
Repair of electric cars is more expensive than internal combustion cars

The number of electric cars on the road is growing rapidly. In July 2021, 40% fewer new petrol cars were placed on the market in Germany than in July 2020,...

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ITM also counts on companies to achieve carbon neutrality

Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent...

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We are rooting together

After a year and a half members of the POPAI Hungary Association could finally meet again in person on 9 September. The host was PICK Szeged Zrt. and the meeting...

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These are the personality traits to help managers in a crisis

Experts have put together a new simulation of how we behave when the world is turned upside down, in connection with the Lounge Group’s work dynamics research....

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Magazine: Private label excellencetra

The September issue of PLMA’s newsletter E-scanner and video news programme focused on the 2021 Salute to Excellence Award. Nearly 600 products introduced in the past year were submitted...

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The GKI business cycle index rose to a two-year high in October

In October, after a period of four months of near stagnation, the rise in the GKI business cycle index gained new momentum and reached a two-year high. Last time, business...

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Young people feel less comfortable in their workplace

At least in the second quarter of this year, the proportion of those who feel valued fell to 39 percent, wrote. The result of the K&H youth index is...

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Young people can learn organic gardening in school eco-gardens

Already in Hungary, more and more people want healthy lifestyle and healthy eating. Some people are driven by their sensitivities and allergies in the direction of paying more attention to...

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St. Dömötör Day sheep collection festival in the Hortobágy

The racka sheep were driven over the Nine-Hole Bridge on Sunday afternoon in Hortobágy, thus starting the St. Dömötör Day cattle collection festival. Torbik Ákos, the representative of Hortobágyi Nonprofit...

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The ifo German business sentiment index deteriorated further in October

Mainly due to problems in the supply chain of German manufacturing companies, the business sentiment index of the Munich-based ifo economic research institute decreased more than expected in October. The...

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SmEs have never been so optimistic

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises remain optimistic after a historic peak set up in the previous quarter, according to the latest third-quarter data from the K&H SME Confidence Index survey....

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Employee engagement has plummeted and a significant exodus has been launched as a result of the epidemic

Kincentric’s measurements show that the overall level of employee engagement fell globally in the second quarter of 2021, after the first wave of the pandemic was still in the opposite...

Read more 32,000 happy shoppers: get a shop in your village

The key will be the opening hours and the pub. There’s an image manual here, just like in the trafik. There are 31,624 residents of the villages that get the...

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Egg prices increased

Although not outstandingly, but the price of eggs has risen in Hungary, and there has been an increase in the price of packaging as well, wrote. However, in the...

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ITM checks the green rating of hair care products after face creams

On behalf of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), the packaging of shampoos, conditioners, hair regenerations and hair dyes are chacked – ITM announced on Friday. There are more...

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IHS Markit’s eurozone economic growth slowed to a six-month low in October

Growth in the euro area private sector slowed sharply to a six-month low in October as a result of worsening supply bottlenecks and a further outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic,...

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Several companies are pushing for an agreement on fish farming in Britain

The UK’s largest seafood processor is threatening to stop sourcing fish from the north-east Atlantic if coastal states, including the UK and EU countries, fail to reach a proper agreement...

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Private labels: On a growth path during the pandemic too

Demand for private label (PL) products didn’t decrease during the pandemic: NielsenIQ reported that more than a quarter of shoppers had said they purchase more PL products than before (and...

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Magazine: Are hypermarkets only popular in the USA or we Europeans like them, too?

In Hungary the last few years were about discounters – Hungarian shoppers like it very much that they are smaller than hypermarkets, offer a growing selection of products and good...

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MA-HAL: there will be enough Hungarian fish at Christmas

Despite the difficulties of the sector, there will be enough Hungarian fish at Christmas, and in the autumn the carp orders of all fishing associations will be fulfilled, the president...

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AM: pálinka represents world-class quality

Pálinka represents world-class quality in both its appearance and internal values, making it a worthy competitor to the noblest spirits over the decades, said the Secretary of State for Food...

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The 9th Wine Conference was opened

Half of the vineyards have been renewed in Hungary in the last 10-12 years, so there is a possibility to produce quality raw materials – Feldman Zsolt, State Secretary for...

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Maize yields are significantly lower than the long-term average in Tolna

Maize yields are significantly below the long-term average in Tolna County due to the droughty weather, the county president of the National Chamber of Agriculture told MTI. Vendégh Edit said...

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A method based on biological control of mushroom cultivation was developed with the participation of SZTE

The method of mushroom cultivation based on biological control was developed by the experts of the University of Szeged (SZTE) and Új Champignons Kft. within the framework of a research...

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Most Hungarians prefer to buy fashion items online

The growing popularity of online shopping is shown by the fact that 69 percent of consumers already choose to shop online if the product they are looking for is available...

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The IMF continues to expect euro area GDP growth to accelerate

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has confirmed its October 12 forecast that economic growth in the eurozone will be higher than estimated on 6 April. According to the IMF’s European...

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SPAR comprehensively supports Hungarian products

At a press conference organised for promoting SPAR Magyarország’s Hungarian Product Month, managing director Gabriella Heiszler told: they don’t just popularise buying Hungarian on a campaign basis, as SPAR has...

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(HU) A Hybreeting új korszakot teremt a digitális konferenciák világában

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: The challenges of an omnichannel sales strategy in 2021

In the last year and a half the COVID-19 pandemic speeded up processes in retail trade that had already started earlier. The new shopping habits that formed during this process...

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The IMF has confirmed Hungary’s GDP growth and inflation forecast

Hungary could achieve the third highest economic growth in the European Union this year, according to the October revised report of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented on Wednesday. In...

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