
Companies can receive life-saving digital developments up to 20 times faster

The rampant labor shortage in the IT sector is not a new problem: while there are currently nearly 1 million unfilled positions in the field in the USA, the digital...

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The 15-year-old Business Days Playground closed this year with a record number of guests

The Playground of this year’s 15th annual Business Days has been closed. We dealt with very serious topics while sitting in the sandbox, yet it was one of the meetings...

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One of the most basic foods will cost a lot for a long time

Eggs are expensive and will remain so for a long time – production costs have tripled or quadrupled. Today, shops can charge up to HUF 1,000 for a box of...

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Pilota keksz is missing from the shops, there will still be a shortage of stock for quite some time

There have been no Pilóta keksz in Hungarian stores for about a month. Mondelez Hungária Kft., the manufacturer of the popular product, refers to the difficulties affecting their production capacity,...

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UN forum: instead of the green transition, survival has become the primary consideration

If we don’t make the green turn, humanity has no future – pointed out the President of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday at the Hungarian-organized round table forum on...

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This is what Hungarians give up during the crisis

Restaurants, holidays, culture – these are the things that Hungarians are ready to give up in times of crisis. 80 percent of people are in a worse financial situation than...

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New marketing director at the head of Zwack

From September 2022, Gábor Dávid Kovács is the marketing director of Zwack Unicum Nyrt. The economist comes to the position with four years of experience in an international advertising agency...

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Payment discipline in Hungary fell to the level of 2015

After an improving trend until 2019, the proportion of late payments and bad debts increased significantly as a result of the pandemic and the energy crisis. Exactly 76% of bills...

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Apple, the protection of nature

The average annual consumption of apples per person in our country is 16-19 kg. In order to increase this amount, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agrarian Marketing Center and FruitVeB...

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Aunt Bessie’s support visually impaired shoppers with on pack technology

In a first within the frozen category, Aunt Bessie’s has introduced NaviLens technology to the packaging of two of its biggest selling SKUs, as it partners with the Royal National...

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Tereos To Close Romanian Sugar Factory After Takeover Talks Fail

French sugar and ethanol group Tereos has decided to close and dismantle its factory in Romania after talks with a local company interested in taking over the plant failed to...

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Co-op looking to triple number of franchise stores as part of new food strategy

The Co-op is to triple the number of its franchise stores over the next three years as part of a new food strategy outlined by new Group CEO Shirine Khoury-Haq....

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KSH: this year, the yield of the five main ear crops did not reach 6 million tons in Hungary

Due to the lack of rainfall and heat waves, the yield of the five main grain crops – wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale – fell significantly: the harvested amount...

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A significant part of electronic waste ends up in unknown places

Electronic waste is becoming a growing problem worldwide: in 2019, for example, 53.6 million tons were generated, more than 80% of which ended up in unknown locations – unofficial landfills,...

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Nestlé launched a program for the introduction of soil regeneration agriculture in Western Transdanubia

Nestlé Hungária would encourage the transition to soil-regenerating agricultural practices with the program it initiated in the Western Transdanubia region. In addition to protecting the region’s natural values, the initiative...

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The value of rail transport has increased for the domestic grain market

In order to reach the markets of Ukrainian grain in Africa and the Middle East, in addition to securing the reopened sea corridor for export, the maintenance and expansion of...

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Deliveroo Opens Brick-and-Mortar Grocery Shop in Central London

Deliveroo Plc is opening its first physical grocery outlet in the UK on central London’s New Oxford Street in an expansion of its rapid delivery service. Customers will be able...

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(HU) Megnyerte a csokinyuszi-pert a Lindt&Sprüngli

Lindt & Sprüngli’s foil-wrapped chocolate bunnies deserve protection from copycat products, Switzerland’s highest court ruled on Thursday, and ordered German discounter Lidl to stop selling a similar product in Switzerland...

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Maersk CEO Expects ‘Modest’ Pick-Up In Trade For Holiday Season

.P. Moller-Maersk’s chief executive said he expects a “modest” pick-up in trade for the upcoming holidays this year amid concerns about the slowing global economy and consumer demand. “Volumes headed into...

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The foreign trade of the food industry closed with a surplus of almost HUF 900 billion in the first half of the year

The value of exports of the agriculture and food industry exceeded the amount of imports by almost 900 billion forints (2,136 million euros) in the first half of the year...

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Green financing: supported environmental protection

BDO Hungary became a member of the “club” of green financing consultants accredited by the Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT). The European Union reimburses half of the consulting fees of the...

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BMI: Contraction in September after a long expansion

The seasonally adjusted September value of the Purchasing Manager Index (BMI): 49.6. Compared with the previous September values, this year’s value is lower than the long-term average for this month...

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It is now so important for customers to use energy-saving devices

Customers consider it important that their devices are energy efficient, however, most of them are not aware of the meaning of energy labels, and not everyone is willing to pay...

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Nébih’s new cooperation agreement can speed up the licensing of plant protection products

The fact that the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has concluded a cooperation agreement with NEVEX Institute Kft. can speed up the licensing of plant protection products, Nébih told...

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The Budapest Wine Festival and the Charity Wine Auction of the Hungarian Maltese Charity ended with record revenue

The Budapest Wine Festival and the Charity Wine Auction of the Hungarian Charity Service of Malta ended with revenue beyond imagination. Eight years ago, the participants of the wine auction...

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Generation Z and X employees are the most dissatisfied

Managers are too optimistic about the happiness of their employees, according to the latest research by the Capgemini Research Institute. Based on a survey involving 750 managers and 1,500 employees,...

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Mastercard Economics Institute: this is what consumers spend the most on during the crisis

In the midst of an ever-changing and unprecedented global economic climate, consumer decisions about purchases and spending can help show what tomorrow holds. The Mastercard Economics Institute’s “Shifting Wallets” research...

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Many people take their dogs with them to work

More and more owners think so: they want to spend as little time as possible without their favorite four-legged friend, and if they get the chance, they take it with...

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Hungarian-Uzbek agricultural relations are getting a new boost

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy signed three agreements on the development of horticulture and greenhouses, viticulture and winemaking, and the work plan for the period 2023-2024 with Aziz Voitov, head...

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Europe’s biggest future festival, Brain Bar, closed with a full house

For the eighth time this year, Brain Bar brought to Budapest the current and burning questions of “tomorrow”. For two days, the largest future festival in Europe deployed the biggest...

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