
The Hungarian company car market is holding up: company leaders are thinking almost exclusively about buying new cars

As a result of the coronavirus outbreak, a third of Hungarian ceos took a waiting position on the expansion of the company fleet and postponed the purchase of cars, while...

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Your wallet will be thicker in 2022

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China’s investment mood slows in Europe

The buying mood of Chinese companies is at a multi-year low not only globally, but also in Europe. At the same time, investment incentives remain strong, which could help Chinese...

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Walgreens rolls out 2-hour delivery nationwide

Walgreens announced on 4. May that it has launched contactless delivery in under two hours nationwide. Customers nationwide are now able to order more than 24,000 items directly from Walgreens for Same...

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Hungarian manufacturing companies can apply for €5 million

EIT Manufacturing, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s organisation supporting manufacturing technology innovations, is launching its regional innovation programme RIS (RIS) again this year. The aim is to increase...

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(HU) Munkaviszony és a covid: mire jó a védettségi igazolvány?

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ITM: everything seems to be fine in the vast majority of stores

Slowly, it’s been a month since stores that sell non-daily consumer goods could reopen. Compliance with the related emergency rules are monitored by the consumer protection authority for three weeks....

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Ministry of Agriculture was successful in the professional consultation on the green standards of agricultural subsidies

The professional consultation on the environmental and climate protection regulations of the area-based agricultural support system planned to operate in the period after 2023, involving thirty agricultural professional organizations, environmental...

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CBRE: the value of real estate investments increased in the first quarter

Hungarian real estate investments were worth 179 million euros in the first quarter, up 27 percent from a year before, CBRE, the world’s largest commercial real estate and investment company,...

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Consumer sentiment has continued to improve in the United States

With higher-than-expected monthly growth, the University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index peaked in April. According to a report published on the institution’s website, the final value of the mood index...

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Harrods open second H beauty emporium

Following the launch of its inaugural store in Lakeside, Essex in September 2020, Harrods has announced the opening of its next stand-alone H beauty destination in centre:mk, Milton Keynes. The 29,000 sq.ft....

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Sustainability tender helps the SME sector to recover economically

Generali Insurance is launching a tender for small and medium-sized enterprises in the areas of employee welfare, environmental protection and responsibility for micro-communities. SMEs can apply for projects that have...

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Varga Mihály: the Weekly Economic Index indicates the resumption of the Hungarian economy

The resumption of the Hungarian economy is indicated by the Weekly Economic Index developed in the Ministry of Finance, wrote Minister of Finance Varga Mihály on his community page. He...

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Plum pálinka in Nagykunság has received EU protection

With the decision of the European Commission on Monday, ” Nagykunsági Plum pálinka” became a protected name in the European Union, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI. “Nagykunsági Plum...

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London investor survey: the sentiment of the global business sector further improved

The sentiment in the global corporate sector has continued to improve over the past month, but business concerns about the coronavirus pandemic remain significant and many market participants say the...

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BMI: A slight expansion in April

The Purchasing Managers’ Index (BMI) seasonally adjusted April value is 50.8. • Compared to previous Aprils, this year’s figure is below the long-term April average (51.8) but above the average...

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There was a significant increase in retail sales in Germany in March

In March, retail sales in Germany were much better than expected, both in monthly and in annual terms. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Monday that, on a...

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Winners’ Games 2021

The winners of the Shop! Gllobal Awards were announced. Only national and regional gold medalists can enter this competition, so it is considered the „Oscar” for the POP industry. The...

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Prices are skyrocketing – but how long should this last?

Analysts and experts have been speculating for several months about whether a new commodity supercycle could be launched, which could lead to persistently higher commodity prices or only a temporary...

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The picture of how the Hungarian economy has been through the third wave of the epidemic is slowly coming together

Although the first quarter GDP figures will have to wait a few more weeks, in addition to investments, all relevant parts will be released in the next few days, giving...

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Another price increase is expected in the vegetable market

The inclement weather in early spring means fewer vegetables will be in stores this year, which also means a price increase. This fund does not avoid more expensive organic or...

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AM: Food companies can apply in several stages

A 50 billion HUF tender will be launched in June for micro and small enterprises in the food industry, which can be used primarily for the acquisition of assets, after...

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The Hungarian Dairy Experimental Institute is building a research and development and innovation center

The Hungarian Dairy Experimental Institute Ltd. is building a research and development and innovation center, experimental plant and laboratory in Mosonmagyaróvár from more than three billion forints. Minister of Agriculture...

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AM: joint action is needed in the fight against frost

Joint action is needed to combat frost, to increase production safety by breeding Hungarian fruit varieties, choosing the right place of production and using state-of-the-art technological solutions, the Minister of...

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The Hungarian cuisine week will be held in Transcarpathia for the ninth time

For the ninth time, the Hungarian Cuisine Week will be held in Transcarpathia from May 14 to May 16, with 20 restaurants and restaurants in the districts of Ungvár, Beregszász...

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Bee Day – the future of our food supply depends on them

Without bees, there is no life, 76% of global food production depends on pollination of domestic and wild bee species, one in three bites of food is due to them....

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Tesco is supporting local hospitals

It is often said that helpers also need help, which applies to health workers who save lives during the epidemic. Hospital, clinic or even paramedics who work in dense shifts...

Read more that’s the way online tills work

There is not much data on forints going through online tills. However, the MNB’s data can be defraied. This, of course, is money spent not only on the shopkeeper, but...

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Corporate digitalisation: an addiction that strengthens the organisation

Oxford Economics and SAP surveyed 2,000 executives from small and midsize organisations about their priorities, challenges, and digital maturity. Small and midsize organisations have certain advantages over their larger rivals....

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This year Trade magazin organised the ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ competition’s award ceremony and conference day for the 13th time. Entries arrived in 6 categories from FMCG companies...

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