
Cereal prices keep increasing

The increase in cereal prices in the world has still not stopped, and it seems that further increases are to be made in Hungary, said Tamás Petőházi, President of the...

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Our face is our business card, so let’s take good care of it!

Market players in the face care category also had to face unexpected conditions in 2020. Richard Dani, the head of Alveola Kft.’s trade division explained that the measures imposed to...

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Retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by five percent in March

Excluding calendar effects, retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by five percent on an annual basis in March, while they decreased by 1.6 percent month-on-month, the Czech Statistical Office...

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(HU) Magyar Termék AGÓRA online konferencia: “Lépj ki a dobozból!”

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Product innovations: At the gates of a new world

Healthy, natural and immune system strengthening food products are very popular and numerous companies are building portfolios with products like this. Chobai has recently announced launching a new probiotic yogurt...

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Fragrances tuned to moods

The breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives, many people started working from home, people meet others much less often and they don’t frequent gyms. Consequently, deodorant sales reduced...

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Magazine: A popular guide to funding programmes for the food industry

Hungary will soon start the fourth budgetary cycle in the European Union and the national administration is busy planning agricultural funding programmes. In the meantime we shouldn’t forget about the...

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The amount of tenders for the development of livestock farms has more than quintupled

The government has increased the budget for tenders for the modernization of livestock farms fivefold, so those concerned can receive 260 billion HUF instead of 50 billion HUF, Minister of...

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Retail sales grew by 4.1 percent in the first quarter of the year in Romania

In Romania, according to raw data, the volume of retail sales increased by 4.1 percent in the first quarter compared to the same period last year, the Romanian National Statistics...

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Growth, speed, expansion

Focus topic of the newsletter E-Scanner  of the Private Label Manufacturers Association is the expansion of retail players and the monitoring of changes. Growth is generated by acquisitions, online expansion...

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Besides keeping you awake, energy drinks ought to be healthy too!

András Palkó, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország’s marketing operations manager reported to our magazine that the retail market of energy drinks grew by 2.9 percent in value and increased by 3.3 percent...

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Trade magazin launches Business Podcast: Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó – ‘Those who step on the gas too hard will come out of this badly’

…said György Jaksity, chairman of the board of directors at Concorde, the first guest in Trade magazine’s new podcast series, Future Talks. In the following you can read parts of...

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KSH: retail sales fell by two percent in March

In March, according to raw data, retail sales decreased by 1.5 percent and calendar effects by 2.0 percent compared to the same period last year. Compared to the previous month,...

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World Poultry Day is May 10, a celebration of the poultry profession

On the initiative of Hungary, the poultry profession celebrates World Poultry Day on 10 May. The event aims to draw attention to the players in the poultry sector, who are...

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Premium income from agricultural insurance increased last year

In Hungary, farmers paid 16 billion HUF in plant insurance premiums to insurers in 2020, 16.7 percent more than in the previous year, the premium income of the animal insurance...

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ITM: online retail broke another record in March

Internet and parcel sales in Hungary surpassed all previous performance for the third time in one year. The peak of 114 billion in April last year was passed on by...

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Planet Budapest 2021: Sustainability also brings a turning point in business

The performance of the economic sectors dealing with the development of sustainable innovations may increase by 25 percent per year in the next period. oOne of the thematic focus points...

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Retail sales in the euro area and the EU increased in March

Retail sales in the euro area grew more than expected in March, according to a quarterly report from Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. Turnover from mail order and internet...

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Disposable can be sustainable

Essity the Swedish-German company strives for responsible and sustainable operations, taking into account the expectations of consumers and retail partners as well. Social responsibility is achieved by improving family wellbeing,...

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We are not prepared for long-term illnesses and deaths – we would live up to our savings in a short 3 months!

The health status of the population has already been alarming, regardless of the coronavirus epidemic, which has caused many deaths: half of Hungarians are struggling with various chronic diseases, and...

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SAP’s new SME-specialized software package is also available in Hungarian

Thousands of businesses in 90 countries now use SAP Business ByDesign, which will be available in Full Hungarian by 2021. This may be the best solution for businesses that are...

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KSH: changes in the calculation of core inflation

Taking into account European best practices, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) will change the range of products and services used to calculate core inflation from April: in the future, changes...

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A conference on the possibilities of kosher food production was organized by the Hungarian Embassy in Israel

An online conference on the kosher food market, production rules, methods, benefits, and market growth opportunities was held at the Hungarian Embassy in Tel Aviv on Tuesday. During the lecture...

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According to a study, perceptions of parcel carriers and online stores have improved

Perceptions of courier companies and online stores have improved significantly over the past two years. In Comnica’s nationwide, representative survey these companies and food suppliers achieving the largest increase in...

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Takarékbank: personal loan lending may increase to fivefold by the end of the year

After the pandemic subsides, the demand for personal loans may increase, the volume of 5 billion HUF placed with Takarékbank by the middle of April may jump fivefold by the...

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AM: successful small business tender

More than 1,000 farmers have already won support in the small-scale tender, said Minister of Agriculture Nagy István, according to the ministry’s statement on Wednesday. The Minister drew attention to...

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Logistics companies are pushing for more effective control of transport

Licensed non-EU carriers cause hundreds of billions of forints in revenue loss in the domestic carrier market and ten billion forints revenue loss to the budget due to non-payment of...

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The hourly rate for blue collar workers has not yet reached the level of HUF 1400

In the first quarter of this year, the average gross hourly wage of skilled and trained manual workers was HUF 1,388, according to Trenkwalder’s analysis of wage data for nearly...

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Customers return with new strategy after forced closure

The attendance of the technical stores is approaching its pre-closure period. The company was waiting for visitors with stockpiles. Since the stores reopened, shoppers have been buying technical items like...

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