
(HU) Megjöttek a keddtől élő belépési szabályok Magyarországra, magyaroknak

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Only half of the expected quantity of melon was produced

Melon growers will not close a successful year this year: the cool, rainy weather at the time of the harvest has left its mark on the entire season, so half...

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The Budapest Wine Festival is preparing a special edition this year

This year, the Budapest Wine Festival welcomes its dedicated fans to a limited but high quality event on September 10-13. to the Hunyadi courtyards of the Buda Palace. September 10-13,...

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GKI: employment might increased by 1.5 percent in July compared to June

GKI Zrt. examined the situation of domestic employment in the framework of a representative population survey of 1,000 people after the official tightening due to the coronavirus pandemic. By early...

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How the quarantine period affected school children

The National Association of Hungarian Dietitians surveyed nearly four hundred families to assess the changes in the lives of primary school children caused by the restrictions caused by the coronavirus...

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Ten thousand HUF school packages are put together for children in need

The Ecumenical Relief Organization is putting together ten thousand forint school packages for children in need – Gáncs Kristóf, the organisation’s deputy chairman told M1 news channel on Thursday. According...

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Employment is expected to improve in Germany, according to ifo

German companies have already begun easing their redundancy plans, suggesting a trend-reversal approach, according to a survey submitted to the MTI by the ifo Institute for Economic Research at the...

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Growing segments – transforming leisure industry

2020 is an unprecedented year in terms of leisure time activities too. The pandemic has greatly affected the outdoor activities of American consumers. Typically, June is a critical selling month...

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International Green Week 2021 to take place as a B2B event

The International Green Week is to take place in January 2021 as an exclusive B2B event. The reason for this is the coronavirus pandemic. ”Due to the current situation we...

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Corporate lending to companies remained around an eleven-year high

The growth rate of euro area corporate lending slowed, but remained close to an eleven-year high in July. According to a monthly report published by the European Central Bank (ECB)...

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Transitional support for food processors can be re-applied from 31 August

Between 31 August and 14 September 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture will reopen the transitional support program for the food processing and ornamental plant sector announced in the first phase...

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Consumer protection can check everywhere

Consumer protection can check not only in stores, but everywhere from the warehouse to the manufacturer – origo quotes the statement from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM). The...

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Employment Service: The number of jobseekers fell 2.8 percent in July from the previous month

The number of jobseekers fell for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in July, by 2.8 percent, and the National Employment Service (NFSZ) had 365,800 jobseekers...

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Mask wearing is mandatory in the food markets of Debrecen

Mask wearing is mandatory in the food markets of Debrecen from Thursday or to cover the mouth and nose completely with a scarf. The provision, made in the name of...

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More than 80 percent of dogs suffer from dental problems

While four out of five dogs over the age of three have tooth problems, 90% of breederstill believe that their dog is completely healthy. More than 250 Hungarian veterinarians are...

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Outdoor parcel delivery is safer than anything

By the end of the year, more than 40 new outdoor parcel machines will be put into operation across the country, so the population of the entire country will be...

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AM: the breeder of Cserszegi spicy grape variety was commemorated in Keszthely

Bakonyi Károly, the breeder of the Cserszegi spicy grape variety, was commemorated at a memorial and photo exhibition organized in Keszthely on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his...

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Nébih does not recommend the use of a Chinese silicone baking tin

Too much volatile organic matter has been detected by the Slovenian authorities in a silicone baking tin made in China, so the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) does not...

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The circular economy is the central theme of the Budapest Design Week

The circular economy is the central theme of this year’s Budapest Design Week, which will be organized by the Hungarian Design Council and the National Office of Intellectual Property in...

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The economic performance of OECD member countries plummeted in the second quarter

Due to the measures against the new coronavirus pandemic an unprecedented decline occured in the economic performance of the 37 member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development...

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Japan is slowly running out of credit card combinations

In Japan, since the start of the new type of coronavirus pandemic, credit card use has started to grow to such an extent that newly issued cards are slowly running...

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A pleasant scent instead of an embarrassing odour

Szandra Csendes, brand manager of Unilever Magyarország Kft. said: the deodorant market – in both the women’s and the men’s segment – is characterised by a slower sales growth than...

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High-quality dietary supplements for a healthy life

Since March vitamins, immune boosters and sleep aids have been the top dietary supplements. Quality is now more important for consumers than quantity. Assortment manager Ferenc Zabán told our magazine...

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Magazine: MagyarBrands is 10 years old: The programme that honours excellent Hungarian brands

Ten years ago the MagyarBrands programme set a noble goal: finding Hungarian brands that are worthy of rewarding; up until the present day 750 brands were honoured with the prize....

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We need to be prepared for persistently higher food prices

Hungary is a world champion with a VAT rate of 27%, and inflation is also the highest in the European Union. Some experts are calling for a reduction in VAT,...

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A large-scale campaign is launched for Hungarian bees and beekeepers

A strategic agreement has been signed by the Agricultural Marketing Center, the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association and Takarékbank. The aim of the comprehensive professional collaboration and social campaign is to...

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Online shopping is the new hobby of Hungarians, the customer experience and stable operation are the key to success in e-commerce

Experts have long been guessing what the new decade will bring in the area of dynamically evolving e-commerce, but this year’s events have surpassed all preconceived notions. While the pandemic...

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The typical blue grape varieties of the Villány wine region will soon be harvested

In the last days of August, some farmers can start harvesting the typical blue grape varieties of the area in the Villány wine region – the secretary of the mountain...

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Employment Service: The number of jobseekers fell 2.8 percent in July from the previous month

The number of jobseekers fell by 2.8 percent month-on-month for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. In July, 365,800 jobseekers was registered at the National Employment...

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Three hundred students in need will receive a school package in Debrecen

Three hundred needy Debrecen students will receive a personalized school package from the local charity these days – the city’s deputy mayor said. Széles Diána (Fidesz-KDNP) reminded at the press...

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