
Co-op wins ‘free-from’ convenience retailer of year

The Co-op has been named the Free From Food Awards’ first-ever ‘Convenience Retailer of the Year’ winner. The symbol group retailer picked up the new award for its continued efforts...

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93% of people in UK impacted by rising prices

Around 93% of people in the UK are impacted by higher prices when it comes to buying groceries, the latest research survey from Toluna has revealed. As the cost of...

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Lidl Portugal Brings Back Algae-Based Lingerie

Lidl Portugal has re-stocked its shelves with seaweed-fibre lingerie range, sold under the Esmara private-label brand. The Seacell range uses fibre produced from seaweed, which is carbon neutral and completely...

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Morrisons Launches ‘Price Cut’ Campaign

UK retailer Morrisons is launching one of its biggest price cuts in recent years by reducing prices on over 500 products and introducing new multi save offers. Items like coffee...

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Another record is euro area inflation

Inflation in the eurozone has accelerated to a new record, with the annual inflation rate rising to 7.5 per cent in April from 7.4 per cent in March, according to...

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Changing promotional expectations

This year, for the 14thtime, Trade magazin organised the ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ competition’s award ceremony and conference day. FMCG companies sent in their competition entries in 6...

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(HU) Világverseny a Villányi borvidék szervezésében – Közeleg a Franc Du Monde!

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The Vegetarian Butcher has arrived in domestic stores

The retail distribution of The Vegetarian Butcher plant-based, quick-frozen meat substitute products in Hungary has started. The four-product portfolio of the Unilever brand has debuted in the Spar 140 store,...

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Pisa survey shows paper is still more efficient than digital

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Eurostat: life expectancy has slightly reduced in the EU

Compared to the previous year, it decreased slightly by 0.9 years, falling from 81.3 to 80.4 years of life expectancy at birth in the European Union in 2020, the decline...

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Research: Hungarians love coupons, a third of shoppers wait for a good offer

More than a third of Hungarians have already postponed their purchases so that they can later purchase a product cheaper with a coupon, and 40% of them have bought something...

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The 15th Star Profession Festival has opened its gates

The 15th Star Profession Festival, where more than 200 students compete in 86 professions, and professional and entertainment programs await those interested in the field of Hungexpo will be held...

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(HU) Nagy István: az agrárium stabilitási kérdés

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The caravan of the Food Truck Show sets off again to tour the country

On April 29, the wheels will spin again – with the usual total number of people – so that Hungary’s only rolling street food festival will provide an unforgettable culinary...

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(HU) A digitális átállás ma már kötelező mindenki számára

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Nearly 90 professions will be unveiled at this year’s Profession Star Festival

Almost 90 professions, including 22 agricultural professions, will be presented at this year’s Professional Star Festival, which will be held at Hungexpo in Budapest next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the...

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Earth Day – Google warns of climate crisis on Earth Day

Satellite imagery on Google’s homepage draws attention to the climate crisis to remind users of the impact of human activity on the climate and the environment on Earth Day. Satellite...

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(HU) Díjátadó és konferencia: Az év legsikeresebb promóciója 2022

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More and more people around the world are saving and switching to cheaper products

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This year’s Debrecen wines were presented

Debrecen is doing a lot for Hungarian wine culture. One of the most significant events of which has been the selection of the city’s wines since 2015, the organizers said...

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(HU) Húsvéti jégkrémek zombik és más mesehősök formájában – A nap képe

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NAK Field Days and Agricultural Machinery Show in Mezőfalva again

There will be another NAK Field Days and Agricultural Machinery Show in Mezőfalva. Hungary’s largest field exhibition will be held in Mezőfalva, Fejér County, on June 1 and 2, the...

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(HU) Meghökkentő kampány hívja fel a figyelmet az ittas vezetés veszélyeire

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The KávéBár Bazár will be held again

In addition to the coffee and other products of thirty exhibitors, barista tournaments, master classes, demonstrations and tastings await the audience at the 12th KávéBár Bazár (Coffee Bar Bazaar) on...

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Gallicoop is expanding its premium turkey product line

Already at Easter, many family table turkeys are put on the table instead of traditional ham products. Low-fat, nutrient-rich turkey meat is also increasingly being used to make salami, sausages...

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FAO Food Price Index posts significant leap in March

World food commodity prices made a significant leap in March to reach their highest levels ever, as war in the Black Sea region spread shocks through markets for staple grains...

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Meat Association: Rough food prices are coming in Hungarian stores

Local supply chains have become more valuable all over the world, first due to the coronavirus and now due to the war in the neighborhood, said Dr. Gyula Kasza, head...

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Market Researchers about the last 15 months

As in previous years, this year’s leading market researchers analyzed the past 15 months at the Trade Marketing Club’s April 7 online event. Nearly 100 people have registered for the...

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As a cafeteria, health is more expensive but attractive

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Feldman Zsolt: Óriási a nyomás a mezőgazdaságon, de szép és izgalmas év vár ránk Zsolt Feldman: The pressure on agriculture is huge, but a beautiful and exciting year awaits us

This is the second year that is a transitional period for EU agricultural regulation. Although the really big changes will take effect from 2023, it is vital that this year...

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