
Top financial managers in Western Europe are depressed after the pandemic

While at the beginning of the year the financial managers of Western European companies dealt with development investments and reported good profit prospects this year, now securing the funds needed...

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Consumer sentiment improved slightly in August in the United States

Overall, little has changed, but instead of the expected deterioration, consumer sentiment in the U.S. improved slightly in August, according to preliminary data from the monthly survey by the University...

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FAO leads the way to clearer peatland mapping and monitoring

Peatlands cover only 3 percent of the world’s surface yet contain as much carbon as all of its vegetation, dramatically underscoring their pivotal role in global climate regulation. Their degradation,...

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Analysts this year’s economic downturn next year bounce may follow

The performance of the Hungarian economy may jump next year after this year’s downturn – macroeconomic analysts told MTI, who estiimates the growth rate in 2021 at 3-5 percent. According...

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Garantiqa: Hungary is at the forefront of corporate loan guarantees in Europe

Hungary ranks second in Europe in the application of guarantee schemes for corporate loans – Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt. (Garantiqa), part of the MFB Group, told MTI based on the latest...

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Potatoes can be the big loser in the pandemic

Huge amount of potatoes (hundreds of thousands of tons) remained in the markets of large producing countries and in the warehouses of processing companies, with which they do not know...

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The wealth of Hungarian households increased significantly

By the end of the second quarter, the financial assets of households had increased to 63,191 billion HUF, which is an increase of 1,823 billion HUF, compared to the previous...

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Many businesses are unaware that they are innovating

A fraction of the innovations of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hungary are not utilized either, and many SMEs are not even aware that they have created a...

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Economic performance in the euro area declined sharply in the second quarter

Economic performance declined and employment fell sharply in the second quarter as a result of the global coronavirus pandemic in both the European Union and in the euro area. According...

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Retail sales in the United States grew less than expected in July

The increase in the number of coronavirus infections and the decline in unemployment benefits and thus disposable income led to a smaller-than-expected increase in retail sales in the United States...

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Credit rating agencies did not change their Hungarian debt rating

Two major credit rating agencies, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s, also announced the results of their last scheduled review of the Hungarian debt rating this year, in which the...

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The bread of the country is given

Hungary’s fate is determined not only by the amount of subsidies and the quality of the arable land, but also by the hard-working hands that cultivate the land every day,...

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Listen, you spent more in July again

Purchases in shops increased in July. At a slightly higher rate than in June, in July by 1-1.5 percent. In the larger grocery stores, we spent 10 percent more, but...

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KSH: economic performance decreased by 13.6 percent in the second quarter

According to raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 13.6 percent seasonally and calendar-adjusted, while according to the balanced data by 13.5 percent in the second quarter, compared...

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GKI: An attempt to rapidly measure the coronavirus crisis and economic performance

The application of big data analysis methods and machine learning has created new opportunities in the preparation of economic analyzes and forecasts. Based on the information available to it, the...

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World Overconsumption Day has shifted more than three weeks later this year, compared to last year

More than three weeks later than last year, August 22 is World Day of Overconsumption, the date by which the Earth’s population is depleting the planet’s one-year resources, according to...

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How the pandemic will develop in the coming years

We are in the eighth month of the coronavirus pandemic, and it is far from over. If he gets one. Yes, the scientists are testing vaccines, but they are practically...

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Subaru shows real wildfire footage in new ad

The brand makes a strong point about the urgency and concern around wildfires, and showing how it is taking real action by restoring the lost forests rather than just playing...

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FAO: world food prices rose for the first time this year

In June world food prices rose for the first time this year due to higher prices of vegetable oils, sugar and dairy products. The food price index calculated by the...

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Mabisz’s support for agricultural insurance premiums increased by 2 billion HUF

The amount of support for agricultural insurance premiums has increased from 5 billion HUF to 7 billion HUF, increasing the maximum amount of support from the previous 65 percent to...

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Unemployment figures are better than expected

Unemployment figures in Hungary are much better than expected – Szalai Piroska, labor market expert told M1 news channel on Thursday. She recalled that, according to a report by the...

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The idea to support cattle breeding won the NAK TechLab competition

An idea supporting cattle breeding was the winner of the final of the NAK TechLab University Idea Competition in Budapest, organized by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) with the...

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Consumer prices in Germany fell in July

Consumer prices in Germany fell 0.1 percent on an annual basis in July. The annual consumer price index fell for the first time since April 2016, according to a Thursday...

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Renewable energy from unsold, expired beer in Australia

Biogas was produced from unsold, expired beer stocks at the time of the coronavirus epidemic to power one of Australia’s wastewater treatment plants. At the Glenelg wastewater treatment plant west...

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Optimistic Americans

While uncertainty remains high among U.S. consumers, their outlook is generally more favorable than their European counterparts. So finds a recent study by marketing consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partners. The COVID-19 Consumer...

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In August and September, the Tokaj Festival Club awaits the audience with several programs

In August and September, the Tokaj Festival Festival awaits the audience with a number of programs, concerts, theater productions, humor evening and performances by renowned experts, the organizers told MTI....

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Hungarian sweet corn is popular on the world market

The harvest of sweet corn in Hungary started with the early varieties. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, experts expect slightly less than last year’s 500 thousand tons of crop area...

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Who emerged victoriously from the pandemic

Year 2020 has brought new kinds of challenges worldwide, previously seen only in sci-fi movies. Many companies were put at risk, millions of workers were unable to get to work,...

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Opten: 2942 new businesses were registered in July

In July 2020, 2,942 new companies were registered in Hungary, the last time the number of company foundations was so high was in 2014 – the company information service provider...

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EY: Acquisitions can bring significant profits

The corporate acquisition market has also been pushed back by the coronavirus, but the transactions could bring significant gains in the long run, EY told MTI on Wednesday. The international...

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