
Nagy István: 21st Century Developments in the Tokaj Wine Region

The Tokaj Wine Region entered the twenty-first century with a series of investments made between 2016 and 2019 by local government participants with 8.2 billion HUF domestic funding – the...

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GfK: concerns raising about plastic waste in Europe

More than 53 percent of the European consumers consider plastic waste to be one of the biggest global environmental challenges and 44 percent believe it is climate change. When asked...

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Cybercriminals are attacking companies from unexpected directions

According to a global survey by HFS Research and EY 300, companies see the biggest security threat in entering foreign markets (73 percent) and introducing new technologies (66 percent). For...

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Euro area inflation is at its lowest for three years

Euro area inflation fell to a three-year low in October, according to a statement released on Friday by the European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat. In the 19 euro area countries,...

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European Commission: The EU is taking action against customs duties on frozen French fries in Colombia

The European Union classifies it as an illegal anti-dumping measure and initiates dispute settlement proceedings against Colombia at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over customs duties on frozen French fries...

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Europe’s Day in Commerce: Hungarian retail trade is more and more successful

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) organised a programme to celebrate Europe’s Day in Commerce for the 15th time. With this event the objective is to put retail...

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Digital ecosystem

On 28 November Heineken was the host of the last POPAI meeting in 2019. Sales director Zoltán Eszéki welcomed participants and gave the floor to the host of the event,...

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20 forecasts for 2020

S marketing agency Acosta, which specialises in the FMCG market, published a 20-point retail forecast on 5 December. Predictions include increased demand for pet food, acceleration in the integration of...

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Most organic farms produce grass

As the result of the ecological tender announced in 2015, the size of the organic farms increased by 48 percent in a single year – wrote. Nevertheless, the proportion...

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Saying thank you the Shop! way

For the first time this year international Marketing at Retail organisation Shop! expressed its gratitude to members by sending an e-card. POPAI Hungary Association also said thank you to the...

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Tesco’s time-travelling Christmas advert will celebrate its 100th anniversary

Tesco has unveiled its 2019 Christmas advertising campaign by sending one of its delivery drivers back in time to celebrate the Big 4 giant’s 100th anniversary. The grocer said its...

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Coca-Cola looks at establishing plastic recycling plant in Australia

Beverage maker Coca-Cola Amatil is looking to establish a major recycled processing plant in Australia with French company Veolia as the drinks giant seeks alternatives to importing recycled plastic for...

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Retail Gazette Loves: The Co-op donates £125,000 to children’s charity

Pledges included a ride on a steam train, an overnight stay at a zoo and Disneyland trip. This month the Co-op donated £125,000 to a children’s charity dedicated to brightening...

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The state still spends the most on the Hungarian media market

Last year, there was no significant difference in the domestic advertising sector, compared to the previous years. Expenditure on state organizations continues to provide the basis for the growth of...

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Allee Shopping Center will be renovated from more than 5.5 billion HUF in 2020

The Allee shopping center in Buda will be renovated from more than 5.5 billion HUF. The construction will begin in the second quarter of 2020 and is expected to be...

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Ecommerce Hungary’s next Meetup

The Ecommerce Hungary Meetup series is for merchants, digital communications and online sales stakeholders. Each month, the series focus on a topic with valuable professional presentations and roundtable discussions. The...

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The basic ecosystem map of Hungary has been completed

The basic map of Hungary’s ecosystem has been completed: the newly born GIS database can be used to examine in detail what kind of habitat each species needs. The completed...

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Bordeaux November Great Tasting – Cabernets and Merlots in Budapest

Hungarian and foreign wines made from the world-famous Bordeaux grape varieties: cabernet franc, cabernet sauvignon and merlot await visitors to the Great Bordeaux Tasting, where the guests can taste more...

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Law and self-regulation – deepening cooperation

The acceptance of self-regulation by law is already well on its way. As a further step, the ÖRT will offer a special prize for the best scientific student dissertation in...

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Italian gastronomy week in the spirit of conscious nutrition

Conscious nutrition and taste culture are the themes of the 4th Italian Gastronomy Week, where Italian cuisine is promoted from Monday, including tastings, seminars, film screenings and other programs. Massimo...

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Domestic Lean & Green Collaboration For Zero Emission

On 14 November 2019, the GS1 Magyarország Nonprofit Zrt., the Hungarian Logistics Purchase and Inventory Society (MLBKT) and the Hungarian Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands signed a Cooperation...

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Festival of natural drinks and foods in the Bálna

More than 40 Hungarian and foreign producers will taste about 150 natural wines of the 9th Mitiszol? festival on Saturday in the building of Bálna Budapest, where numerous gastronomic exhibitors...

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Moody’s: there will be no global recession, but the escalation of trade wars is a big risk

The global economy is not expected to sink into recession in the next two years, but the biggest global growth risk remains the escalation of trade wars – according to...

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Lion aims to be carbon neutral by 2020

Beverage company Lion has joined 83 other businesses in committing to reach a carbon neutral status in 2020. The brewer will implement a carbon reduction program with certified carbon credits...

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Poland Gets Its First Carrefour Bio Store

Carrefour Polska has announced that it has opened the country’s first Carrefour Bio store in Warsaw. The move is in line with the retail group’s nutritional transformation strategy, aimed at...

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Tesco Ireland Accredited The Business Working Responsibly Mark

Tesco Ireland was recently accredited the Business Working Responsibly Mark at a recent event that took place at The Mansion House, Dublin. The Mark which is Ireland’s leading standard for sustainability...

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Magazine: Meeting at Bonafarm

Krisztián Király, business development manager of Pick Szeged Zrt. was the host of the POPAI meeting held on 10 October. Anna Zsapka, Pick Szeged Zrt.’s brand and digital marketing manager...

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KSH: economy continues to boost

Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 5.0 percent in the third quarter, according to the raw data, and 4.8 percent in the third quarter compared to the same period last...

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AM: this year’s corn crop is almost eight million tons

Corn yielded totaled at 7.8 to 7.9 million tonnes per hectare from 982,000 hectares this year – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Thursday. This year’s corn yield was...

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Hungarians spend billions on games and toys for Christmas, according to a survey

Regio Játék estimates that the annual Hungarian gaming market turnover could reach 50 billion forints, almost half of which will be realized in the month and a half before Christmas,...

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