
AM the food industry plays a strategic role

In the spring, Hungarian agriculture proved that it can withstand even the most difficult conditions, the efforts of farmers have raised agriculture and the food industry to a strategic sector...

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Safe food production is aided by NAK’s new publication

A new, free-to-download publication of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) will help you meet food hygiene requirements, knowledge and follow the rules. The three-volume publication, “Safe Food Production,” is...

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A self-disinfecting face mask was developed by American researchers in sunlight

Researchers at the University of California have developed a special cotton face mask that can kill 99.999 percent of the bacteria and viruses on it in one hour when exposed...

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Magazine: Digitalization in banking: fast, safe, convenient

Budapest Bank, MKB, K&H Bank and OTP shared their experiences in the Instant Payment System with Trade magazin. All four banks agreed that the operation of the instant payment system...

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Business expectations improved, consumer ones worsened in October

After a two-month decline within the statistical margin of error, GKI’s economic senti-ment index rose slightly in October; however, it still did not reach its July level. According to a...

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PLMA’s “World of Private Label” goes Online

PLMA’s Online “World of Private Label” will be held in place of the event originally planned to take place last May in Amsterdam. The theme of the event, “Life is...

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The VAT rate discount for restaurants brings over 10 billion

Locally prepared food and non-alcoholic beverages are subject to 5% VAT when taken away or shipped. VAT on freight has not decreased, nor has the 27% key for workplace hospitality....

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Restrictions on markets, measures to help businesses in rural areas

Due to the risk of coronavirus infection, the number of people who could stay in the markets at one time was restricted in several rural cities. There are places where...

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Economic performance declined by 4.7 percent year-over-year in the third quarter

According to raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 4.6 percent and seasonally and calendar-adjusted and balanced by 4.7 percent in the third quarter compared to the same...

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New signatories joined for versatile portrayal of human in advertisements

Twenty-two member companies have joined the commitment to promote human dignity in advertising since its launch in March. Signatories are committed to contributing to positive cultural change through responsible and...

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The 7 pm shop closure will also curb Black Friday

The 7 pm shop closure also curbed the pick-up points. Due to the pandemic, parrots envied Black Friday, a Christmas present would pull the web better, but couriers can’t stand...

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What a good loyalty program like?

A well-run business can be built on loyal, returning customers. While acquiring a new customer costs 6-7 times more than retaining an old one, existing customers spend even 67 percent...

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The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry: crisis management in the capital should be started immediately

They say no to the idea of an IPA + capital crisis tax, and call for the immediate launch of the Budapest Crisis Management Fund, previously proposed by the Budapest...

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TM: telecommuting rules will be more flexible in times of emergency

Telework rules will become more flexible during emergencies, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) told MTI on Thursday, following the publication of a government decree on telework in the...

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The customer reception order at the Chamber of Agriculture is changing

Following the government’s measures to protect its members and employees in response to the government’s action on the coronavirus pandemic, the leadership of the National Chamber of Agriculture reviewed the...

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Economic performance in the euro area rose sharply in the third quarter

Economic performance rose sharply and employment increased significantly in the European Union and in the euro area in the third quarter, as the first wave of the global coronavirus pandemic...

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Shopping malls and schools are also closing in Austria

In Austria, schools will close, smaller shops may remain open, but shopping malls where many people can congregate will have to pull down the blinds to curb the spread of...

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(HU) A fogyasztóinak közel 58%-a biztosan vásárol a Black Friday időszak alatt

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The transition to closing the stores at 7pm was smooth

According to a survey by the National Trade Association, on Wednesday, November 11, the stores transitioned smoothly to the 7 pm closing. Customers accepted the new opening hours and adapted...

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The pandemic transformed customer service

It has already been read many times about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, which has significantly affected the life of Hungary since March. Marton László, Deputy Chief Sales Officer...

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Coca-Cola won the “Display of the Year” again

The topic at the last Trade Marketing Club meeting this year was the role of the design. After three professional presentations the award ceremony of the POPAI Awards POP competition...

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Christmas fairs to be cancelled

As one browses the government decrees on the partial closure of the country, published an hour and a half before the entry into force, the details that have not been...

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The Hungarian ice mitigation system is also unique in Europe

The national ice mitigation system operated by the National Chamber of Agriculture for three years protects not only agriculture but also residential, industrial, state facilities, real estate and movables. This...

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Brexit could bring chaos in the dairy sector

The English dairy market has so far survived the coronavirus without any particular problems. There are signs that a pandemic will not change much there in the future either. Ian...

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Real autumn vitamin bombs with pumpkins and mushrooms

In the autumn-winter period, we need to pay more attention to our health, to prevent diseases. This is especially true now, at the time of the coronavirus pandemic, when an...

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Five hot trends in data science that are turning our lives upside down

It is estimated that the amount of digital data available to humanity will double every three years. Data is the new oil, but much more, as data science is also...

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FAO’s Food Outlook: Developing countries buoy global food trade

Global trade in food products has proven remarkably resilient during the pandemic, with developing countries even managing to increase export revenues, according to a new report published today by the...

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Magazine: The call of the wild

Annual game meat sales in the Hungarian market represent a volume of 600-800 tons and the majority of sales is realised in the last few months of the year. Per...

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Toilet paper is the category’s flagship product

Essity Hungary Kft.’s brand manager Réka Forgách told our magazine that household paper product value and volume sales both grew in the first half of 2020 if compared with the...

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According to a survey, active internet users will spend more than 50,000 forints on Christmas presents this year

This year, active Internet adults spend an average of 52,300 HUF on Christmas presents, 8 percent more than last year, but the number of recipients is narrowing due to the...

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