation in a report published on Tuesday. Instead of the 4.0 percent...

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